Chapter 166 - Trip Begin

The next day, Lucas woke up early. He knew they had to get into the early flight. Though it was his private plane they had to travel for fives hours and reach the place as soon as possible.

"Sunshine wake up" he had been waking her up but his wife was not ready to listen to him. 

Lucas knew she was tired due to previous day shopping and even knowing that he still made love to her tiring her completely.

"Lucas five minutes" she was listening him but her body was not ready to move and all thanks to him.

"Sunshine we need to take the flight love. If you want you can sleep there" he said brushing her cheeks pleading her to wake up or else they would be late.

Slowly opening her eyes Elena watched her husband's face and a smile formed on her lips. She open her arms wide and asked him to carry her. Like a slave he was Lucas carried her to the bathroom and they both bathe together.

As soon as they were finished in getting ready they left their mansion to reach the airport.

The first thing they noticed heading in the plane was half asleep Samantha who was sleeping resting her head on Ethan's shoulder while on the other hand Daniel was feeding Maira some fruits.

"Hello guys" Elena said waving her hand and took the seat. She too wanted to sleep but after waking up all her tiredness vanish and she wanted to enjoy her journey with full swing.

"Dude stop feeding her so much she will burst" Ethan who was sitting opposite to Daniel and Maira watch how he was forcing her to eat even when she told she was full.

"She need to keep her stomach full or how will she be active throughout the journey" as soon as she said those words Maira threw a warning glare at him making him quite.

Shamelessness ran through their body and they were just too open to speak about it. After the glare he received from Maira, Daniel just kept the fruits aside and sat like an obedient man.

Elena chuckled watching both Daniel and Maira. She knew both the Thomson brothers were shameless the only one who was obedient was Ethan.

Lucas looked at Elena who was watching the other two couple and smiling leaned down and whispered," I gave him the lessons" 


"What huh? Do do you think with him being a nerd would have able to survive being with Maira" he then turn and saw his brother trying to rest his head on Maira's shoulder but the later kept pushing him.

"See this all shamelessness runs in our veins but this stupid didn't knew to even woo a girl but suddenly one day he threw a bomb saying he had one night stand and the result is in front of you. All this while I thought my company didn't teach him anything but who would have thought he was much ahead than my teaching... Ah.."

Elena didn't give him the chance to complete his words when he received a slap on his arm" Shut up" 

Lucas self praising was too much to handle and being a pervert himself she could think what all lessons he must have given Daniel.

"Ah sunshine it hurts" 

"Lucas.." she warned and he sealed his mouth.

Throughout the journey no one disturbed anyone and were busy with their respective partners.

As soon as the plane landed the cars had already reached to pick them from the airport. Each of them had their own car, getting in they went to the island where Lucas had build a many penthouse.

It took about forty five minutes for them to reach the destination. As soon as they stepped out from their car the girls went crazy how vast the island was and how perfectly it was build. They felt like they have entered in some kind of palace which belonged to some king.

Soon the manager came and greeted them asking the staff member to take their luggage to their respective room.

Following the staff member Lucas and Elena walked to their booked suite. Lucas had purposely taken the last suite which was away from the other two couples room. He didn't wanted Elena to go out searching her friends to spend time with them rather than him.

Getting inside the suite, Elena looked around praising the décor and walked around watching the luxurious suite. Everything was simple but it as giving the room a royal look. The last stop she took was to see the balcony and the best thing she loved about it was she could clearly see the sunrise and the sunset with its rays falling on the water below.

Lucas discussed something with the manager and enter the suite and looked his wife standing outside the balcony looking at the vast water which was beneath their room too. Yes their room suite was above the water which gave the feel of them being on the island.

Walking to his wife he embraced her from behind resting his chin on her shoulder," Do you like it" he asked watching were she had her eyes stuck.

"You really know how to make me happy" she turn and wrapping her arms around his torso. He remembered every little detail about things which made her happy or smile.

"And I want to be the only person who would always make you happy" she nodded her head agreeing him. There was no one after her parents who had been showering her with love and affection. This man in front of her was her whole world who gave meaning to her life.

The sun was about to set down when Lucas snaked his palm under the back of her neck and pulled her close to his face and said," They say when lover kiss under the sunset they are bound to be together for seven lives" he didn't believe in such philosophy but just to make memories with her he would even believe that fish had legs and animals can fly.

"I want you for eternity" Elena sealed his lips and the couple kissed under the sunset sealing their fates for lifetime.


Lingaa's apartment

It was time for Cynthia to leave. She made sure to cook dinner for him before she take her leave. He had agreed to her clause for letting her off by seven in the evening.

"Mr. Lan I've have prepared dinner for you make sure to reheat before you eat it" she said and walked out from the kitchen.

Lingaa was following her like a puppy. He wanted her to stay for sometime but he also knew he had no reason for asking her to wait for a while.

Picking up her bag Cynthia was about to leave when Lingaa too his cars key and walked behind her.

"It's late let me drive you home" he said not allowing her to walk the silent lane just to let someone attack her like before.

Cynthia stopped and turn back only to find Lan right behind her. She gasped watching him following her like a kid which made her close her eyes.

"My house is just two lane away from here, I can manage" she said but he walked past her as if he didn't listen to her words and let go unheard.

Shaking her head she followed him silently. She had come to notice that Lan was not someone who spoke to much until he was comfortable with the person in front. But she could see him being open when he spoke to her. 

He was like a mystery who tried to hide behind this smiling face pouring some emotions to that lifeless eyes. It was hard for her sometimes to see if that smile really reached his eyes. Though his aura was unreachable she felt he was purposely putting it in that way so that no one to reach him.

Hopping inside the car, Lingaa drove to her house. On the way he saw the same goons sitting outside the shop she used to work earlier.

"See they are still here" he pointed her attention to the boys who had tried to harass her earlier and continued," What if they had done the same thing now" 

Cynthia didn't talk anything and agreed to his words. What if she had came alone and had to face them but this time Lan would've not been there to protect her.

Reaching to her house, Cynthia walked out from the car followed by Lingaa. She was grateful he came to drop her.

"Thank you" she said and was about to leave when Lingaa stopped her

"I will be dropping you daily home" he didn't give a chance for her to retreat as he hopped back and drove away from her place.

Cynthia looked the retreating car and a smile formed on her lips. Lan just like to give order and didn't care if the person was ready to do it or not. He did the same with her.. He offered her the work and here she was cooking food for him.