Chapter 215 - Don't Remind Me Of Him

Marcus was aging and Lucas knew how an old man easily loose his cool if provoked. He was just a normal oldy who was experiencing his aging life.

"Tsk.. I really feel bad for you because you took her friendship in a wrong way" Lucas had always seen his grandfather longing to meet his elder son but every time his resolve melted down he was reminded about his crime. 

Even in his last moment he had asked Marcus to come and meet him for one last time but this bastard didn't even cry a drop and stuck on his ego. Lucas still couldn't understand why was his grandfather such a nice human who even bend down his own pride and ego for a step son.

Marcus felt his blood boil and he storm towards Lucas and kicked him in his stomach. Though he was in his fifty's still the man was no less in fight. His hard kick made Lucas puke blood but still he didn't show his pain and tried to keep strong.

"She was never my friend.. I never considered as one... Your father.. he came in between us" Marcus kept punching and kicking him ruthlessly.

The years of anger and despise he kept holding inside him was finally getting out.

All this years of isolation had made him a monster who had lost the ability to think what was right and wrong.

All this time he only kept repeating in his mind how he had lost Rosie because of Blake and Lucas when he was the one who misunderstood the whole scenario.


As soon as the camera went blank Ethan had sense trouble and without wasting anytime he and Daniel order there men to barge in until they reach.

Everything was ruined when Lucas lost his cool but even they couldn't blame him. Seeing your beloved in such a state what was he supposed to do. They both knew Elena was his life and if anything happens to her Lucas would be broken to such an extent were no one could put him back.


Lingaa had managed to open the window by pulling out the slide glass. He had asked one of the girl to keep him updated when she sensed danger. He wanted to blast the entire base but before that he had to bring this girls out and save his sister.

He broke the window framed when his hand reached to the lock. He broke the lock and an hidden exit came to their view. There was a secret passage which would lead them out from the base safely.

He opened the door when he saw stairs which descended down. Lingaa took two steps when he saw the way to exit. Smiling he came up and informed the girls.

There were more than ten girls of different age group who were brought for the auction. The terrified expression on each and every girl's face changed when they were finally given the chance to run from this hell.

"Get down one by one" he said waving his hand.

The girl were getting down one by one when the girl who was watching the door came running.

"They are back.." she shouted.

Lingaa asked her to come soon and walk down but before she could reach the girl was pulled back and a loud gun shot echoed the room.


Lingaa's eyes widen in shock as he watched the girl being dragged back.

"Do you think you can run just like that" one of the men who held the girl pointed the gun on her head and warned the other girls who were escaping.

"Drop all your weapons" the other one pointed towards Lingaa.

"Fast.. " Lingaa removed his gun and placed in on the floor.

The man came and kicked Lingaa hard on his stomach making him hiss in pain, falling down on his knees.

"You think you can easily fool us" the man laughed and was about to pick the gun when Lingaa removed a small cutter from his sleeves and threw it on the man who held the girl making him fall down dead.

While the other one was left speechless and took some time to react Lingaa picked up back his gun and shot the men directly on his temple.

"Thud.." the man fell down lifeless making the girl step back from the spot.

Walking towards the girl who was standing in shock. Lingaa shook her shoulder, "They are dead ...  just run fast. You will find the military men outside just walked some distance and tell them everything happened here" the girl nodded her head and was about to walk downstairs when she stopped and turn to hug him," Thank you.. thank you so much" she said and climbed down.

After making sure everyone was out there he closed the door and walked out from the room.

Now his main priority was to get his sister out from this place and for that he first needed to find her.


Aksa had soon started to execute their way getting inside the base. When the team first entered the entrance they were welcomed with the lying bodies of the guards.

He understood it was all his friends doing. Half of the work was already done by Lingaa. He was one of the most strongest member in their team who would fight more than twenty to thirty people at time.

He pointed the other to surround the whole base. The team divided into two, half went along with Aksa while the remaining went to surround the place.

The first thing he did getting inside was to destroy every camera which was installed. He knew once they would find the camera's not working the guards would come to find them and that's what he wanted.

They walked inside the base when Aksa saw a fire alarm and he pointed his gun shooting at it. The bell rang alerting the guards and soon six member came running.

Putting all their energy Aksa and his team fought the men's and went forward. He already had got hold on the blueprint of the base and he followed according to that.


Inside the hall Marcus had poured all his year long rage on Lucas. He kept punching him until his blood started to come out from his wound he received from him.

Lucas face was punched black and blue and was just a minute away to blank out.

Marcus wanted the man to stop with his nonsense but even after getting kicked for so long still Lucas was smiling at him.

"Don't you care about your life.." he yelled looking at the young man who was throwing blood after getting punched on his face.

"Hah... I will not fear you Marcus because a shallow person like you can never know the true meaning of life" Lucas smirked and continued.

"If you would have ever accepted my family wholeheartedly then you wouldn't be alone like this now. You have just became like your biological father a monster.. who feel satisfied destroying other's life" spitting the blood from his mouth Lucas eyes turned cold and he smirked watching the man go silent at the mention of his father.

Marcus looked at Lucas in disbelief.

"What!! Did you forget you own father now... he  was too the same as you, who used your mother and threw her out from his life after raping her" Luther had never shared about his second wife's past but still Lucas had came to know about it.

She was just an innocent girl who was abused by Marcus father using her for his desire and then when he got hold on another women he threw her out from his life impregnating her.

If his grandfather had not saw her jumping from the cliff trying to end her life she would have been dead by now. At that time his grandfather had saved her in name of humanity and gave her shelter and job to raise her child.

He was a married man back then and loved his wife dearly. But then with the demise of his grandmother even he lost his happiness at that instant.

Luther was a devoted husband who loved his wife very much but he let go his stubbornness for Blake. He was just an year old child who lost his mother after she birth him.

Till the age of five Luther did his best to fulfill his responsibility as both a father and a mother but then as the time went by their business started to grew even more making him busy and diverting all his attention on the work. That when he came up with the idea of marrying again and the one who came in his mind was Marcus mother who worked as one of his employee.

Marcus covered his hears when Lucas mention about his father. He knew how his father treated his mother like a trash. He had seen his mother cry cursing the day she met the man who destroyed her life for his own benefit.

"Stop.. stop... don't remind me of him" he shouted covering his ears and closed his eye tightly.

On one side Lucas had successfully pull out his weak string making the man loose his cool while on the bed Elena stir in her sleep and opened her eyes only to find Marcus shouting covering his ears.