Chapter 165 - New Tool

Lingaa's apartment

Taking the bowl of noodles and some side dishes, Cynthia walked and set them on the dinning table. She made sure not to make it spicy as she didn't knew if he preferred eating it.

Lingaa got fresh and walked out from is room when he smell mouth watering aroma coming from the dinning area. His stomach growl smelling the food and he couldn't hold longer but to dig in and taste it. 

It has been two days since she had started coking for him and he loved whatever she made for him to eat. He thought she was the best chef whose food he had taste till now.

"Come join me" he said looking at her who was standing next to him.

Cynthia had no intention of eating food with him. She was just doing her job and didn't wanted to get involve more than that.

"You have it.. tell me if you need anything more" she said and turn to leave but Lingaa held her wrist making her stop.

"I know you haven't had your food so be good and sit" 

Lingaa wanted her to be comfortable in his place and not just come and do her work. He wanted to get close to her which he himself didn't knew why. The day Aksa had asked him if he was doing it because he was guilty his mind told him yes but his heart rejected it.

"I will have it afterwards" she said but before she could utter anything Lingaa pull the chair next to him and made her sit," You shouldn't push the food when its front of you" saying this he started placing the noodles in the bowl and passed it to her.

Cynthia watched him how carefully he was pouring the soup and the noodles as if he was scared to let them fall down.

"You seem to like noodles a lot" she had observed how this man go hungry over noodles and how he finishes them without leaving a single stain of food.

"Hmm they are.. I only know how to make them"

Cynthia smiled looking how he finish the food tapping his stomach as he was satisfied with the amount he had eaten.

"So, how did you ended up becoming such a talented chef" he asked trying to start a conversation other than cooking food.

Lingaa had this urge to know everything about her. Even though he knew every single detail about her but he still preferred to listen from her.

"Hmm.. how should I start" she had nothing exciting to tell him but her journey to become a cook was not so fruitful.

"My father was a cook in the states and was a reputable one. Watching him cooking for people and satisfying their hunger made me want to become just like him. We use to have a small hotel which use to be reserved twenty four seven. One day my grandfather died and all his children came to take their share which they earned from the hotel. My father had no option but to sell the place and give his sibling their equal share" she stopped and looked at Lingaa who was listening her quietly.

"After getting the money my father tried to setup a small hotel but it didn't go well as he had thought and soon the business collapsed leaving us with no money. My father started working as a waiter in the small shops to complete my education and house needs but one day when he was returning home he got a stroke. Before we could reach him to the hospital we lost him" a tear roll down her eye as she recalled the unfortune day. 

Lingaa watched her sob and unknowingly his hand lifted placing it on hers. He didn't knew why he did that but he wanted to tell her that he was there for her.

"Mother was devastated by his sudden death but she still stood strong for me and started continuing his work replacing him in his job. She had work her ass hard to make me fulfill my dream but even that didn't last to long. One day she fainted while making food for us and when she was checked the doctor said she had a small hole in her heart and if not treated it will grow big affecting her health"

Cynthia's life was not to simple and just to save her mother she took this simple work and ended up becoming a culprit.

"I had just joined the hotel and was still earning less but my mothers medicine and her deteriorating health made things hard for me which lead me to take wrong step which I still feel guilty for" if she was not torn between her mothers health she wouldn't have accepted to take such a wrong turn and end up being jobless.

Cynthia pursed her lips and wiped her tears looking how her life changed due to her greed. But now she had sworn not to step low and risk her self respect.

Lingaa felt more guilty and he just wanted to tell her he was the one who had hired her and he was ready to get punished. But his heart started to fear thinking will she leave this place once she knew who he was.. No no he couldn't do it.


One plus Mall

Lucas, Ethan and Daniel sat on the couch inside the store watching their girls ignoring them and investing their time in shopping.

"Ethan why did you wanted us to meet together. Can't you take Samantha to the other mall for shopping" Lucas glared at Ethan who's eyes were stuck on Samantha.

"I also didn't like the idea of meeting today but she was determined to do sopping with the girls. And you know I can't upset her"

"And what is happening now aren't we upset by getting completely ignored by them" Daniel slurp the cold coffee and glared at the dress which was getting more attention then him.

"She said she didn't wanted anything to purchase and now look at her she is trying every dress she is picking up" Lucas kept looking at Elena how she was smiling with the girls completely forgetting that she had came with him.

"I can't take it anymore. Lets get out from here before we go and pull them out from the shop" Daniel stood up and started to walk out not wanting to whine in front of Maira. He knew in return he would not even get a small glance from her, so it was better to walk around rather then crying for their attention.

Ethan stood up patting Lucas shoulder hinting him to get up and follow his brother who was right this time.

Glancing at his wife he walked out of the shop following the other two. They strode to the men section and started scanning around.

"Dude I think I am going to need a dozen of packets for the trip" Ethan picked one strawberry flavored packet and showed Lucas.

"I don't need them I will be going bare" Lucas had not been using any protection from the time he had started doing it with her. He didn't feel the need to let go his seed waste when it can be safe inside her.

"What if she gets pregnant?" Daniel who was also picking some for him asked his brother.

It had been more than one month his brother had registered his marriage and expecting a child would be too early for the lovebirds. After all they were still in their newly weds period.

"I don't mind having one with her" he said casually and went to the other side when something caught hold of his eyes.

"What if Elena is not ready" Ethan whispered Daniel.

"I don't think so. Maira said Elena is very much find of children and they way she was telling I don't think she would be upset if she conceive" Nodding his head both the boys picked up their favorite flavor and walked out from the section to pay for it.

By the time they had reach to the girls they had already finished shopping and were waiting for their respective partners.

"Where did you go?" Maira asked when she saw Daniel stopping next to her.

"Buy some boys stuff" he said and she understood what he exactly meant.

Samantha who saw Ethan walked to him and asked," Did you also got them" 

"Hmm dozen of them" he cheekily whispered making her blush.

While the other two couples were busy mingling Lucas wrapped his one arm around Elena and pulled her close leaning to her ear and whispered," I got a new tool to try" her eyes widen as she looked him grinning.

This man was unbelievable and she didn't knew what new things he wanted to try now when they have done almost everything.

Shaking her head on his words the trio couple went to eat something before they left to their respective place. They had an early flight tomorrow as their long awaited vacation was finally going to start. They had decided to take a whole weak break before they resume their work.

Lucas drove back to mansion and instructed Ron to look after the company matters in his absence.

"Lucas what do you want to take along" Elena who was packing their bags asked Lucas to see if he wanted something extra to take.

Throwing his phone on the bed Lucas circled his arm around her waist from behind resting his chin on he shoulder and said," I have done all arrangement Sunshine. Just take what you purchased today and nothing else" 

"Okay" she said and continued packing while Lucas clinging on to her like a kola.