Chapter 217 - You Promise Me Forever


Julian called her name and ran towards her falling down on her knees. As soon as they heard the news about Lucas getting shot they didn't wait any longer and rushed to the hospital.

Blake stood on the spot when he found Elena sitting lifeless resting her head near the door frame of the emergency room. 

She looked pale with the bruise on her face. He could tell she had been crying for a long time.

"How is he.." Ethan was also present there heard Henry say.

"Daniel said he had lost a lot of blood as he was shot in the stomach. Hopefully we reached there on time and brought him as soon as possible" he said whatever he and Daniel has seen as soon as they reached the isolated place.

The was a long silence when Blake said..

"Marcus.." he asked.

"He is dead" Lingaa said walking towards them.

Blake nodded his head. He never felt a single ounce of love towards him the day he learned about crime he did to get Rosie. Day by day he felt lower in his eyes by doing things which clearly showed he never learned anything from their father and inherited his cheat father's blood.

Blake turned his eyes on the girl who was sitting like a statue without responding to anyone and felt bad for her. Because of them she had to go through so much. If Marcus was not his brother she wouldn't had to face all the thing she faced even before marrying his son.

Blake closed his eyes when he felt a palm placed on his shoulder," Don't think too much nothing will happen to him" Henry was too shocked to look Elena but he also knew she was strong enough to cope up with this hard situation.

Julian looked at Elena who had her eyes fixed on the red bulb. She was eagerly waiting for Daniel to come out and say something.

Her heart was not at peace from the time she left Lucas hand and he was dragged inside the operation room. She felt her hands turn cold as the warmth of his hand left her and that fear of being left alone was slowly creeping in her heart.

'You promised me forever Lucas.. Dare you back with your promise to me' she closed her eyes and prayed for his safety when the OT room's door opened and Daniel came out.

Everyone's eyes looked at him but the man didn't paid attention to anyone and walked looking down where Elena was sitting.

He had seen her not leaving his brothers side for even a second and he knew she was waiting for him to come out and inform about her husband condition.

Squatting down to her level he watched her opening her eyes. The restlessness in her eye was evident.

Elena looked at Daniel as his face was blank like a white paper and her heartbeat began to drop when he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"He is a fighter Elena.. he is safe" as soon as she heard his words she burst out letting her tears fall down which she was holding for too long. Covering her face she let herself vent down her tears.

"He is fine.." she kept saying that while she cried.

Watching her cry even Daniel cried. He was just a weak person whenever it came to his family. Just like his brother he too placed his family before anything. He had never thought there would come a day where he had to face such a heard time where he had to operate his brother who was fighting for his life.

Julian who say him cry patted his shoulder and he burst even more hugging her. Like Lucas even Daniel and Ethan called her mother.

Though she was not their biological mother but the way she cared for them was enough to them to see how loving she was and how she treated everyone equally.

After sometime Elena stopped crying and tried to get up when she felt her head getting heavy and she collided on the wall next to her..

"Elena.."  Henry shouted watching his daughter loose her balance and was about to fall when Daniel held her.

Daniel immediately called the nurse and soon Elena was rushed in the next room.


Investigation bureau

Aksa had brought Marcus dead corpse and now it was placed in the mortuary of the military hospital.

His entire base was now under the cops hands and they had discovered many things which he did inside that isolated place. They had even sealed his villa along with the money he made by trading the illegal business.

Standing inside the mortuary, Aksa looked at the dead man. They were searching him for so long and now the man was killed by the military itself.

"Does he have any relative" the doctor who was examining the body before taking for the autopsy asked.

"No" Aksa had a poker face as he looked the doctor cover Marcus face with the white cloth.

Tin was out of danger and was now responding very well. Marcus was now out from their life. Landon was brought to the cell and he made sure to charge him a severe punishment from where he couldn't even leave the prison until he gets old.


Thomson mansion

Ethan and everyone one came back home but Julian insisted to stay with Elena as she had not opened her eyes after she passed out. Even though Daniel said she fainted due to exertion and he even run some test on her, checking her thoroughly and everything was fine.

"How is she?" Maira asked as she was not allowed to visit the hospital as they didn't wanted her to stress herself.

Samantha stayed along with her but kept contacting Ethan every now and then asking about the situation.

Sitting on the couch Ethan leaned back resting his head on the headboard and release a sigh.

"Lucas and Elena both are fine" he said thinking about the time he reached the base. If they had not reached on time god knows what would have happened.

Samantha and Miara both sighed listening that both of them where safe and back.

From the time Elena went missing everyone around had never blinked their eyes and kept searching her when Lucas told them that Marcus had taken her.

"What about Marcus" Maira knew Marcus was the main source of their stressful life and she so wanted to meet the old man and smack him black and blue.

"He is dead" both the anger eyes looking at Ethan widen when he answer them.

He opened his eyes and looked at them and told them whatever happened there. By the end of the discussion both the girls where flaring their nose in anger.

"Death was just a simple punishment after whatever he did with Elena" Maira fisted her palm until her knuckles turned white.

"That man was a monster who not even spared young girls and sold them for earning money" Ethan felt disgusted after getting all information about Marcus and his wrong doing.

That man was a mole in the Thomson family who didn't had any good thing within him. His revenge against them made him a heartless man such a monster where he even forgot to distinguish what was right and wrong.

"Everything happens for a reason and I am finally relief that now with him all the bad things vanished and now everyone can rest" Samantha joined her hand and prayed smiling at both of them.


Back inside the hospital room where Lucas was resting opened his eyes slowly. His head was still heavy because of the medicine he was injected throw the drip.

Trying to get his vision clear he looked around when he found himself inside the hospital room. The sound of the beeping machine made him realized he was not in his room. 

"Sunshine.." his low husky voice called Elena's name but no was there to listen him when his heart started to accelerate.

All the memories flashed in front of his eyes and he put all if his strength and got up.

Lucas hissed in pain holding his stomach and climb down the bed pushing the stool next to him as he tried to balance himself.

Listening the commotion inside the room a nursed came inside and watched Lucas in horror.

"Sir you can't get down, you had a surgery" she walked and tried to hold him when he shouted," Where is my wife" his eyes had tuned red as he recalled everything and the first one he wanted to see was his Sunshine.

Lucas was acting reckless as he removed the IV drip and tried to break free from the nurse hold.

"Where is my wife.. I want to see her" he pushed the nurse and started walking ahead with his stumbling steps.

"I need to call doctor Daniel now" the nurse got scared with his loud voice and watched him not listening to her warning only thought to inform Daniel about it.

She rushed out from the room to call Daniel while on the other hand Lucas walked out from the room trying to search Elena.

His heart was not at peace unless he would see her once. The scene where Marcus had pointed the gun on Elena gave him a deep shock. Even though he block the shot from hitting her still he didn't knew what happened after that.

He walked with his sloppy step walking through the corridor looking inside every room. Lucas felt his world stopped not finding his wife next to him.. He had started to get bad feeling that something might have happened to her.