Chapter 199 - Tom And Jerry

Blake woke up early and went for his morning walk as his only friend called him on time informing about his schedule. By the time he returned home he was welcomed with the aromatic smell coming from the kitchen area.

"Hmm today's breakfast seems to be delicious"

Lucas who was sitting in the living hall let go off the newspaper from his hand and looked at his father.

"Yes Elena is trying something new this time"

Lucas told her not to enter the kitchen but she was in no mood to listen as it was her first time that she would be making something in her own house.

Storming like a bullet Blake smacked Lucas head making him shock," You useless brat why did you let her in"

Lucas didn't expect he would be beaten early morning by his father. Even though he was going to be a father still his father treated him like a spoiled kid.

"Dad.. you can't act like this. I will be a father soon and I don't want my children to see their father been beaten black and blue by their grandpa"

"You ungrateful brat you should think before making my daughter work" sitting on the cushion chair he inhaled the fragrance and soon forgot his anger.

"Dad stop drooling over food I doesn't suites you" 

"Ha.. you won't understand how it feels to have food made by your family person" Blake said it casually but didn't realize that Lucas had gone silent.

When he didn't heard a word from Lucas that when he looked at him. This was something he felt for the first time when he made Lucas go silent in an argument.

"Do you miss us" Lucas out of the blue asked watching his father

Blake was caught off guard when he heard Lucas words. Was he obvious with his words. Yes he was but his son never got hold on his indirect words and would always brush them off.

When Blake didn't said anything and cleared his throat he again heard Lucas words which made him even more shock," We will be shifting here with you dad" getting up from his seat Lucas left the living hall.

It was hard for them to have a heart to heart conversation as both never tried to have one.

Tearing up would alter their image and no one dared to show their emotion to each other. They were happy having this tom and cherry like relation and that's what made their bond strong.

Blake had never imagined his son would give him the biggest surprise of his life. Back then when Blake would call Lucas to meet him, he would just come to show his face and then live like a guest.

"This brat can't he have a proper conversation" no doubt Blake was dancing inside when his son drop a bomb on him.

He wanted them to stay here with him but Lucas moved to stay in their old mansion where he build memories with Rosie. He still couldn't enter that place because he would soon break down remising his time with his wife.

"Ungrateful brat" smiling Blake went to get fresh.


Soon everyone arrived for the breakfast. Everyone praised Elena for making such mouth watering food for them to eat.

James and Iris left first because of some work followed by Andrew who too left as he had a meeting to attend.

Daniel too went when he was called for a sudden surgery. Maira was left with her friend so they decided to prepare the list of guest they would invite.

The wedding was just a week ahead and they had many things to take care off. While the girls excuse themselves Lucas and Blake were left alone.

There was a pin drop silence around the two men who just kept staring at each other when finally the elder one opened his mouth," When were you going to tell me"

"If you already know then why do you expect me to keep you updated"

When Blake got to know about getting threat mails he couldn't sit still. He knew his son was capable enough to take care of himself. He was not that small kid who would get frightened with this useless warning. 

What he feared was about the danger still lingering around them. Marcus have been smartly keeping his eyes on them and they both knew. Even if they security around them was doubled still they couldn't get their guards down when they knew the person who was behind them was Marcus.

It was their failure that they still couldn't get hold on him but they only hoped to protect their loved one and were not ready to loose anyone for his revenge on them.

Understanding that it was useless to argue with him when Lucas already knew Blake had his men appointed to get every little thing happening around him.

"He just want to play hide and seek dad. So let it be. I want to know how far he would go this time. But one thing is for sure if I find him he will surely loose his life and will never see the next sunrise" 

His words were not just words but a warning he gave his father beforehand. Lucas knew it was high time to take action against Marcus but still he wanted to let him have his ways towards them.

He was just waiting for him to fall in his trap and that's what he was going to do.

"Drop the news about the wedding and let it circulate on every news channel" his sharp gaze was understood by his father.

It was time to play with the prey by getting involved with his game. He knew once the news reach his ears he would not sit still and would definitely try to reach them. 


Inside Elena's room both the girls were discussing about the guest. They had made a list of hundred people by now and were still thinking about more.

"Did you called Samantha" Elena asked.

The wedding was taking place suddenly and they didn't get time to even tell people around them. 

"Yes I just called her in the morning. She would soon reach here" Maira again thought something and wrote down.

"How about we personally go and buy your wedding dress" Elena suggested.

Maira had many designer friends and Shaun was out of country for his fashion show. So they no one whom they would trust with their sizes.

"I think you are right" Maira agreed with her.

"Lets go tomorrow after your ultra sound is done" 

Maira was going to have a checkup the next day. Daniel had told her to be on time as he will leave early because of the emergency in hospital. He wanted to clear his schedule before their wedding.

"Okay it sound nice. I have one friend who is just as talented as Shaun. He would have the latest designs"

"Okay then.."

The girls continued their work inside the room.


Lucas was out for a meeting. Ron had asked him to give a visit as his presence was necessary.

"They have manage to crack the deal with the Scotts" Ron turn and passed the tablet to Lucas while they drove to the company.

"Zander Cruise. Why do I feel I have heard this name before" Lucas was trying to recall but he could find.

"The company is a startup but its doing very well rising their position slowly in top five business names" Ron had went through a rough background check and he was impressed how the company manage to shine in small span of time.

"He started the company just two years ago but they are doing great soon reaching the top place"

"Hmm quite impressing I would like to work with them someday" 

Lucas drove to the company for the meeting before texting and informing his wife about the fruit salad she would be having meantime.


Lingaa's apartment

Inside his room Lingaa, Tin and Aksa were having a discussion over the new lead they had found about Marcus and his illegal business.

"If not for the girl who manage to run away and land straight at the police station informing about the people who were taking them out from the country we would have not found how low Marcus was going to drop more"

"He is very cunning man who is earning money with all these illegal things. Even after being in prison for so many years still his legacy is carried by his most trusted man"

"I soo wish to kill him with my own hands man" Tin wished he would have killed him the last time itself but he missed him by just a little. If the bullet didn't cross through his heart the shot was just pointed straight in is heart.

"Let gets the girl statement and ask where was she taken and if she could remember the place where they were kept" Lingaa look at Aksa and he nodded getting his orders.

"You tin get me the details of the girls we managed to free in these years" after discussing the major point Lingaa made a call to meet the girl who ran free from the cage saving her life.