Chapter 216 - Marcus Died

She got up looking at Marcus in shock when her eye darted from him to the figure behind Marcus.

"Lucas.." her voice came low like a whisper and her heart drop into her stomach watching how badly he was wounded.

His face was covered with blood while his clothes had mark of shoes on it which only concluded her that they had kicked him.

Elena eyes welled up watching him fall so weak as he tried to stand straight with his hands tied up above his head by a chain.

Lucas who eyes were starting to close when lifted up his lashes only to find Elena sitting up and looking at him.

Lucas was about to hint her something when an alarm struck catching everyone's attention.

"Military have attacked us" one of the man came running informing about the cops entering the base and have almost killed half their army without them knowing about it.

"What?" Landon who was standing next to Marcus looked at the man.

Lucas chuckled watching their scared face and spoke," This is the face which one makes when they see their time is near" 

Lucas looked at Elena and gave her a meaningful look. Nodding her head she slowly got down from bed and hide herself under while everyone present inside had their attention of the man who came to inform them about the emergency.

Each and every men inside the hall left the room after getting informed about the attack as Landon instructed them to take care of the cops.

Slowly hiding from them she squat down when Elena found a syringe fallen down next to her feet. There was also a bottle along with it with was not used . Reading the name Elena easily understood what the medicine was.

Without hesitating she picked up the syringe and crawled peeking through the bed.

"You bastard how can you fool me" Marcus who was tricked by Lucas and now he felt like an idiot to trust his words when he agreed to come without any backup.

He was about to punch him when he heard a gun shot and Lucas fell down with a thud.

Lingaa had entered the hall and killed almost all his men who guarded the place and only few down there were left to be taken care of.

Removing the chain from his hand Lucas freed himself and attacked Marcus who was still in shocking looking how so many people entered his base killing his army.

"How dare you touch my wife" Lucas kicked the man on his stomach making him fall down.

Elena stood up when she heard the gun shot and saw upstairs where Lingaa was fighting the men alone. Her eyes then turned to look at Lucas who was fighting with Marcus when her eyes widen watching Landon approaching him out of nowhere.

"Lucas.."  she screamed catching his attention when Landon was about to attack.

Lucas swiftly turned and dodge his attack hitting him back. Landon was caught off guard by his sudden attack and fell down next to Marcus who was badly beaten by Lucas.

"Lucas step his foot on Landon's hand making him hiss in pain.." You dare beat my wife" Landon was crying in pain unable to move because of Lucas torture.

"Did you think I would let you both go free after whatever you did to my wife" Lucas kicked on his stomach and hit him like made man until the man went unconscious.

By the time Aksa and his team had already reached witnessing the crazy behavior of Lucas.

Lucas heard Marcus stir on the ground and he crouch a little pulling his collar. The elderly man was barely unconscious to see him.

"Do you know why your life is like this.. because you never deserve a good life Marcus. You pushed everyone away who loved you just for your so call revenge. My mother she died because of you.. your are her murderer.." he pushed him making him fall down.

Marcus was hardly bale to keep his eyes open. The blood he was loosing due to the punches and kicks he received was making him puke blood.

Getting up he looked at both Landon and Marcus who had no energy in them to even stand up.

"Bastards.." Lucas kicked him one last time and turn back away from them.

His eyes moved to look at Elena who watched him with her tearful gaze. Widening his arm to her he nodded his head.

Elena threw the syringe from her hand and ran to Lucas embracing herself in his warmth. She felt her heart race watching him in front of her eyes. He was safe and was with her.

"Why did you come.." she complained making him frown.

Pushing her a little Lucas frown deepen when he saw a mark on her cheeks," Who did this" his eyes turned cold when he inquired her. Lucas trace his finger on the mark when she flinch a little.

Elena pursed her lips looking at his furious face," I asked you first?" she diverted her eyes from his face and looked elsewhere.

Lucas brushed her question off and trace his fingers on the mark again," Does it hurt" he asked but this time his voice was soft.

"No not at all... now that your are with me I don't feel any pain" she hide her frame in his muscular one and hugged him again.

Lingaa shook his head in disbelief looking at the couple who was forgetting about the place and situation showing their love openly.

"Someone please take them home" Aksa said looking at them not believing his eyes watching their PDA.

Lingaa shook his head and was about to walk downstairs towards them when his eyes widen.

Marcus was slowly regaining his consciousness back. He opened his eyes and saw Landon knocked out by Lucas. He was bare awake.

By the looks he could clearly tell that he would not wake up soon. Then his eyes slowly moved next to the fallen gun which was just next to his body.

Marcus forced himself a little and reached his hand to get the gun. He could hear the couple talking even the army along with Lucas men had reached the spot. He could hear everything.

'I can't let him have a happy life' Marcus pick the gun and looked at the couple. Pulling up the strength he stood up and pointed the gun at Elena.

"You will also have to live alone...." he shouted pointing the gun at Elena and pulled the trigger.

Elena eyes widen in shock looking at the gun and she closed her eyes. She thought it was her last moment which she got with Lucas.

Multiple gun shot echoed inside the room and the bullet was shot.

"Argh.." Elena fell down with a thud.

Her body felt heavy and she could hear a crying sound when she shot opened her eyes and found Lucas on her.

Her eyes looked at Marcus as he was shot multiple times and fell down in front of her.

Elena's eyes widen in shock looking at Marcus body falling limp in front of her eye when she heard a weak voice next to her," Sunshine... "

It was the moment she realize what had happened and she looked down only to find Lucas hissing in pain. His breathing turn heavy and he groaned.

"L-Lucas.." she moved him a little and the first difference she saw in him was blood on his stomach.

With her trembling hand she reached to touch his face when he coughed blood.

"No .. some body help" Lucas fell down on her side unconscious.

"Lucas open your eyes" she cried as she got up resting his head on her lap patting his cheeks repeatedly.

Lingaa and Aksa who watched this came running downstairs and reached towards the couple.

Marcus was dead on spot and Landon was held captive by the cops.

Lucas was wide awake as his mind was not ready to rest. He could hear Elena crying holding him, he felt her warm.

As the time went by he felt he was walking into some darkness from where he was slowly getting separated from her warmth.

"Sunshine...I love you" he said those words when his mind and body became still and all he could feel was falling into an abyss a deep darkness... 


"Captain we need to rush" Ethan shouted and turned to look back.

Inside the chopper Daniel was trying his best to stop the blood flow. Ethan and Daniel reached just after the attack and the first thing they saw was Elena crying holding Lucas in her arm. 

Elena kept holding Lucas hand and watched his face loosing it's color.

Lucas just stood in front of her without caring about his life and took the gun shot. The bullet hit him directly on his stomach when Lingaa ordered cops to shoot Marcus.

All this while being abducted by them she was praying to keep her husband safe and not let him take any step which would come after his life. But everything turned out different. Their happy moment turned out to the saddest day of her life.

Elena felt she could have the power to turn back  time and pushed Lucas taking the shot on her but she couldn't. Because of her Lucas had put his life in danger without caring about himself and now she felt remorse on herself for being his weakness.

"You can't leave me Lucas .. do you hear me you can't leave me and our kids alone" she warned with her words but soon broke down looking his lack of reaction.



Soon the chopper landed on the hospital terrace and few staff members came with the stretcher. Placing Lucas on the stretcher they carried him to the operation theater.

All this while Elena didn't left his side as she was not letting him go. She was scared if she leaves him alone he would just vanished and just the thought of his leave was stopping her heart.

Reaching the emergency room Daniel took Lucas inside when he saw Elena to entering inside.

"You can't come" Daniel warned her and closed the door on her face.

"Daniel" she shouted but the later turn deaf and didn't entertain her.

As soon as the news reached to the elder no one waited a single second and rushed to the hospital.

Julian was the one who came running only to find her daughter sitting down on the floor next to the OT room.
