Chapter 177 - Two Months

Susan understood what she meant. Elena and Lucas have been going through a lot but thanks to almighty that no one was harmed. She knew Marcus was still not in their clutches but she had faith in her kids who would hunt him down and give him the punishment he deserves.

Both Susan and Elena were busy talking when Elena felt her stomach churn and she got up running straight inside the house. Susan got alarmed by her sudden rush and she followed inside watching how the others were busy with their own world. She didn't call them but headed straight inside with Elena.

"Are you alright!!" Susan walked with a small towel passing it to Elena to wipe her face.

"I think I had too much food" yes the food cooked was too tasty for her to resist and like a foody she stuff her stomach with too much food.

"You should take rest. Maybe the travel had drained too much of your energy" Letting her got to their room Susan had arranged for Lucas and Elena, she made sure to make them feel at home.

Lucas who was talking with Ethan turn around and didn't see Elena. Excusing himself he walked to Susan and asked her about his wife.

"She is just tired and is resting now" as soon as he heard her, Lucas went to his wife. It was little odd to find her getting sick. Even if she was tired she would not go alone without him.

Slowly opening the door the first glimpse he saw his wife sleeping figure on the bed. She was soundly sleeping, walking to the bed he laid next to her. As if she recognize the warmth she turn and wrapped her arms around his torso," You came" she said snuggling close him.

"Are you fine or else I will call Daniel to have a check on you" he was concerned for his wife. He loved her being active and now that she looked tired made him feel bad. 

"No it's fine I only need rest and I will be back to normal" she said and again fell asleep.

Slowly brushing her hair Lucas stayed with her not leaving her side. This was the first time she had fallen sick which was bothering him. He knew she loved eating food and would digest it easily then how come now she felt sick with homemade food.


"Where is Elena ?" Samantha asked Susan and Maira joined along with her. She had not seen both Elena and Lucas for a while now so she just inquired.

"She is resting" Susan said doubting maybe the vomit was not because of the food.

"So what's next. Mother I want to help you with pastry cooking" Samantha wanted to learn how yummy and delicious cookies and pastries she made.

"Yes we will make them also. Why don't you all go for sight seeing there was beautiful temple ahead from where you can see the whole city" sightseeing was just a reason she wanted the couple to take blessing by visiting the temple.

"Okay tomorrow morning sightseeing confirm" Maira thumped up and smiled when Daniel and Ethan joined them.

"Where is other couple?" Ethan asked looking around.

"They are resting" Susan answered and also asked them to take rest and she would just visit the café to see the daily business before she comes back.

The couples headed towards their room and Susan left the house heading to the café.


Stopping the car outside a lavish restaurant, Lingaa walked out from the car and head inside removing his black sunglasses. Aksa had cleared his photos and video from the media and newspaper. He always preferred his identity left hidden and agreeing even Lucas helped him to keep it as a secret.

Entering the restaurant her headed inside the private room which was booked for him and his boss.

"What makes you call me here boss" Lingaa gave a formal nod and took the seat in front of his leader.

Tristen Rob was the head of the investigation department. He was the one who had trained both Aksa and Lingaa making them the person who they are now. The duo had also helped the military fighting the assassins. Though the fighting and training were hard still they managed to come out strong where no one would fight them.

"Where is the other brat. I thought since I called him first I would see him earlier then you but how did I forget that lazy snail"

Lingaa laughed watching his leader was only friendly with them and Tin while he was a ruthless master with others. They were his most trusted men and he knew no matter what they will rise from the ashes even if burned.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and Aksa walked in breathing heavily, "Sorry for being late. You know the traffic here is so tight" 

"As far as I know you were the one who told me to come here as your apartment is just five minutes away" Aksa was again caught lying. He was just slow when it came to meeting and stuff but he was merciless in his work. He was like a ticking bomb which would explode taking everything along.

"Hehe.. boss "he scratched his neck and settle next to Lingaa.

"Why meet in restaurant instead of base" Lingaa knew it was not safe to discuss private matters in open place where anyone can find them.

"Don't worry no one will see us. This place is secure" he pointed out their men guarding outside the room disguising as commoner's.

"How long do you wish to stay here Lingaa" Tristen knew it was not good for both his men to stay in one city when they were needed by their team.

Lingaa looked at Tristen watching him giving a meaningful look. Tristen knew Lingaa and Aksa but he also knew that they are not allowed to get swayed by emotion when their country needs them. They were born to be void of emotion without getting attached and that was the oath both of them took when they joined the force.

"Ah boss we still need to stay here what if we get any lead to Marcus" Aksa tried to clear the suffocating air. He just wanted Lingaa to have a life which he left back years ago. Now that he had taken care of August Aksa wanted him to at least reveal his identity to his parents and sister. 

"A month would be enough. You know staying too long will only extend our search for him but will also delay our mission. Tin is doing his part of work, I hope you two soon join him" Tristen was not heartless person. The profession made them think practically.

Lingaa was brought out from his world. How did he forget who he was and what was he here for. The thought of leaving his loved ones behind made his heart rip. He got a chance to meet them but now as if he was not meant to meet them at all was the punishment he was getting to leaving them back then.

"Boss one month is just too short. How about an year" Aksa tried his best  to keep the conversation steady not letting his boss finding his real reason behind his excuses.

"Two month and that's final" Tristen said to Aksa and turn to look at Lingaa who was silent all this while without voicing his thought's.

"Back within two month and make sure to join the team as soon as possible without delaying. We need to get hold on him as soon as possible before he think too big to attack"

Getting up from the seat Tristen left the two alone and walked out.

"Argh why is he always so in hurry" Aksa whined and gulped the whole glass of water.

"He is right" finally Lingaa opened his mouth after a lot of thought," We should not let our mind and heart get swayed. Marcus is still out and we need to find him before he does something worst. You know how sneakily he escape the prison and is still not taken hold on. His league is vast now that his team have widen their territory" getting up he walked out from the restaurant followed by Aksa.

"Then what about Carters and Cynthia" he followed him nagging behind and entered inside the car. 

Lingaa didn't said anything, he himself didn't know what to do. One side were his family and the girl who was now occupying his mind and on the other side was his duty which was calling him back to serve.

"I don't know..." helplessness was visible his his voice. Like a torn person between two thing Lingaa thought he had no way to go.

Lingaa race the accelerator and broom the car in high speed. Aksa just let his friend come to conclusion but for that he need to sort his thoughts and think wisely. 

He was like a wounded soldier who was very hard to calm and the one who would help him right now was only one person," Elena" he thought hoping she would initiate conversation first.