It's Midsummer and the sun is high. Camphor trees on both sides of the road in C University are luxuriant and green. They are arranged neatly. The rustle of leaves and the sound of cicadas are endless.

The occasional wind is like a heat wave rolling on people, the whole city can be compared to a big steamer.

Luyuanyuan is wearing a sunscreen umbrella with black glue, which can block part of the sun, but can't keep away the high temperature that constantly spreads to all parts of her body.

With one hand holding an umbrella and the other hand taking out her mobile phone from her skirt pocket, she opened wechat and saw eight unread messages in the dormitory group.

She accurately extracted valid information from a pile of expression packs.

- the sharing meeting will be held in classroom B101, teaching building, Department of economics and management.

The pace of deer garden is slowing down, and there are some problems.

With an umbrella in one hand, it's not convenient for her to type. So I click [hold to speak], and then I slightly lower my head and get under the mobile phone, making a small voice.

"I just came back from home. Where is the teaching building of economics and management department?"

Then let go and send.

Because the sharing meeting hasn't started yet, several people in the group are in seconds.

She looked at the news they had sent and started looking for area B against the school signs. It took her fifteen minutes to get to the classroom.

Entering B101, the air-conditioning from her face made her excited. As soon as luyuanyuan saw the people in the dormitory.

She went over, sat down in the vacant seat and said hello to them with a smile.

The reason why you can quickly identify your roommate from a group of people is because of these conspicuous hairstyles.

Big brown wave, black cool guy head and multicolored braids.

In contrast, the deer garden, which is just black and straight, seems to have little water.

Big wave affectionately hugged the shoulder of the deer garden, "forget our garden is a road crazy, even the teaching building of our department can't remember, still talk about the Department of economics and management."

"That is, if we skip class one day, it depends on you."

The other two laughed at her.

This is a ladder classroom, with large space, complete equipment, and more air conditioning than ordinary classrooms.

Luyuanyuan looked around a little and poked the big waves around him, "Sisi, how did you come here It seems that they are all girls? "

So big classroom, she a slant head, eye-catching are girls.

And it can be seen that many of them are well-dressed.

"Tut Tut, you don't know that," Lin Xi moved to her side. "Today's sharing meeting is actually nothing important. It's mainly about the experience shared by the senior students. However, a famous senior also came."

After a pause, she changed into a gossip tone. "It's said that the thief looks good, the thief is handsome, and the thief has style. The key is to learn well."


Lin Xi used four "thieves" and then made a sharp turn in her voice: "Alas, it's a pity that I've only seen a paste in the picture."

Freshmen have to enter the school ahead of time and have two weeks of military training. Now it's the first week of formal school.

After half a month of military training, Lu Yuan Yuan and the three girls in the dormitory are familiar with each other. Lin Xi is careless and doesn't care much about anything. Her reaction makes Lu Yuanyuan curious.

"The senior Is it that good? "

"Tut!" Lin Xi glared round her eyes and said to her, "this is not a good question. I heard that before the final exam of his freshman year, he helped his classmates to explain the questions. Those who reviewed according to what he said all got above B in the end! Isn't this a man of God? "


Luyuanyuan gave face and said, "wow..."

"In fact, the most important reason why seniors are so famous is because of their faces." Lin Xi sighed, "after all, our school's score line is so high, and the Department of economics and management is much higher than our department's estimate. If such a handsome guy comes out, he will become a famous person."

Luyuanyuan nodded.

C big is really difficult to test, her high school has been top results, here is not much outstanding.

It's even more difficult to get into the Department of economics and management.

So thinking, she had a faint admiration for this unknown senior.

After waiting for a while, it was time to start the lecture, but the previous professors didn't start.

Lin Xi couldn't sit still. "The main speaker of this sharing meeting also had him, but I don't know why he didn't come yet I'm in such a hurry! "

Lu Yuanyuan looked at her face and touched her arm in a funny way. She said in a soft voice, "don't worry. I'll see you soon."

Lindsey stares at luyuanyuan.

I couldn't help rubbing her hair and muttering in a low voice: "cute girl is really a baby..."


Luyuanyuan didn't seem to hear her clearly. She looked at her without knowing why.


That's the look.

Luyuanyuan's eyes are the best. They are black and white. They can see to the end with one eye. When they look at people, they seem to have a vivid light.Her face is very small, sharp chin is very delicate, the skin after the military training of tea poison is not much black, still white and tender.

The whole person looks like a moving porcelain doll.

When Linxi first met her, she was bending down to make the bed. When Linxi came in, she shyly introduced herself and said that she could help her make the bed.

At that time, Lin Xi looked at the little girl in front of her. Her eyes were big and beautiful, and her voice was sweet and soft.

As a girl, she couldn't help her liver trembling.

The speaker of the classroom made the sound of the professor trying the wheat. Linqian took back her hand that touched luyuanyuan's hair.

When the classroom was quiet, compared with the noisy food market before, it was a bit of the atmosphere before the lecture.

Luyuanyuan also sat up straight, staring at the people standing in front of him.

Professor Liu, a middle-aged man in the Department of economics and management, is in good shape. He wears a pair of rimless glasses and looks like a kind of elegant professor at that stop.

He seems to have answered the phone just now.

"Let's talk to the students. One of the five speakers scheduled for today --" speaking of this, Professor Liu held the mirror frame, and then continued: "I can't get away from something urgent, and I can't be there. I hope you can listen to the other four people's sharing. Let's applaud..."

Although Professor Liu has seamlessly connected his speech, the crowd under the stage still made a lot of sighs.

There is a seat on the right side of luyuanyuan, next to several girls. Their complaints clearly spread to her ears.

"My God, I got up early to see Su Lin, but he didn't come?"

"What time is it? What do you call early

"Oh, is it easy for Laozi's music department to come to the lecture of economics and management department..."

"Well, I really haven't met him yet. What's the emergency..."

Su Lin Is that Lin Xi's senior?

Lu Yuan noticed the movement on the stage and listened to the girls around him.

After complaining for a while, they began to whisper: "I had a classmate who took the same elective course with Su Lin when he was a freshman. He said he overslept in the final exam and didn't go."

"Damn it, ha ha ha ha!"

"Well, doesn't he have to take a make-up exam? Laugh to death... "


Sleep through the final exam?

The story of the senior who didn't show up is really legendary.

Luyuanyuan couldn't help but raise her lips slightly.

After that, he was absorbed in listening to the people on the stage.

After class in the afternoon, it was only more than three o'clock. Luyuanyuan didn't go back to the dormitory with a few people. He wanted to go to the library.

She took out the map of the school she was carrying. She confirmed the location again and again before she set out.

C University has been built for many years. After several renovations, it not only retains the original simple style, but also has luxuriant plants everywhere. There are many broad roads in the campus. From time to time, there are students and teachers passing by, talking and saying that laughter is in line with everything here.

Luyuanyuan's mood suddenly improved.

She is an easy to satisfy person, such campus life, whether it is classmates, teachers, or roommates, she likes.

After the students parking bicycle shed, change a corner, on the road only she a person.

A few minutes later, rhythmic footsteps came.

She raised her umbrella slightly and saw the way ahead.

Turn around a man who has a high visual.

It's a boy.

He I'm running.

The action is very good-looking, fast, and soon from the end of the road to her side.

The boy wore a white T-shirt. When he passed luyuanyuan, it was like a strong wind in a small area.

There was a faint smell in the air that she couldn't tell.

She only caught a glimpse of the side face passing by. All she could confirm was that her skin was very white.

Because he ran too fast, his facial features didn't see clearly.

The boy ran away for a while, but luyuanyuan couldn't help looking back.

His back is still visible.

She looked back for a few seconds, then looked down at herself.


How can people grow so tall.

How can legs be that long.


Lu Yuanyuan was in a low mood for a while. He sighed that the tall people were probably favored by heaven, so he continued to march towards the library with short legs.

I didn't take two steps. I stopped again.

I stepped on something under my foot. It's hard.

She drew back her steps and looked down.

It's a key.

After picking it up, she looked around.

After walking this road for a few minutes, she didn't meet anyone except the tall boy who just ran past.Luyuanyuan frowned slightly in distress.

The cell phone in her pocket suddenly rings and she takes it out.

It's Lindsey.

She called to ask luyuanyuan to help buy an ice cream before going back to the dormitory.

After luyuanyuan answered, he looked at the key in his hand and asked the man at the other end: "Sisi, you know Is there a lost and found place in the school? "


"Ah, is it the opposite of the library?"


Luyuanyuan walked according to the direction of the other end of the phone, chatting with Linxi at will, "how do you know so clearly? Have you been to... "


When the key arrived, it took another half an hour to get to the library.

I borrowed the book I wanted. Thinking of helping others pick up things on the road today, luyuanyuan went back to the dormitory contentedly.

Room 401, building 3, boys' dormitory.

A huge slamming of the door startled three people in the dormitory.

Qin Fang is playing a game, scared almost can't hold the mobile phone.

After stabilizing, he complained loudly to the direction of the door: "what's the matter? Who provoked you to come back and vent your anger with us? "

The other two also echoed: "yes, brother Lin, we didn't do anything. We are good."


Several people's words didn't get a response.

After a while, the sound of water came from the independent bathroom.

Although strange, Qin Fang quickly turned his attention to the game in his hand.

More than ten minutes later, the game ended, Qin Fang looked at the screen of "good luck, eat chicken tonight", in a good mood.

Turn to see Su Lin with wet hair.

Qin Fang thought of the young master's purpose of going out today and asked him, "ah, how about your make-up exam?"

Su Lin's elective final exam for the first half of the semester of the University was slept by him, while the make-up exam for C University was arranged at the beginning of the semester.

It's today.


Smell speech, Su Lin takes the hand of white towel one meal, turn a head to see him.

In the same bedroom for a year, Qin Fang can understand the hearts of the girls who are chasing him.

This face, this whole body exudes "Laozi rich and charming" noble temperament, put where is the focus.

At this time, master Su's handsome face was clearly defined, and he stared at him without expression.

Dark eyes, sharp eyes like substance.

Qin Fang swallowed his saliva

Staring back chilly, he said cautiously, "so this is I got Not good? "

This sentence seems to have hit Su Lin's point.

Qin Fang heard him scold "fuck" in a low voice. He threw the towel on the bedside table, and then the voice was still gloomy, "I lost my bike key, I didn't catch the exam."

"Ah?" Qin Fang didn't respond.

Su Lindun, and then said: "look back to find no, it is estimated to fall on the road, was picked up."

The make-up examination area is arranged in the teaching building farthest from the boys' dormitory building. Except for the examination, there are no classes there. That distance, if you don't ride a bicycle, you may have to walk for 30 minutes.

Ten minutes late for the exam.

Walk on your legs and the day lily is cold.

He didn't go directly.


The air in the dormitory seems to be stagnant.

Later, Qin Fang couldn't hold back and began to laugh: "ha ha ha ha ha, brother Lin, you are really cowhide. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Qin Fang's upper bunk probe: "brother Lin also has today. Hahaha, God won't let you pass!"

Su Lin's upper bunk poked out his head and said, "it's OK. I'll choose another one this semester. I'll supervise you."

Su Lin

Su Lin looked at the three people who were convulsed with laughter, and coldly raised the corner of his lips, "he also gave a damn smile. After Lao Liu's homework, don't ask me."

Although it's dead, it's not without remedy.

As long as one elective course of University C is taken in one academic year, it will be enough credits, so if you miss the make-up exam, you can take one more elective course in other semesters to make up the credits.


This means that he has to take elective courses in his sophomore year.

Su Lin sat in front of the desk calmly, dragging his hand across the computer. Waiting for the boot time, slender fingers click on the desktop.

After loading, he logged in to the campus network and looked at the elective courses with vacant seats.

[basic accounting]

[introduction to sociology]



I don't want to learn any of them.

Better class has long been robbed, until now this time has not been selected full class, think also know how boring.

In the final measure, he ordered [redo], [French], [confirm].After the system prompted success, he turned off the machine directly.

Sulin fidgeted his hair.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

Damn it.

Who picked up the key? Free?

The author has something to say: later.

Every day looking forward to the French Su Lin: this key picked up well. The thief is damn good.
