Chapter 214 - Slow Death

Lucas eyes widen watching the man carrying Elena in his arms. She was unconscious and blood was oozing from he corner of her lips.

"MARCUS .." Lucas lost his cool and marched toward Marcus.

Before he could reach two men came and got hold on him. Lucas was now more than furious and just wanted to end this game once and for all.

"How dare you harm her" he wriggled trying to free from their hold when London walked and kicked him on his stomach making him fall down. 

Lucas was like a raging bull giving hard time to the men holding him. He pulled his hand and swirled around loosing their grip and punched the men. He kicked one of them.

"You dare touch her" he walked towards the man who had brought Elena.

Before he could reached Landon attacked him from behind hitting his head with a wooden stick.

Caught off guard Lucas fell down on his knees holding his head. His vision began to turn blurry as his eyes tried to focus on Elena.

"Sunshine .."he called out before passing out.


Lingaa walked downstairs when he heard some commotion from a particular room. He frowned and started to walk towards the voice which was lower but slowly became more clearer.

He knew Marcus had been doing human trafficking especially women by selling them as and auction and earning money through them. His eyes travelled towards the door as he walked and slowly peeked inside.

Lingaa eyes widen watching the horrifying scene in front of him. The girl whom had managed to escape or say was left without harm was saying the truth when she told how girls over there were treated.

The guards were beating every girl who went against them which was to stressful to watch. His eyes looked at the girls who were beaten black and blue with belts and riffles in their hands.

The young girls cried in pain but the men didn't stopped when one of the girl who had fallen down on the floor looked toward him.

Hinting her to keep quite the girl understood the man was not one of them. Getting his action she stayed still when one of the guard who was tired of beating them stooped and said," I think I need some energy drink before we started again.

"Hmm.. even I'm worn out. These bitches are not ready to obey us" saying this he picked up his fallen belt and wrapped around his hand.

Lingaa watched them turn and he hide behind the door. He composed himself into one of them when they both came out.

"What are you doing here" one of them asked.

Only two guards one at time were allowed to enter the forbidden area. The area was restricted because all illegal means were transported from the back side of the base and right now Lingaa had entered the back side .

"Bose asked me to join you both" he said without filter.

He knew Landon was the next one in command and everyone over here followed his words after Marcus.

Both the men easily believed his words," Patrol this cell we will be back. Don't hold back even one of them scream" saying this both of them went away from there.

Lingaa took the opportunity to barge inside the cell. As soon as he entered inside all the girls got scared. Watching them flinching in fear made him remove his mask," I'm here to get you all out" 

At first no one believed him but then he showed them his card.

"Don't be afraid" he said and looked at the girl whom he had seen and asked to keep quite.

"Do you know any secret way to get out" he asked the girl when she nodded her head.

The girl name Karen who was just an eighteen year old girl was abducted from her collage when she was walking her way back home. She had been brought here from more then fifteen days and now there were going to trade them with the other mafia's.

"Sir this cell has a common bathroom which is attached to the back side of the base. I had tried to watch through the small window inside the bathroom. No guards are allotted to protect the back side" she had tried to sneak out from the cell but unfortunately she was caught red handed by one of the by one of the guard.

"Show me the way" he said and the girl took him toward the common bathroom.



Landon threw water on Lucas who was now tied up with his hand above his head as his body swung on the chain.

The first thing he saw as soon as he opened his was Elena who now rested on a wooden bed. She had still not opened her eyes which made him frown..

"Argh.." wriggling hard he tried to free himself but it was of no use. His hand were tied with chains and it was more hard for him to move.

Landon chuckled at his helplessness and walked towards Elena.

"You should be happy she is not yet killed" Landon took an injection out and started to fill it.

"What are you doing?" Lucas shouted watching him filling some drug into the syringe.

"Giving her a slow death" Marcus voiced came to his reach.

Lucas never thought situation would slip from his hand and he would end up getting caught by them. 

"Marcus I'm warning you don't you dare touch her. Your hate is towards me right then fucking kill me let her go" he moved his body vigorously.

Lucas felt his heart would come out from his throat. He had no faith toward Marcus because the man was crazy and in his madness he would not think twice to kill anyone. 

"Such a devoted husband but what is the use of this devotion when you will soon loose her" Marcus walked towards him and pulled his head in anger.

"Do you remember how because of you and your father I lost the move of my life" Marcus was bringing the past which he buried somewhere in the corner of his heart.

Lucas pupil dilated when he heard him. How was he supposed to forget the unfortunate day when he had lost his mother and even his unborn sibling.

"You remember right" Marcus let out a manic laugh.

His eyes turned red recalling the burning car in front of his eyes which later blast. He had only love Rosie in his entire life. There was no one who could replaced her in his heart. He adored her to such and extend that he became a stalker who followed and kept an eye on her everyday life.

"I loved her dearly but your father snatch even her from me. I had set my eye on her first then how come he came out of nowhere and marry her" Marcus had been burning into ashes every time he used to remember how he was not treated equally like Blake.

Even when he was the elder one still Blake was given the CEO position while he was made the head of some useless department.

Even when he was brought to the Thomson mansion and given Luther's name still he used to feel stranger to them. His mother who not even used be at peace unless she would see him suddenly started to divide her love between him and Blake.

Marcus felt his blood boil thinking how everyone around was happy and the one who was let alone was him. He had slowly started to realize nothing was true whatever his mother said when she married his step father.

"I want you to go with the same pain I am going even till now loosing the only source of my happiness" Marcus threw his head and walked back towards the bed.

Taking the injection from London's hand he walked towards Elena and was about to inject her with the drug when he heard Lucas laugh...

"Love.. did you even love her" Lucas wanted to divert his attention away from Elena so his team could reach her soon.

By now everything happening to them was recorded and he had full faith in Ethan and Daniel that they will soon came to their rescue until then he need to keep him engage.

Marcus halted his hand and lifted his eyes to look at Lucas..

'Good' Lucas smirked and started with his act.

"You called this love when you yourself was the one who took her life" Lucas was purposely trying to provoke him and divert his whole attention towards him.

"I doubt if you even loved my mother or was just obsessed towards her.... If you would have every felt loved towards her you would have never killed her father at first place just to have your way in her life" Lucas knew the more he mocked him the more he would get frustrated and that was what he need at the moment.