Chapter 187 - Bunny Ears

Slowly walking towards the car Cynthia thought something was not right. The way he kept looking to her also not make her heart squeeze.

She was about to stop when she watched his eyes shift to her and in a second the cars door opened and Lan came out blocking her.

Taking steady steps Lingaa went and fell on Cynthia taking her by surprise. She wrapped her arms around his back to steady him and let him stand straight.

"Lan.. are you alright?" she asked patting his back but he whine in pain and that when she realized his body was burning hot.

She tried to make him stand but his heavy body totally turn limp once he fell on her.

"Lan.." she called but his silence what she got back.


Carter house

Julian and Henry were sitting watching television. Henry asked about Lingaa when Julian said he was out for some work. Though she slightly had idea where her son would be and she didn't mind if he was working hard to win back his girl's heart.

But before he head out she felt a slight heat when she hugged him goodbye. She even asked him about it but he just brushed of saying it was nothing. It was second time he had fallen ill. The night when he came to meet them and now and just thinking somewhat about it Julian worried.

There was time when he had fallen sick back then and it took him many days for him to recover. She only hoped he would not stress much and take a look on his health too.

"Did you call Lin" Henry asked his wife breaking her chain of thoughts.

"Huh??  Ah.. he said he would be back once he finish his work. He told me not to wait for him and have the lunch" Julian just hope he was fine and his fever don't surface again like the previous night.



Cynthia's house

A tall figure was lying on her bed with his eyes still close. The heat she felt from his body subsided a little making her relief. She kept placing the wet towel on his forehead and kept changing it after a minute.

By the time his fever lowered Cynthia felt better and she got up and went to make some soup for him. Cynthia thought maybe he was hungry and would soon ask for something to eat when he wakes up.

Cynthia's mother had went to her uncles house for few days and would be back after a week. She was relief that her mother was not there to question her asking about whom she brought home along with her.

She didn't knew if the question raises what was she supposed to answer her.

Not stressing more on the future she brushed off her thought and started to prepare food for them. It took an hour for her to finish preparing dish when she headed back to the room/ 

She went inside with the bowl of vegetable soup in her hand. Placing it on the side table she checked his forehead and saw him slowly opening his eyes.

"You are up.. I have made some soup for you have it before it gets cold" she kept her words limited not giving him a slightest hint that she was scared when he fell on her unconscious.

Cynthia felt her heart racing up when he didn't answer her back and just stared at her. She wanted to be angry with him but his weak self was not letting her hold anger towards him.

She was about to leave when he held her wrist and made her stop," Do you hate me so much" his weak voice melt her heart.

Did she really blamed him for everything happened? Did she really hated him where she did want to be with him even for a second? Her mind said to keep distance but her heart wanted to take him into her embrace.

When she didn't reply he slowly let go of her hand and sat up before climbing down the bed. 

"Thank you for taking care of me. I think I should leave now" the moment he said those words Cynthia turn to look him who stood right behind her. His eyes welled up, waiting for her to just talk to him. 

The day she told him never meet in future she immediately regretted spatting it out. She was too angry with the situation had turn out for them. Here she was slowly loosing her heart to him but his sudden confession messed up everything.

"You are still weak" she said taking the bowl in her hand and passing it toward him, " You need to drink it first" 

Lingaa looked how concern she was for him. Even if she showed she didn't care but he could feel even she had started to feel the same for him.

His lips curved into smile and he sat back on the bed and patted the place next to him," I am took weak to eat it by my hand. So please.. will you feed me" his playful voice bloomed inside the lonely room.

Cynthia eyes widen watching him act like a spoil kid and not even hiding it from her. How can an emotionless person turn into a different one. It was as if he was hit on his head and had forgotten how he usually was...

Lingaa pouted his lips and patted his stomach and said," I am hungry" blinking at him she shook her head and silently went to sit next to him.

"Aa..." he opened his mouth and waited for her to feed him.

Is he the same person who was so well behaved with her when she worked for him. She couldn't help but think and she brought the spoon close to his mouth and he sip it.

"Hmm.. I really missed it so much" closing his mouth Lingaa devoured the mouth watering soup and finished it without leaving a single drop.


Rosie mansion

Lucas got up early as usual and got ready. Today he had nothing to do and all his meeting were taken care by Ron. He wanted to take Elena out for some shopping and also buy stuff for his baby.

He had already started to renovate the room for his baby. He just wanted to make it quick so that when the baby finally comes out everything would be done on time.

"Are you ready sunshine" he walked out dressed in his casual attire and wore his sunglasses.

"I think we are shopping too early. It's still eight months we have in our hand" she put on her gloss and turn to look at her handsome husband who was shining as bright as sun standing out with his handsome look and personality.

"No it not early. We need to keep updating and what if she wanted something and we don't have it for her to give. Sunshine I don't want my daughter to even tear up okay" 

Resting her hand on her hips she looked how possessive he was already become for his baby. They still didn't knew whether it was a boy or a girl but his fatherly instinct were so strong that he kept saying that the baby was a girl.

Lucas didn't gave her a chance to speak and walked out from the room knowing she would soon start her lecture which he was in no mood to listen.

Stepping out from the mansion, they hopped inside the car. Lucas took the driver and some guards who followed his car from behind.

Now that his responsibility was doubled he wanted to protect his wife and child even more than his life.


Samantha was back to her mansion. She helped Andreas in his room and informed uncle Quinn about the routine her father would follow from now on.

By the time she and Ethan reached her room no one spoke about what Andreas had put forward the condition.

As soon they went inside Samantha pounced on Ethan hugging him tightly," I didn't expect dad would put such condition" she was more than happy when her father offered Ethan a job in his company.

First he wanted to reject but when he insisted him again and again he finally agreed.

Ethan didn't mind what would people talk behind his back because he was used to it and it didn't bothered to him because he knew what his heart want.

"I am just so so so happy" she squealed in happiness. Her heart was at peace when Ethan agreed her father. The thought of long distance with him only stress her.

"Me too. Didn't I say I would follow you everywhere you go" he did promised her that he would not leave her even if the time of her taking over the company arrives. 

"I love you" she sealed his lips pouring her heart out.

"I love you too"


Duplex mall

Lucas and Elena reach the mall and headed straight at the kids section. Instead of Elena it was Lucas who was excited in buying baby stuff. 

He picked up all the dresses and shoes of different size. Even purchased a baby crib with different colors. He picked some accessories for his baby girl like a small wrist band and some hairband which had animal ears on them.

"Lucas it will not fit her" Elena retorted from behind. If he was not to stopped now they would end up buying everything.

"Sunshine look this bunny ears look so cute. My daughter will look so pretty when she will wear it" rolling her eyes on her husband excitement she walk to him and took the bunny ear hairband from his hand and put it back on the stand.

"We already have purchased it" she made him look back to his bodyguard who were now looking like a luggage carrier with their hands filled with shopping bags.

"At least spare them they are your guards not a trolley" she looked pitiful watching how quietly they followed their boss leaving behind their pride .