…… In?

Luyuan was stunned for a moment.

Because there was no class, there was a lot of noise around, but she still heard what the boy said.

When he got up, he was more than one head taller than her, and she couldn't help but step back.

Then he blinked "Ah?"

The boy in front of him picked his eyebrows.

His eyes are very good-looking, narrow inside and wide at the end. When he droops his eyes, they seem narrow and long. His expression looks cold and light, but his facial features are strangely soft, his skin is white, and he has a full sense of youth.

"Not to sit?" He leaned a little more, revealing the seat inside, and spoke to her again, "come in."

Just now, he only said "Er, Jin", so luyuanyuan didn't pay attention to his voice. Now I find that his voice is clear and cool, with a little nasal sound, which is very comfortable to listen to.


That's how she reacts.

He's letting her in.

Luyuanyuan bowed her head, ashamed of her understanding ability, and her face was warm.

When passing by him, he did not forget to whisper, "thank you."

There are three seats in a row, just like the seats in a movie theater.

Thinking about the position of his previous seat, it is estimated that he would not want to be next to strangers. Luyuanyuan thinks that he moves to the innermost part and wants to separate a seat from him.

Just straightened the skirt, ready to sit down -

"there are insects there." It's still the same voice.

Deer garden's half bent knees were stiff.

Then quickly straighten up, leave the place by the wall, step back to the middle seat.

She was most afraid of small things such as insects. She just heard him say that her hair would stand up.

She looked at the chair with a lingering fear


Lu Yuanyuan turned his head in doubt: "insect Where is it? "

Where is it?

How does he know where it is.

“…… I killed him. " Su Lin lied, but his face was not red and his heart was not beating.


The little girl stood beside him, as if hesitating for a while, her face blushed again, and said, "that Classmate, do you mind if I sit next to you? "

"I don't mind."

As soon as the words came to an end, I saw that she was like a big sigh of relief, smiling at him: "thank you."

With that, he sat down directly, stuffed the book into the hole in the table, and began to take the book and the book.

When she smiles, there seems to be a small dimple on her right cheek.

Flash by.

Su Lin stood for a while and then sat down. He was still in the aisle seat.

At the same time, a middle-aged man came in at the front door of the classroom. He went to the platform and adjusted his pa microphone. After hanging it to his ear, his voice was amplified and spread throughout the classroom.

But Su Lin's attention is all on the people beside him.

The girl probably didn't know that people have such things.

Although he looked as if he was looking straight ahead, he could see her movements clearly.

After sitting down, she was obviously still a little uneasy.

She turned her head and looked at her right-hand side, the stool that he had slandered as "dead bugs.".

Then he turned to the left and looked at him.

Finally, the movement is very small, very small, moved to his side.


Su Lin raised his hand, propped up on his right face and slightly tilted his head outward.

I covered my smile.

"My name is Yanchuan. I'll teach you French. I don't need to talk much. Now I'd like to emphasize some things that I should pay attention to in my class."

"First of all, I call the roll in every class. If I miss four classes, I don't want to come."

As soon as the words came out, there was already a great sigh below.

After all, after college, most of the teachers won't name more than 100 people one by one. In addition, students who can be admitted to C university usually don't have too bad self-discipline. Teachers are also happy to have a rest. They can call their names in three or four classes at most.

Yan Chuan didn't hear it, and then said, "second, I have to finish my homework. I don't care what you do, but you can't do it. If I don't do or hand in my homework, I will treat it as absenteeism. "


"Finally, French is very difficult. I hope you can study it well. I will ask questions randomly in class."


All the people in the classroom were silent.

Roll call, homework, questions.

Is this in high school?

Yan Chuan turned on the projection equipment and computer and began to roll call. He didn't give any buffer time.

Compared with the whispers all over the classroom, luyuanyuan was not surprised to hear this.It's all due to the post she read before she came.

She knows, Yan Chuan not only abnormal in these aspects, he will also do surprise tests, score accounting into the final exam of the kind.

"Deer garden."

After a while, he heard his name called. Luyuanyuan raised his hand high and said, "here it is."

She knew her voice was low, so she had to raise her arm as high as she could. When she saw Yan Chuan nodding and drawing a line in her notebook, she put down her arm.

The roll call process is really lengthy and boring. Luyuanyuan sets up a book and pen on the table. After looking at the mobile phone, there is no new news.

She didn't have much to do. She swept aside at will.

The line of sight just collided with the boy next to him on the left.

Half of his face was clearly visible to her.

The curve from ear to chin is very beautiful, nose bone is high and straight, thin lip is pursed, look is light, pupil is dark and bright.

This angle

This side face

The more you look at luyuanyuan, the more you feel like it. The name is on your lips.

This is not -

as soon as she tried to ask him tentatively, she heard Yan Chuan's voice: "the last one, Su Lin."

The boy slowly raised his left hand, closed the line of sight on her face, turned his head and looked at the front of the classroom, "to."

He is Su Lin

The gossip I heard on Monday, plus the fact that Linxi had been grinding her ears for the past two days, the term "Su Lin" was very far away in her mind.

I didn't expect that he became the same table in the elective course.

The first thought that came out of luyuanyuan's mind was that after Linxi knew it, she must be crazy.

Second thought.

He looks better than the picture.

Is thinking, the voice from the front of the classroom let her back to God.

"I sent the PPT of this class to the course sharing file, and I sent an email to remind you. Have you printed it?"


There was no sound.

Who will check the email that receives spam all day?

Who will print in the library for elective courses?

Su Lin frowned and felt a headache.

He just wanted to get enough credits, but he didn't expect that there were such teachers in C University.

Looking to the right, there was a pile of things in front of his new deskmate. Notebook, pencil case, a pile of paper.

That stack of paper looks like the PPT in Yanchuan's mouth.

…… Actually, someone went to fight.

Maybe he's been staring for a long time. She noticed his eyes, and her face was suddenly enlightened.


Su Lin didn't know what she suddenly realized.

Then, he saw her probe forward and move the pile of data to the gap between the two tables. Her black eyes blinked and blinked, and he said to him in a very small voice: "senior, do you want to see it? I printed it. "

Extremely careful. It looks like a thief.


Looking at her action, he forbeared to suppress the rising lip corners, nodded to her, "thank you."

Then look at the information pushed to her.

At the top of the white paper, like a high school student must write his name on the head of the roll, Gonggong writes three small words.

Deer garden.

He read it silently in his heart.

It was written like this.

A class is an hour and a half with a five minute break.

Although Yan Chuan's lecture was a bit boring, it had to be said that all he talked about were the key points. If you listen to his lessons carefully, you will learn a lot in a semester.

For example, remember the fast deer garden.

Su Lin didn't listen to the class very attentively. He went in his left ear and out his right ear. The girl around him has been working hard to write down the grammar points that the teacher said. The posture is embarrassing to disturb.

During the break, Su Lin saw that she finally put down her pen and suddenly realized something.

As soon as she came up, she called him "senior."

Su Lin put one hand on the table and looked at her askew: "how do you know I'm not a freshman?"

Luyuanyuan was stunned.

It can't be said that the roommate took a look at the photo and eavesdropped on other people talking about him

She felt guilty and said, "because I went to that That is, the sharing forum held by the Department of economics and management saw your name That's why I know. "

Her eyelashes are long and curly. When she blinks, she looks like a small brush, sweeping the floor.

Smell speech, Su Lin carelessly "Er".

I don't know if it's an illusion. Compared with the first 40 minutes, the second half of the class passed quickly.

The class starts at two o'clock. It's almost three thirty now.

That is, the class will be over soon.Yan Chuan has begun to sum up the knowledge points, and Lu Yuanyuan has finished what he should remember, so he doesn't write any more.

A little thought.

Su Lin raised his hand and plucked his hair. He seemed to stretch out his hand inadvertently and ordered the table of luyuanyuan. "Do you want to sit here in the future?"

"Well?" She turned to look at him, confused.


He pauses and explains, "sitting here, he won't ask questions."

He observed, Yan Chuan seems to be keen to ask the front of the people, the last few rows of a person has not been point to.

Although, his purpose is not this.

But that's a good reason.

"Oh, that's good, then..."

The dimple on luyuanyuan's right cheek loomed, and he was about to nod his head -

" Let's go to Sulin. "

Su Lin:?

Yanchuan put down the hand of the register, tone is still flat, "you answer my question just now."

Su Lin

Who knows what you asked?

He tightened his cheek, closed his eyes slightly, and was about to stand up.

A corner of the coat was suddenly pulled by a small force.

Then he heard a soft voice coming from the side.

The volume is low, but the speed is fast.

"Don't be afraid, senior. I know the answer!"


Luyuanyuan began to write something fast in the book.

Ten seconds later, he stood up straight. Without looking up, she quickly put the answer book in front of him.

Su Lin looked at the book on the table and at the top of her black hair.

The left eyelid jumps again.

The author has something to say: Master Su: hurry up and arrange Yan Chuan for me. :)

failed to pretend. It's up to her to give the answer. The mood is complicated. #

? The left eyelid doesn't seem to work