Chapter 185 - Clearing Her Name

Lucas again looked back watching his wife with worry written all over his face. Elena understood his concern and answered him hurriedly before he carry to the hospital, "Lucas it's natural. Every pregnant lady goes through it so..." she cupped his cheeks and said," You just need to massage them and the swelling will slowly go away" 

Getting back his breathe Lucas signed and got up to bring the oil. Elena had already ordered it when her mother informed her lavender oil was good to reduce the swelling and it also help to have a good sleep.

Lucas return back to the study and walked to the couch sitting back again. He lifted her legs carefully resting them on his lap and then went to open the bottle taking few drops in his palm. Elena instructed him to rub the oil to warm up with his palm and then apply it on her leg.

Following his wife's instruction he gently started to massage her. He used very light pressure on her swollen leg and kept massaging them tenderly. His hand were working like magic on her legs and it didn't took her time to fall asleep.

By the time he was done massaging both her legs she was already sleeping. He placed her legs on the couch and stood up. Carrying her in his arms Lucas took her back to their room.

She snuggled his neck when he laid her gently on the bed. He could tell that his massage really helped her to rest. He then asked one of the servant to bring his laptop to his room and he continued working sitting next to Elena watching her every now and then.


Maira's apartment

Maira was back after making sure her uncle was fine. She just made sure to be next to her sister when she need her but she was thankful that she had Ethan with her as her support.

"How's your uncle" Daniel had just reached home ten minutes earlier. He knew her uncle had suffered a minor stroke. Luckily he was rushed to the hospital lowering the high chances to worsen his health. 

"He is fine and in good hands now. Hope Samantha pull his ears for neglecting his health. Both the brother's are same they neglect their health prioritizing their business more" Maira was angry on her uncle for not taking the doctors words seriously and continued with his regular schedule. If not rushed to the hospital the stroke would have taken his life. Then how were they going to handle Samantha.

"I think he should resign now and let Samantha handle the work. She is mature now in the field of business. Even brother said she is very hardworking and attentive with whatever task she is given"

Lucas never hired people just because of their grade or how much certificate's they had with them to carry. He would see the person potential with the way they work and how they were determine to pull themselves up in critical time.

"Yes he should now that Samantha was there with him and so do Ethan" 

Daniel went and stood behind the couch were Maira had placed her head on the head rest. He slowly place the tip of his finger on her temple and lightly massaged them.

"I really needed one" she said and closed her eye feeling relaxed.

Daniel had given a thought to this topic when he confidently said his brother that he would soon get hitched but he still wanted to ask Maira whether she was ready.

"Babe I wanted to ask you something" sensing his disturbed voice Maira opened her eyes and turn to look at him.

"Daniel.." she hold his hand and made him walked from the side of the couch and made him sit next to her.

"Is something bothering you" she asked watching his quite self. She liked him being naughty and attention seeker. This way of him was liked by her. He was open with his thoughts and never hold back. 

Daniel held her hand and took few deep breathe and spoke," Babe you know that night I asked you for marriage was not under the influence of alcohol. Even though I was drunk but my every word was sincere"

Maira smiled when she recall how he had proposed her and when she said yes he just went to sleep like nothing happened.

Daniel eyes went to see the ring she wore and kissed it," Now that I am all sober will you answer me honesty" he asked and she nodded immediately.

"I want to marry you Maira. So lets just not waste time and get hitch. I have promise brother that even I will soon get hitched and for that to happen we need to register our marriage. I can't let him make fun of me. He will surely look down on me if I don't fulfill my words" 

Maira was left in utter disbelief. Here she though he was getting serious all of sudden to tell something important but the reason she heard made wanted to smack his head hard.

"Please babe just say yes and get married soon I just can't fall on my face this time" he pleaded her only to make her more angry.

"Daniel Thomson... I really want to meet your parents and ask them what were they thinking when they made you. Just brilliant people your parents are but the son they produce is just kid in adult body" she let go of his hold and stood up to leave brushing away whatever he said and walked inside their room to get changed.

"Babe at least say yes" he shouted behind when he saw her walking without answering him yes or no...


By the time Elena woke up it was already lunch time. Lucas was patiently waiting for his beautiful wife to wake up so that he could feed her. He had set timetable for her at what time she would eat, at what time she would rest and what time she would do exercise everything was planned by him.

"Did you sleep well" he asked helping her to sit.

"I didn't remember when I fell asleep" she saw her legs and the swelling was gone.

Lucas turned and put the tray of food in front of them. He had asked Martha to prepare the food before his wife waked up. He knew how she would get hungry and would crave for food. Even though she would end up throwing most of it he still wanted to fill her stomach and not let her starve.

"Hmm it smells good" Elena inhaled the aromatic smell of the food and pull the lid from each plate.

"Its chickens soup with some boiled eggs in it. There is also salmon dish I asked Martha to cook for you. Its good to eat during pregnancy" he dip the spoon in the soup and made her drink it.

Lucas didn't forget to keep one sweet dish for her as now a days she preferred something after every meal. 

After the couple was done with their food, Lucas headed back in the study to carry his work. He asked Elena to rest and he would soon join her.

Elena went to walk inside the small garden in the mansion. She stroll watching how the flowers had bloom and Lucas made sure to keep them watering instructing the staff to take care of them as she loved planting.

While she was looking around she remember something. 

She pulled out her phone and made a call,

" Hello.."

"Did she replied to the mail" Elena asked Aksa as he was the one who informed her about Lingaa wanting to clear her name from the blacklist and renew it. It were the Thomson who had blacklisted her and without them he was not able to clear her name. 

The first thinkt he did was to call her and tell her everything Lingaa told and she agreed happily for her brother. She could tell Lingaa desperately wanted forgiveness from her and he would go to any extend to gain here trust back. 

"Yes she did.." satisfied by the answer she discussed some points with him before ending the call.

"Did she replied back" Lucas hugged her from behind placing his palm on her stomach feeling their baby.

"Yes.. I hope we would help her this time" she leaned her head back resting on his chest and looked the garden.

"Don't worry I have already cleared her path no one will ever judge her and she will lead a respectful life" Lucas was one step ahead and already cleared her name from the blacklist. He had also send one of his trusted men to visit her house with a apology letter and asking her to join them back.

"Thank you so much" she turn herself and hugged him .He was her support and without him she was nothing.

"Didn't you said there is no need for formal gratitude between a husband and wife" he raise his brows when he recalled the time she had said him those words.

"But still I want to show my gratitude to you my husband" she placed his palm on her stomach and looked into his deep blue eyes. It was like a waving ocean which show so many emotions through them.

Lucas stood still and waited for her to speak and that's when he heard her sweet voice," Thank you for giving me unconditional love, for being with me handling my moods, accepting my weird ways to getting out your secrets" Lucas chuckled when she said that word. Yes it was weird but her loved all of her.

"Thank you for giving me this precious gift" she looked down on her stomach and then at his face which had shinny glitter of tears formed. 

"Thank you for everything" she pulled him and kissed him before he would burst with overwhelmed emotion.