Chapter 197 - Love Nest

"Do you want me to join you. I promise I will beat you if I let go of my diet" there was no way he will stop loving her.

He had fallen for her soul not for her beauty. His handsome face will soon fade and will have wrinkles all over but his heart will always remain same.

"No.. no I like you the way you are. I don't want to raise a buffalo" chuckling at his change in expression she leaned and gave him peck on his lips.

"I am still not coax" he pouted his lips more demanding for more but got slapped in return.

"Go and work we have to go and meet uncle and aunty so... father wants us home" she pushed him making him move from her lap.

Letting out a sigh he got up," I think another wedding is on the way" 

Lucas was the one who had told his father about Daniel and Maira soon going to be parents and he had assumed that the news was soon going to reach his uncle's and aunt ears.

And guess what even faster than the flash of the camera his aunt and uncle were given the biggest shock of their son's life and he could help but feel little sympathetic for his brothers bums.

"Dad can never change " shaking his head he went and continued with the work.


Samantha office

It had been a days Samantha felt she haven't got any personal space. Either she was working or she was attending meeting that's it. Her life had been very busy lately and she need some time to breathe. She still cursed the day when they were going to visit their friend but her sudden work made them drop the plan.

After attending the last meeting Samantha excused herself and walked into the other side away her own cabin. Getting inside the elevator she went to the IT department hoping she would be able to meet Ethan.

They had not yet disclose their relationship because they didn't feel the need to go around showing their PDA publicly. Their were some who were aware of their boss having a special spot for the handsome employee inside the company but they never voice their thought in the fear of getting fired.

"He will be surprised to see me" she kept tapping her feet waiting for the lift to finally opened. As soon as the lift stopped and the door opened she walked looking around the table where Ethan was giving the spot to work.

Her brows knitted when she didn't find him,' Where is he?' she looked around hoping to find him when her eyes reach at the room where the departments meeting were held.

Watching through the big glass wall she saw Ethan was giving some presentation. He look so professional that her heart skip a beat as he kept looking ahead at the head of the department while he talked.

She waited for him to finish and watched him walking back to take his seat when a women stood up and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Samantha at first thought the gesture of the women to be formal but the thought change when she saw her smiling looking at him with still her hand brushing his shoulder.

While Samantha was busy glaring the women who was the head of the IT department she didn't knew when her phone buzz pulling her out from the trance.

Picking the call she headed back talking and enter the elevator giving a final glance at the women memorizing her.

After the meeting was done Ethan and all the employees walked out. Heading to his desk he settle down. He was about to message Samantha telling about his sudden meeting but his hands stopped when he heard the other employees muttering..

"The new chairman came to pay a visit here" one of the employee said.

"She seems to be very beautiful lady. I didn't knew our new chairman would be a girl" the other one said.

While they were busy talking Ethan thought why would Samantha came all of sudden to the IT department. He had always been updated about her schedule and today she had not schedule to inspect around the office. 

'Maybe a sudden work came' thinking he let go off the thought and continued to work hoping he would ask after the office hours are over.


Soon the evening came and both Elena and Lucas went to meet his uncle and aunt. They were informed about Maira's fathers arrival too.

It had been month Lucas had last saw his uncle and aunt. After handing everything to Daniel the couple went on a long vacation exploring different place. It was not until they remember they had a son when Lucas told them about his shift.

First his aunt wanted to run and beat her son but when Lucas told her that he already had a girlfriend his angry aunt calm down and ask him to spill everything about her.

Both of them were happy to finally watch their son progressing in his private life too so they didn't bothered the couple and let them have their lovely time.

Reaching at the Thomson mansion he helped his pregnant wife out. This was the first time she had paid visit along with Lucas to their main mansion. It was the place her handsome husband had born and spent half of his childhood after they shifted to the Rosie mansion. 

Heading inside they saw their family gathered at the living hall waiting for them to arrive.

Iris and James were busy talking with Maira's father Andrew who was also present with them.

"Finally I could see my charming boy" Iris who first caught her eyes on them left the conversation and walked to the new mama and daddy to be.

"Always handsome" hugging her she then turn to see Elena whom she had only talked on face time.

"Aha my daughter is glowing. Hope this little buns are not troubling you" hugging her they went and settle with the elders.

Elena already knew Andrew and had been in touch with him too. When she had told him about Miara's pregnancy he was so happy that he left all his work and came straight here.

"So when is the auspicious day" patting his younger brother Lucas watched him getting shy," My god he is blushing"

"Lets register for marriage after we will throw a big party what say" Iris suggested keeping in mind that both the ladies of the family were pregnant and would easily get tired if they stand for a long time attending the guest.

"Yes this sound good even the girls will not get exhausted" Blake also thought the same.

"Okay it's done then first registration then a party" 

"We will take care about the invitation" Elena and Maira raised their hands up. They were not going to sit still and let the elders stress. They thought at least they can contribute this one.

"Okay then rest leave on us" both the boys said in union.

After discussing about the wedding they had their dinner. It was already late so Blake insisted everyone to stay in the mansion for tonight as it long when he had finally heard this cheerful voice echoing around the house.

Agreeing to him everyone went to their respected room.


Inside Lucas and Elena's room the couple were busy kissing as soon as they enter the room. Lucas had already made it difficult to seat still when they were having their dinner.

His constant action for her attention even made the elders laugh. Their boys had changed too much and that too for better.

Eating their dinner everyone soon everyone started to leave and the first one to excuse was Lucas who didn't even let her talk with others and dragged her out from the dinning area.

Kissing until they were left breathless finally she pushed him and slapped his arm, "What will they think of me Lucas" she had seen how everyone was smiling when he started acting like a spoiled kid dragging her away.

"They won't think anything even they are the same leaving my dad and Maira's father. Do you think Uncle James is a saint. He takes the first position of being a wife slave"

Defending his action Lucas laid down on his bed. The house was just kept like it was before. He knew his grandfather loved this mansion and he had asked his son's to take care of it after he leaves. Keeping their promise the mansion was kept in good care.

"Grandfather really loved this house. It was their love nest, his memory with grandma. Dad really kept it just the way it was years before" 

"Hmm he had told me about grandpa asking him to shift back before his departure" Luther wanted his kid to stay together as a family but after what Marcus did he didn't had the heart to stop Blake from shifting. Only when they heard about his health issues he asked Blake to take care of the mansion when he had seen what was about to come.

"Do you want to come back?" she asked watching him going into a deep thought.

"I don't know but if one day dad ask me to stay here forever then I would obey his words" he got up and sat on the bed.