Chapter 186 - Eyes Unfocused

The couple headed back inside the house after their small talk and thanks giving. Elena felt bless to have Lucas as her life partner. The way he understood her made her feel safe and secure. 

It was evening when Lucas again went to attend a meeting inside the study. This time even Ron was with him, he needed his signatures on some papers related to the new hotel they were going to inaugurate.

"Boss.. everything is done and even the staff has been appointed. We only need your presence to inaugurate the hotel" Ron had made sure to do things what his boss wanted and he was always ready even before the deadline given to him.

"Good... How about the Duplex company are they still trying to compete with us" Lucas had never let his guards down and was always two step ahead watching his every rival who were trying to surpass them.

"No they had tried to launch the software along with ours but it got backfired and they are facing hard time to give back the investors money"

"Okay" he paused and look at Ron and said," I have send you a mail I want you to track the id and inform me from where it was send" his eyes showed warning which didn't get unnoticed by Ron.

Ron was like his shadow who knew when his brain would take 360 degree turn and think in a whole new way.

"Yes boss" after attending the meeting and taking Lucas signature he left the mansion.

Lucas was deep his his thought. He had heard from Ethan that he would take some time to return back. He knew Samantha's father had suffered from a minor stroke and now the situation wanted Samantha to take the position of the CEO in the company.

Lucas knew Ethan was not going to let Samantha waver in making any decision which she would only take considering his feeling. Lucas was happy for his friend who had someone he would trust and show all his love.

Busy in his own world he didn't realize two small palm closed his eyes. He didn't needed to see the person.

"When did you come" Lucas asked as he leaned back resting his head on the headrest of his chair and started talking with his wife.

"When my husband was busy thinking. He seemed so engrossed in his thought that he didn't even realize when his wife came to meet him" Lucas knew she was just teasing him with this upset act.

Removing her palm from his eyes, he hold her wrist and made her sit on his lap. Resting his head close to her heart he closed his eyes. Her heart beats were the best lullaby for his stress.

"Hmm.. but I can't help but think about my friend. You know Ethan is not only just friend but my brother and without him I feel incomplete" now she understood what he was thinking.

Elena was informed by Maira about her uncle being admitted and had suffered a minor stroke. She felt relief when she heard he was fine and was not allowed to work and stress.

"So are your not happy that he would soon leave the city and settle with Samantha" Lucas had always been keeping a watch on his brother and friend. The time she had first seen Ethan she thought of him as a crazy person who didn't care about how people look at him. He was in his own world not bothering about his surrounding and appearance.

"I would be more than happy if he is happy with his love. I know it will take some time for me to cope up with it but I will soon be all right" he knew just a call Ethan would be here to help him anytime soon.

"I didn't knew my husband was so thoughtful. I am so proud of you" she caressed his hair and let him stay in her embrace before they headed out from the study to have their dinner.


Inside the hospital room Samantha was having hard time to feed her father. He was showing tantrums over the food doctors had asked him to eat until he fully recovers.

"Dad you need to finish them all. I am not leaving until you eat them" Ethan was cutting apples for his soon to be father-in-law and was watching how child he would become just to avoid eating vegetables. No doubt even Samantha was just like that when it came to eating veggies.

After trying to make his daughter understand Andreas turned to Ethan and called him, "Son at least you help me see.. she is feeding me this bland food"

"Sorry dad but this time even I agree with your daughter. You really need to eat them if you soon want to get discharged" he stood up and walked with the plate of chopped apple and placed it in front of him.

When both the young people didn't spare him any glance Andreas silently ate the food without uttering a word. While he was eating the food Andreas heard Samantha's words and stopped eating and looked at her.

"Dad I want to join the company as soon as possible" she had already discussed it with Ethan and as he had promise to follow her, he agreed to her decision without giving any second thoughts.

He knew from the very beginning that Samantha would soon leave the PM Enterprise and would join her own company but he didn't thought she would have to take over so soon. 

Andreas kept the spoon back on the plate and spoke," Sam.. I know why are you so eager to take over the position but I don't want to force you. You still have to learn so much and I can't take away that from you" he loved his daughter and had always supported her decision.

Even when she told him about her joining other company just to train herself to handle her own business he felt proud to have a daughter who was so thoughtful and didn't rush to take over the position without knowing anything.

"Dad you know I never said I would never want to take the position. I just wanted to be independent were people would never take me as spoiled child who knew nothing and was just spending her father's wealth. And its my decision to join the company and never let this though cross your mind where you think because of you I had to leave my dream and work for our company" 

Samantha had already made the decision and even Ethan had agreed to her. He was the one who asked her not think taking their relationship into consideration and just think practically. At first she was doubtful but when he said he would always be with her she agreed to let go of her job back there and take over the company were her father needs her right now.

Andreas looked at his daughter and then at Ethan watching him nod his head. It didn't took him time to realize that it was Ethan who made his daughter understand.

"Fine I won't but I have a condition" 

Ethan and Samantha frowned looking the old man sly smile on his face and they said in union," WHAT??" 

Andreas grinned more looking at them...


Two day had gone when Cynthia was approved to join the hotel. She was even apologized by the authority and was asked to join back taking the position she was removed from but the only change was it was not the same hotel she work for but the new one which was own by the Thomson's as well.

Cynthia didn't knew the relation between Lingaa and Elena and was not aware that it was Elena who had asked Lucas to take her back giving the same job with respect.

She was being nervous because soon she would be working back as a professional chef and not only that she was going to handle the whole kitchen staff by her self. Never she had thought after losing her job she would even had the head to raise up and look at the questioning eyes which blamed her.

She looked at the appointment letter when Lingaa's thought cross her mind. She stood up and walk towards her room window. Slightly parting the curtains, she looked out and didn't see the car.

Yes after she left Lingaa's apartment, there was not a single second were she felt his gaze following her silently. She didn't fail to notice that he would keep waiting outside her workplace and would leave only when he watch her head back inside her house. 

She frowned when she didn't see his car outside her house. She always kept thinking was she right to put the blame on him when she was also at fault. He was just who offered her work but it was her decision to accept him. She couldn't help but keep thinking how he cried begging her that he truly loved her.

She shook her head letting go of her thought and took her hand bag and walked out from house.. Taking a few steps away from her house lane she found the familiar car but her steps halt when she saw Lan inside with his eyes unfocused.

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