Chapter 176 - Second Mother

"I missed you all so much" Susan was just like their mother. She never took them as Ethan's friends but always considered them as her son's.

"Did you like her" Lucas whispered and got a smiling nod from her," Just like an angel" she whispered back.

Their time went talking with Susan and later the girls went to make some lunch for them. Meanwhile boys went to strode around the place and then at Susan's Cafe.

"Mother I have learned to cook" Samantha said taking the knife and chop board from Susan and let her take rest.

Maira had never seen Samantha so happy. She knew Sam would miss her mother and had not got a chance to even embrace in her solace. And the way she was walking behind Susan made her relief that she had chosen the right man for her. 

"She is lucky" Elena joined Miara. Her eyes never departed from Samantha and Susan.

"Yes she is and Ethan is the correct man for her" now that her sister was in good hand, she never have to worry for her like before.

While the girls were busy chatting, Susan let Samantha take the lead and she walked towards them," Are Lucas and Daniel giving you hard time" she smiled knowing how the boys become childish when they get annoyed.

"I don't know about Elena but my child like man he sometimes very hard to handle" chuckling Maira talked about Daniel. Though he was stubborn sometimes still she lived him no matter what...

"Daniel was like that from his childhood, even his mother would get irritated at time" Susan, Rosie, Kathy Daniel's mother became friend because of their kids and had been carrying their friendship till now.

"But both Lucas and Daniel are selfless for their loved ones. Daniel seems childish but he is one of the most carrying person and is afraid to lose the one he cares for the most."

Maira had seen how Daniel had controlled himself for her when she fainted and was weak. The way he cared and loved her was enough proof of his love for her.

"Elena would you like to have fried chicken. Lucas said you love them" Susan was aware of what the girls preferred, though this was the first time she met them still she was a step ahead of knowing them.

"Sure" she said and they carried with their lunch preparation.

By the time they finished cooking the boys were back roaming around and settle down to have lunch.


Lingaa's apartment

Cynthia had just finished with the breakfast. The time she came Lingaa told her he would be working out in his private gym which was build inside his apartment. Knowing that he would get hungry after sweating so much so she decided to prepare breakfast for him as soon as possible.

It was already one and half hour but still Lingaa had not shown up. She waited for him but the more she stayed the more she felt it was too much to exercise for a day. 

Getting up from the chair she walked to his private gym. She first thought not to invade his private place but her heart wanted to see him. She had started to like his company and she felt lost whenever she was let alone with him not around.

As she kept reaching the glass wall she kept hearing his screaming sound and the loud punching noise from his gym. Her steps halt when her eyes looked passed through the glass wall.

Lingaa was half naked with only his boxing shorts and had worn boxing gloves in his hand. His hairs damped falling on his forehead due to lot of exercise. He kept punching and kicking the punching bag showing his build muscles.

Her eyes went to gaze his body when she got hold on his chest. Yes the mark was long to reach his torso. It looked like an old scar but she could see the light stiches mark on it.

Silently walking inside the room she stood near the door. As soon as he sense someone's presence Lingaa stop his action and darted his eyes on the door.

Breathing heavily he watched Cynthia was looking at him without uttering a word. Leaning at the door frame she kept her gaze fixed in his direction.

"Do you need something" he asked breaking her link.

Cynthia who was shamelessly hawking his body felt heat creeping on her cheeks when he talked to her. Her heart beat increased when she again focused on his face. There was something mysterious in him which made her pull towards him. She felt that she knew him but also she didn't knew him at all.

His way to talking sometimes confused her. One time she felt he was close but the next moment he felt distant. Though he didn't showed it but she felt it.

When Cynthia didn't said anything and just kept quite, he let go of his gloves and walked standing in front of her.

"Cynthia do you need anything" he again asked hoping she would finally say something.

She shook her head breaking her contact from his face when her eye watched his scare. Feeling a stab in her heart looking how much the scare must have hurt him her hand lifted up and trace his long mark without bothering the shocked man.

"Does it hurts?" she asked not knowing her action had stiffen the man and taken him by surprise. This was his first encounter with any women being so close to him and letting them touch him.

She looked up into his shocked eyes. An unknown emotion and feeling was making her heart thump as she kept diving deep in his mysterious eyes. She felt the urge to know him more which he was hiding from her. His eyes hold longing which made her stomach churn as she had also been through it.

Lingaa shook his head and went to hold her hand which was resting on his chest. He always felt safe with her and the more he was close to her the more his feeling for her gotten deep. First it was just pity but now his emotion had took a new turn where he felt to keep her next to him and not leave her alone to face the cruel world.

Both were trying to understand the new feeling which was surging deep inside their heart when suddenly Lingaa's phone rang breaking their proximity. The first one to pull back was Cynthia, letting go off her hand she turn saying," Breakfast is ready" and she rushed out trying to collect her messed emotion.

Lingaa stood there watching her rush out as fast as she could. Looking at his hand which was placed on his chest he felt his heart dancing like crazy.

"Argh... why is it hurting so much" he said patting his heart when his phone again rang and this time he turn to pick up the call.

"Hello.." Aksa jolly voice beamed from the other side of the call.

He was his only friend who knew Lingaa inside out and Lingaa had given him the liberty to tease him without getting smacked.

"I though you just forgot that you have a friend who cares for you" Aksa was smiling knowing how Lingaa would get pissed disturbed in the middle of his workout.

"No.. I still remember my useless friend who loves annoying me" 

"Such a heatless brat. By the way I just call to tell that leader wants to have a private meeting. He have planted agent to different country and he have asked us to be in contact with them. Plus he also wants to have a word with you personally.." he stretched the last word hinting him that the meeting was going to be confidential.

"Send me the time and place I will be there" after chatting with Aksa he ended the call and walked out to get fresh.

By the time he was all dressed up, he watched Cynthia not even once looked at him which he felt odd. She gave him his breakfast and again headed inside the kitchen.

"I will be late today but wait for me to come and drop you home" he picked his car keys and walked out from the house.


Susan's house

The group had finished with their lunch and was now sitting inside the lawn watching how beautifully she had pampered the mini garden next to a wide swing.

"This has been my self relaxing place and trust me after inhaling this fresh smell emitting from the flower makes your mind void of any stress"

Elena too agreed with Susan's words. Even she loved to spend her alone time with her small babies and read a novel and a cup of coffee to release the stress.

"Lucas had told me so much about you and trust me the more he said the more my eagerness of meeting you increased" Elena was happy to be with family and friends around.

"Me too. That brat would always talk about you but never let me meet you" Susan knew how Lucas had search the entire city to again see her for once. That was the first time when she had seen Lucas helpless as he couldn't even find a smallest glimpse of her.

The man who never settled for a single women and never believed in love was madly searching a girl whom he had seen just like a pass by person.

"Even I wanted to meet you but the circumstance never made us do that"