It's very quiet in the room. Except for the needle disinfection by grandfather Lu, there is no one to talk about the occasional friction of clothes.

Mr. Lu stared at the young man lying on the massage table for a while.

This child is really good-looking. It's just on his forehead. It's Sweat?

Is it frightening?

So scared, how can he follow his granddaughter to see a doctor?

Lao Lu's heart is full of pain, his hands are moving ceaselessly, and his mouth is not idle: "young people nowadays, medicine is too bitter, acupuncture and massage is too painful. Alas, I'm afraid of this, and I'm afraid of that. What kind of Chinese medicine do you see?"

But in fact, what he just said was all true.

Su Lin's situation is right with what he said. If the wind blows so long at night with wet hair, it's good luck if he doesn't have a headache. The key point of Chinese medicine is to recuperate. The headache caused by his evil Qi entering the body is very urgent and fierce. The best way is to directly stimulate the acupoints to expel dampness and exhaust.

But Mr. Lu just didn't want to explain.

Young people, they have better psychological quality.


Su Lin felt that grandfather Lu's words seemed to imply something.

The words of the old doctor of Chinese medicine are reasonable, and he can still see the white skirt of luyuanyuan.

Su Lin closed his eyes and tried his best to make psychological suggestion.

But in my mind, there are still bloody pictures of acupuncture into the skull, and even the frightening dubbing in my ear.

It seems that some people have said before that traditional Chinese medicine is more popular as it grows older. Others say that looking at the gray color of hair and listening to the old voice can make people feel stable.

…… It's all ghosts.

He panicked instinctively.

"Grandfather," Lu Yuanyuan suddenly broke the silence, walked to the platform with his slippers and looked at the old man, "well, do you have to have acupuncture? Can't I take some medicine? "

There is no need to say that old Lu's medical skills. After he closed his clinic, a large number of elderly patients still introduced people to see a doctor at home. Moreover, eight of the ten patients needed acupuncture. She had long seen nothing strange when she stayed at her grandfather's home one summer vacation.


From just now on, luyuanyuan stood beside her. She could see Su Lin's action clearly. When he came, he was still very uncomfortable, looking listless.

And now

She felt that she had known her senior for a month. The moment when her grandfather showed a row of needles just now might be the moment when his eyes were the biggest.

Don't know why, think of his usual calm appearance, even when called up to ask questions, there is no redundant expression on his face.

Now, she wants to laugh.

"Well?" Old doctor Lu was questioned by his granddaughter, and he was not happy. He wrinkled his eyebrows as white as his hair. "What do you know? I've said it's so fast. Can your grandfather fix it blindly?"

Lu's grandfather is from the south, but Lu Yuanyuan's grandmother is from the northeast. She has lived together for decades. Her grandmother's pure northeast dialect hasn't changed at all. On the contrary, it's her grandfather who was completely taken away.

“……” Luyuanyuan is helpless.

Grandfather sometimes, really and his calm appearance does not match.

She was trying to persuade him again, and the sound of the burglar door being opened came from the porch outside.

It should be grandma.

Luyuanyuan was just about to make a sound -

"your grandmother is back!" Old doctor Lu put the silver needle back in the box and hurried out. "You two have a conversation here. I'll come back later."

He didn't stop and said, "I have to help her carry things. I don't know how many dishes I bought..."


Although the old man was old, the speed of walking was not ambiguous at all when he was in a hurry. He turned out in three or two steps.

So they were left in the room.

Lu Yuanyuan watched Su Lin slowly stand up and sit up. The platform was a little small, and his long legs meant that there was no place to put them.

She found the scene a bit awkward.

"That," she explained aloud, "my grandfather I usually go shopping with my grandmother, but if I don't go today, he will... "

After thinking about it for a while, she went on with a stiff head He's in a hurry to pick her up. Don't mind, senior

Su Lin was stunned.

Then he shook his head. "I don't mind."

"Senior," Lu Yuanyuan bit his lower lip and thought it was better to ask clearly, "don't you want acupuncture?"

After all, what he meant at that time was that he wanted to ask his grandfather to prescribe some medicine to drink, in case he was particularly afraid of pain, or fainting from needles or something

How bad.

Su Lin was silent.

He was coming to see a doctor. He was even mildly reminded that western medicine might be better, but it was not.

He said he had a headache and had to come.

He felt that if he got off the stage today Well, that's nothing.I'm sure I can't.

If you don't just prick a needle, what's the matter with the blood flowing through your head in the previous fight?

before finishing the psychological construction, he saw the little girl standing on one side suddenly come over.

The little girl tilted her head, "senior, are you afraid?"

Her small face is close at hand, her skin is white and shining, her eyes are black and bright, her hair is hairy, and her lips are smiling.


She took a package of pink tissue in her hand, tore open the package, took out a piece of paper and handed it to him, "here you are, sweat."

Su Lin's heart seemed to be hit by something and his brain was blank. Take the paper towel at the same time, by all means.

He took hold of the little girl's hand.

Soft touch, just like her.

Luyuanyuan suddenly opened her eyes.

Outside came the voice of old husband and Wife talking, and the sound of busy in the kitchen, but the inner cubicle was very quiet.

The massage table is close to the window. The sunlight outside comes in. Su Lin is the first one to shine on him. His outline is faint in the light. The almost static scene is like a picture.

The moment the skin touched each other, luyuanyuan was stunned and completely forgot to take his hand back.

Also did not realize that the ear more and more near the footsteps.

Old doctor Lu helped his wife wash and put away all the dishes she bought. He said two more words, and then he came back to do business.

Originally humming a ditty, I was in a good mood.

As a result, as soon as we got to the door of the compartment, we saw the scene of the baby granddaughter and others holding hands and looking at each other affectionately.

“……?!” terrified.

He knows the character of his granddaughter best.

I have been living at home for several months. During the summer vacation, many young people in the community will come to live with their elders for some time.

They always take deer garden for a walk and visit. The grandson of his neighbor, Lao Li, was still interested in their home garden. But later, when they went to other places to go to university, he heard Lao Li say that Yuanyuan didn't even give them wechat.

Now what's going on here?

He's only gone a few minutes??

Yuanyuan and this smelly boy???

Old doctor Lu felt that his anger would rush to his head and his lungs would explode.

He immediately entered the room, took a deep breath and yelled: "you two!!"

Huge volume, let the room is looking at each other, two people solid ground startled.

Luyuanyuan immediately released his hand and jumped back, away from the massage table.

But Su Lin sat up straight and hit the back of his head against the window behind him.

Let out a dull "Dong".

…… Fuck.

Several of them hurt.

He was biting his teeth, in the dizzy pain, looking at the old doctor with white hair and eyebrows, his face was red with anger.

An age, roar out of words is still full of Zhongqi.

There's a little bit of broken sound.

"You two! What did you just leave it here for


Su Lin

Su Lin now, very want to call his mother.

The author has something to say:

grandfather: little! Rabbit! Son of a bitch! Son! Lin Ge: Mom Help me Tat

? I feel like my sister's hand, but it's swollen by my sister's grandfather.

? Today, I'm even more flustered than yesterday. #

> there is no panic, only more panic. #