After choosing the course, Su Lin's mood of manic depression has not eased.

He idly leaned back in his chair, playing with his mobile phone, absent-minded. After several people talk, the sound spread to the ears.

"Well, let alone, the girls in the south are different from ours." Su Lin's upper bunk was the first to stir up trouble.

In terms of age, Su Lin's upper bunk is the eldest in the dormitory. He is a pure northeast man. He can't help sighing at the new influx of Freshmen in school these days.

When Qin Fang heard this, he became interested and didn't plan to play any more games. He looked up at the boss and said, "what's the difference?"

"Just..." The boss held on for a long time, but he didn't come up with any good adjectives.

Or the second one said, "it's cute. You talk in a low voice. You look small."

The boss patted his thigh, "yes! That's what it means! The thief is lovely, southern girl. "

The second is a local. Both Qinfang and Sulin are from city B. on the other side of city B, there has been no geographical distinction between local and non local people for a long time. They come from all over the country.

But Qin Fang still agreed with the eldest brother and the second, "yes, I also think that I came two days earlier. During the military training, I looked at several lovely schoolgirls, tut tut."

He said, the boss then added: "I met a primary school girl who asked the way yesterday. Her eyes were big and she was small. Her expression was simple. I almost couldn't help asking for wechat."

Qin Fang immediately exposed him: "what the hell do you want? You, Su Lin is almost the same..."

"With his virtue, do you want wechat?" The second one seems to have heard some joke, "you said he was interested in solitary birth, I believe it."


Three people are talking about the cute girl, one is satisfied. When waiting to be quiet, Su Lin, who had not made a sound, suddenly sneered.

The kind of smile I disdain.

How many people are confused:???

"Bang," he said with a smile, which was particularly obvious in the dormitory, "cute?"

Su Lin originally leaned against the head of the bed. Now he stood up straight and looked at Qin Fang, who was opposite the bed. "According to your standards, if you are good-looking, no matter how stupid you are, are they all cute?"


All of a sudden, the three people were attacked, and they didn't come back for a moment.

"Oh." Su Lin also seems to think of something, hanging the corner of his lips to add a sentence.

"It has to be a dwarf."

The expression is careless and does not say, but also drags the long cavity slowly.

It sounds very, very bad.


When he said that, he stayed in the air for three hours.

In the fourth hour, when it was time to eat chicken in four rows, the boss selectively forgot Su Lin's sarcastic words.

Open the daily mode of hugging master Su's thighs.

After playing the game, it's midnight.

The eldest and the second are in the upper bunk. They are already asleep. Qin Fang and Su Lin are still awake.

Qin Fang recalled Su Lin's performance in front of girls.

When he was the most popular freshman, he had to be rotated in the campus post bar every day, especially the girls from the art department and the sports department, who were as crazy as chasing stars.

However, it seems that, tall, short, mature and lovely, he is not interested in any of them.

Qin Fang lay on the bed, suddenly sighed, "Alas, brother Lin who has no desire and no demand."

His voice was worried: "do you want to become a Buddha?"

Su Lin

Su Lin turned over and said, "skin itching."

Compared with the third year of senior high school, there are too few classes in the University. After three days in luyuanyuan, I feel so happy.

On Wednesday morning, cool brother and rainbow braid had other classes to attend, leaving Linxi and luyuanyuan in their dormitory.

half a month ago, several girls bought a bunch of little things on Taobao, what stars string, beautiful curtains, and foam boards and blankets on the upper floors, which made the dorms look nice and comfortable.

Lindsey is sitting on a blanket with her horse's tail tied, with her computer on her lap, chewing an apple and chatting with luyuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan," said Lin, brushing the post quickly. "You didn't see Su Xuechang the day before yesterday. It's really a big loss."

Lu Yuanyuan was looking at the book he borrowed at his desk. When he heard her words, his mind automatically recalled what he heard about the senior that day.

She gave a smile. "Well."

It was quiet for another ten minutes.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Lu Yuan Yuan was startled. She turned her head and looked at the man who made a sound: "what's the matter?"

"Found, found, I read that post," Linxi stood up with both hands, one hand to the computer on the table of luyuanyuan, "look

My mother! There is a handsome student in this freshman class. Come and see me. I'm crazy, sisters!!! #

[picture] [picture]The first one is a cartoon expression pack with red eyes.

Luyuanyuan pulls down to the second picture and sees the picture that Linxi said.

The photographer seems very nervous. Maybe the camera is shaking.

Indeed It's a little sticky.

But the outline is clear.

It's a side face. The background looks like sunshine. The person in the photo doesn't know that he was photographed. His eyes are half closed, his eyes are long and narrow, and his lips are flat. The lines from the bridge of his nose to his chin are smooth and beautiful.

I don't know what I'm looking at, a casual look.

The following comments are similar to those of the owner of the building, full of exclamation marks and a long string of "ah ah".

"How's it going?" Lindsey couldn't wait to ask her.

Although the photo is not clear, but deer garden very convinced to vigorously nod, "good-looking."

It's not unreasonable to be missed by so many people.

In the afternoon, there were only elective courses. Lin chose Garden Aesthetics. They had the same class time, but the classroom was different.

After lunch, she went out of the dormitory together, holding luyuanyuan's hand and showing off to her, "I searched in the post bar in advance. It's said that the teacher who taught garden was a thief, so she called the roll in the first class, and then she had less homework, and I didn't have a test, so I was lucky to get it."

Then she said curiously, "which teacher teach you French? I'll help you find out if there are any popular science posts. "

"Well," luyuanyuan opened the timetable of her screenshot, enlarged it and read out two words seriously: "Yan Chuan."

"Wait for me." Lindsey finished, crackling on the screen.

For a long time, luyuanyuan felt the arms of the people around him tightened.


"Well?" As soon as she turned her head, she saw Lindsey's face full of sympathy.


Lindsey handed over her mobile phone directly: "look at it for yourself."

[Topic]: # my sister told you that if there is no Yan Chuan in the compulsory course, you must not choose him in the elective course! #

1L [building owner]: old Xuejie, I'm a freshman's elective, I chose French, and I don't know the professional level of yanwangye (the nickname of Yanchuan).

But he didn't seem to know much about the level of the students.

A few of us went to learn French together and thought that teachers of small languages might be better at speaking.

And then

Five of them hang up four. :)



, the school girl again make complaints about how abnormal he is. After sweeping the post, he has already passed the dormitory building.

Lin Qian took back her mobile phone and looked at Lu Yuanyuan's bitter face. She couldn't resist it and pinched her hand. "It's OK. The elder sister said it. He is willing to ask questions in the front row. Don't sit too far ahead in class."

"Oh, I know," luyuanyuan nodded and waved to Lindsey, "go quickly."

In order to find the specific position of the foreign language department, she went ahead of time in the morning for fear of being late.

The moment she stepped into the classroom, she was shocked.

The number of elective courses is larger than that of ordinary classes, so it is usually a large classroom.

There are more than ten rows of seats. There are no people in the first three rows, and the seats in the back are full.


I arrived ten minutes ahead of schedule.

She hesitated at the front door for a while, and she felt cold at the thought of the post she had just read.

I still don't have the guts to sit in the front row.

She walked quickly from the outside corridor to the back door, and when she saw the last row, she was relieved.

This row of seats is against the wall. There are three seats in the last row. There is only one boy in black lying on the table. He is sitting on the aisle seat, and there are two vacant seats in it.

In the back rows full of people, it was very abrupt.

Whatever it is, just have a seat.

Luyuanyuan walked over happily.

The boy lay on his arms, face down, and his long legs curled under the table.

Luyuanyuan came to him and hesitated.

But at the thought that she might be asked to sit forward, she plucked up her courage and held out her finger -

to poke him.

Su Lin played games with some roommates until midnight last night. This morning, she missed both classes. I didn't want to go to class for a whole day, but I woke up at noon and had a meal. It was just half an hour from the beginning of the elective course.

Each subject can't skip more than four classes, he thinks, since sober come on.

When he arrived at the classroom, there was no one, only a few girls were sitting in the back row. When they saw him, their talking voice became smaller and disappeared.

Su Lin is used to it.

He chose the most inconspicuous corner and sat on the outside in order not to be close to others.And he's lying down and pretending to sleep.

I don't believe that someone will wake him up and let him move in.

He frowned as he felt a slight force on his back.

I didn't expect

There are still.

He straightened up slowly and turned to the left.

Not far from him, standing a The little girl.

He's not tall. Standing up, he doesn't have to look up to see her face.

Her eyes were very big on the small face, black and clear. Her skin is porcelain white, her bare arms are slim, and her black hair is down to her elbow.

His sight bumped into the little girl's eyes, and he was stunned for a moment.

Then, he saw a flash of embarrassment on her face. He raised her white fingers and scratched her hair. Her pink lips opened and closed, "classmate, that Can you step in? "

I heard her voice.

Su Lin suddenly had a sense of taking things for granted.

It seems that after seeing her appearance, her voice should be like this.

Soft and glutinous, thin and small.

It's like marshmallow.

His brain now does not know why, a little chaotic, so looking at her, thinking about what to do, Shun mouth should be a: "hmm?"

The little girl's big eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment.

Her cheeks were a little pink, and suddenly she bent down slightly -

a little closer to him, and they almost looked at each other head-on.

She said, "classmate, could you please take a seat inside?"

It's not just closer to him, it's louder.

Maybe she thought he didn't hear her.

Suddenly closer, he smelled a sweet smell on her.

She looks forward to it. She doesn't know why. She is a little timid. It looks like a little feather sweeps her ear and itches slightly.

He stood up.

Only then discovered that she only to his chest.

The hairy top that she had just scratched was very close to him.

Su Lin's left eyelid jumps.

Think of the day before yesterday in the dormitory, he said.

Stupid? adorable? Short?

Good looking?


All right.

After a few seconds, he looked directly at her and nodded.

Then he left the seat, turned over to make room for her, and kept his voice steady -


The author has something to say: Master Su: it's so damn cute. It's delicious.

This chapter comes with its own tag: # the seat that I saved after I didn't play with my mobile phone and pretended to sleep was so willingly given to you #

in this way