Su Lin had a headache. He was startled and then ran into a glass window. The roar of old doctor Lu was enlightening.

In a word, there is no problem to describe his current situation with dizziness.

And when he watched old doctor Lu come in from the outside, Lu Yuanyuan broke away his hand and jumped away, and the pain came from his head.

A word suddenly jumped into Su Lin's mind.

Water goes against the tide.

He's been a little over the top this week, isn't he?

Without waiting for him to think further, a strange voice came, "what's the matter?"

Su Lin looks to the door.

She's an old lady. Her hair color is like that of a couple. It's snow-white. She doesn't have any black hair.

She walked a little slowly and asked, "what are you doing here? What's the matter? "

Grandfather Lu's angry expression froze for a moment, which relieved most of the time, but his face was still smelly, "you ask your granddaughter."

The moment luyuanyuan saw grandma, she came back to herself.

She winked at the old couple: "grandfather, I just I'm handing him a tissue. "

Said, raised the left hand a package of paper, unfolded the right hand just pulled out a tissue, "you see."

Grandfather Lu sneered in his heart.

But he still pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said to luyuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, go out with your grandmother first. She bought your favorite fruit, and your grandfather pricked needles for your classmates. You are a little girl. Don't look at it."

Luyuanyuan watched her grandfather believe his words, and immediately felt relieved. Thinking that it might be impolite to look at other people's acupuncture, she gave Su Lin a hand, "senior, then I'll go out."

Out of two steps, but also back to add: "you come on."

Su Lin

What else, he had to nod.

After the door was closed, grandfather Lu's face immediately changed back to the first angry look.

Su Lin sighed and sighed

He calmly went to the side of the table, reopened the box containing the silver needles that had just been closed, and began to re disinfect it with alcohol cotton.

I didn't say anything.

As soon as he looked up, he saw sitting Su Lin staring at him. He was born well, and his skin without any wrinkles showed the unique flavor of young people.

All of a sudden, I thought of the picture I just saw at the door.

…… It's even more annoying.

"What are you looking at! Get down


Su Lin turned over. The front end of the massage table was specially designed to place his head. He lay face down.

Then he felt the rough touch of the cocoon on the old man's fingers and pressed back and forth on his back neck and back brain.

There was a thick voice overhead.

"What's it like here?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said truthfully: -- It hurts

Old Chinese medicine changed a place, "here?"

“…… It hurts, too



There was no movement after a "um.".

Su Lin listened to the old doctor's question and recalled the saying that "the old doctor is reassuring".

That makes sense.

Just a few words, listen to in the ear, his palm a dry, compared with the initial tension, the heart is also very calm.

However, it may also be because what happened just now is more terrible than acupuncture.

"If it hurts, say it."

The voice of old doctor Lu came again.

Su Lingang wanted to nod his head -

"anyway, I'll stick it as usual."



When luyuanyuan came out of the compartment, he began to help grandma wash the fruit. After washing, the grandparents and grandchildren sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

"Yuanyuan," grandma pointed to the room inside, "it's the classmate you said last time?"

"Well." While eating strawberries, luyuanyuan said, "he is a senior of my class."

Grandma keenly captured the key words, "he is older than you, how do you know him?"

"We had a class together. That's how we got to know each other."


When her favorite supporting actress in the TV series died of cancer and Lu Yuanyuan accompanied her to scold the man blind, she looked up at the clock on the wall.

It's been half an hour since she came out.

There was still no movement in the inner room.

She thought for a moment, it seems that grandfather had acupuncture patients before. After he applied acupuncture, he would usually come out to breathe or something. He would not stay in it all the time.

She couldn't help taking out her mobile phone, calling up the wechat interface, and sending him messages word by word while grandma didn't pay attention.Lu OO: how are you, senior?

She was ready to wait for a few minutes, but she didn't expect to come back.

[Sulin]: very good. It's almost over.

[Sulin]: is the fruit delicious?


Luyuanyuan looked at the big fresh strawberry she was still holding.

She thought for a moment, took a picture and sent it to him.

[deer OO]: [picture]

[deer OO]: Delicious ^ o ^ -

there was no movement there.

Lu Yuanyuan thought it was inconvenient for him to use his mobile phone. He locked his mobile phone, ate strawberries and watched TV with his grandmother.


In fact, it didn't hurt as much as I thought.

Although the words on Lu's mouth are frightening, he can only feel the sting of the needle on his skin. Then, he doesn't know what he's been stabbed with.

…… It's kind of magical.

Lao Lu had five needles in all, but it didn't end after the pricking. Su Lin felt that he was turning the needle gently.

Still not very painful, but

"Is it numb?"

Su Lin immediately replied, "Ma."

It's too numb.

"Numbness is right. I feel numbness because I have stimulated acupoints. I have pricked Dazhui and Fengchi for you..."

Lu Lao's traditional Chinese medicine, while turning the needle, habitually began to explain the use of each acupoint to patients because of his occupation.

After that, he suddenly realized.

This is not his ordinary patient.

This is a patient who came in through the back door of his granddaughter.

Not only through the back door, but also his granddaughter.

Old doctor Lu suddenly stopped talking.

Su Linzheng listened vigorously, and asked "and then.".

Then he heard a heavy voice from his head:


“………” Su Lin didn't say a word.

He felt that even his breathing was wrong now.

After he didn't speak any more, he sat in front of the table beside him. He didn't know what he was looking at. He came up and twisted the needle from time to time.

Su Lin is lying on the stage, and the picture just received is on the mobile phone screen.

Half a strawberry, red flesh, looks very attractive, but his attention is completely focused on the edge of the strawberry.

You can see two teeth marks, small and curved.


He's out of his mind.

Even a tooth print, feel lovely???

Su Linwei closed his eyes and opened them again.

Long press the picture - [save to local area of mobile phone]

when Yu Guang saw grandfather Lu standing up, he immediately locked the screen of mobile phone. Then I feel the touch coming from the back of my neck.

In one hand, he held the alcohol cotton, pressed the place where the needle connected to the skin, and finally pressed down to stimulate the acupoints before pulling out the needle.

Su Lin turned over and sat up. Before his slippers touched the ground, he heard the old Chinese medicine doctor finally open his mouth again.

"Can you drink Chinese medicine?"

Su Lin was stunned for a moment.

In fact, he seldom drinks western medicine. But I can't help remembering that at the beginning, when grandfather Lu said, "young people today, acupuncture is too painful and medicine is too bitter", his face was a little scornful and meaningful.

“…… I can drink it. "

Lu grandfather's things are all finished, smell speech, looked at him.

"I'll cook for you for three days first. You and Yuanyuan are not classmates. Let her bring them to you tomorrow."

Su Lin was stunned, "that Please

After that, he was white.


In a few seconds.

The old doctor continued, "you know, acupuncture should be divided into different courses."


Old Chinese medicine frown Education: "do you think one time can be good?"? You're cured right after today? I'm a miracle doctor? "


The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine said: "you count the time. You can't come once a week. It's too long. It's better to have acupuncture every three days, maybe four times, so your head won't hurt any more."


Old doctor Lu washed his hands with hand sanitizer and went out of the bathroom. When there was no deer garden at home, he saw his wife sitting alone on the sofa talking on the phone, smiling and in a good mood.

“…… Ah, it's OK. Go ahead and eat more. Don't worry

"Nothing! I'll tell your grandfather

"Well, good. Bye."


Old doctor Lu was full of doubts. He went to sit next to her What do you say to me? "

"Yuanyuan," Granny Lu said excitedly, "Yuanyuan is taking her classmates to dinner."“……”

"Ah, you don't say, she brought in classmates, big and small guys, I look better than Lao Li's grandson, it's called a water spirit!"


Old doctor Lu can't listen any more.

He didn't want to hear it.

He tried to control the facial expression, "go, go and get the medicine for the people you said."

Because I see people at home all the year round, there is a room for medicine in my home, and it is equipped with a medicine cabinet. It is clear according to the category.

When he handed the prescription to his wife, she was still thinking, "what did you say when you were young? Did you look so good again? I forgot... "


This is going too far.

Standing in the pharmacy, the old Chinese medicine doctor Lu said with a kind face: "well, it seems that there is no one, but it's not too much difference, otherwise how can you follow me?"

On one side, take the medicine from the cupboard marked with Coptis and Sophora flavescens.

Two two, cross it out.

Change it to four Liang.

Double the weight.

'I'll treat you to dinner.'

- "you can introduce me to your grandfather's and I'll treat you to a meal."


When Lu Yuanyuan sent Su Lin downstairs, he did not expect that he would suddenly say so.

Actually, it's not a big deal.

She just wanted to say forget it. It's nothing. Su Lin spoke again.

"I'm not familiar with the neighborhood."

He was no longer expressionless, his eyes fixed on her for a moment, showing a desire.

Luyuanyuan was in a trance for a moment.

She felt that when she wanted to drink milk tea, she must have the same look.

"I'm hungry now..." I don't know if she heard me wrong. In his colder voice, he even brought a little grievance: "when you eat with me?"


They went to my grandfather's house in the afternoon. Now it's dinner time. He said he was hungry, so he should be really hungry.

Luyuanyuan just ate a lot of big strawberries without any hunger. I heard him say She suddenly felt that she had betrayed her revolutionary comrades.

And He was stabbed by his grandfather.

I was so scared before, but I still pricked it.

The more I thought about it, the more pitiful it was. Without hesitation, luyuanyuan nodded, "then wait for me and tell my grandmother to go out to eat in the evening."


Su Lin watched the little girl take out her cell phone, dial through, and solemnly report to the other side, "grandma, I'm going to take my seniors to dinner, you and grandfather don't make my meal."


"Don't worry about me. It's OK."

Knowing that the person on the other end of the phone can't see her, she still nods her head every time she says a word, and her long hair shakes with her, like some kind of small animal.

The good one.

He did not turn his face, with the back of his hand against his lips, silently bent up the corners of his lips.

"Well, senior!" Luyuanyuan walked up to him, or jumped up to him and said, "let's go."

Su Lin followed her out of the community, she put forward a lot of suggestions all the way, and was rejected one by one by herself.

He couldn't help saying, "pick what you like."

The little girl thought for a while, turned her head and said seriously, "I can do anything."


The three words you are most afraid of when choosing a place to eat:

all right, whatever, you decide.

After acupuncture, Su Lin thought that he was much more refreshed than when he first came here, but now he was worried about eating again.

They walked very slowly on the sidewalk near the community, and luyuanyuan suddenly stopped

"senior," she looked at a point across the road, "how about we go to have porridge?"


It's clear and light. It's not hard to drink.

He doesn't matter.

"Good." He replied.

Su Lin followed her to the zebra crossing. When waiting for the red light, she asked casually, "do you like porridge?"

She turned her head and thought, "OK, I don't hate it."

"Then why did you suddenly think of this?"

Clearly a few minutes ago, he said he was "all right."

Her big eyes suddenly bent up, soft voice, "because I just thought you are sick."


"When you get sick, you have to have porridge." She added with a serious face.

Su Lin was stunned.

The red light is over.

"What are you doing, senior?" When the light was green, luyuanyuan wanted to walk, but found that the people around him were standing still.

Not only did he not move, he was still staring at her.

"It's green!" Worried, she tugged at his arm and said, "go, senior!"Su Lin came back and walked along her strength.

He dropped his eyes on her small white hand.

The temperature of her hand was a little higher than that of his arm, and he still remembered the touch in the afternoon. Now, as then, it was soft and slippery on his arm.

After crossing the road and arriving at a safe place, luyuanyuan immediately released her hand and acted naturally.

She stood still and turned back to the eyes of her descendants: "senior, how can you be in a daze when crossing the road?"


"That's dangerous! We were standing there. My grandmother told me that there was a girl who was playing with her mobile phone while waiting for the red light, but didn't pay attention to the car. Then her clothes were scratched by a motorcycle, and then... "

"Just..." Lu Yuanyuan thought of the ending of the story that grandma said. It was too miserable. She didn't really want to mention it.


She thinks about it and sums it up in one sentence.

"It's so miserable!"


She saw a slight change in Su Lin's face.

"Anyway," she continued, "don't be like this, elder..."


Su Lin was stunned for a few seconds.

The sound of "it's very miserable" echoed in her ears just now, coupled with the appearance that she pretended to be serious and wanted to scare him and educate him.

Suddenly he couldn't help laughing.

I didn't laugh out loud, but it was just like tears.

Yu Guang takes aim at her and seems to take two steps forward. Su Lin straightens up slightly, holding a smile and drooping his eyes.

She was as close to him as when she was at his grandfather's.

Luyuanyuan was looking up at him with round eyes. He didn't know why. His eyes were puzzled and a little embarrassed. His lips pursed slightly unconsciously.

Su Lin couldn't help but reach for the top of her hair.

The touch is similar to what he thought, dry hairy, soft hair.

He rubbed it again with a little force.

Then he felt his head freeze.

Her cheeks were pink, from the dimple has spread to the root of the ear, the whole person has become pink.

Luyuan opened her mouth.

Su Lin thought she was going to say something.

The result - she suddenly squatted down without warning.

Hands over ears, head down, looks like a small ball.


Su Lin also squatted down beside her, looking at the sharp contrast between her white and pink auricles.

He heard her make a noise as small as the hum of a mosquito.

"Senior What are you doing... "

It's longer than usual, like a completely unconscious whisper, like He's being coquettish.

Su Lin was stiff.

He plucked his hair with one hand and stood up quickly, feeling a little unsteady in his legs.

After biting, he murmured.

Damn it.

Sunday morning.

After breakfast, luyuanyuan still found a reason to go out ahead of time.

In fact, she didn't sleep well after she came back last night.

When I used to live in my own home, no matter what happens in the living room, my father can automatically filter it out. She tried to hypnotize herself with such reasons as "fast sleep, no sleep, no spirit for school tomorrow". The effect is particularly good.

Therefore, the habit of falling asleep quickly seems to have been maintained.

After going to college, her roommates did not admire her biological clock. They never used an alarm clock to arrive on time.

It's been a long time since she tried not to sleep.

But yesterday

In fact, she didn't know why she reacted so much.

Just because of close contact Before, when her brother came to play at her grandfather's house, she always wanted to touch her head, but she could quickly avoid it.


Looking at Shu sweet home community in front of you, luyuanyuan shakes her head.

Don't want to, want to also happened.

Anyway Just

Just touching my hair.

Lu Yuanyuan comes to cram school in the morning on Sunday. Because Shu Tian is a day student, if she has a test in the middle of a week that she can't understand or needs to prepare, Lu Yuanyuan will come to her in the evening.

She has been here seven or eight times. The more familiar she is with Shu Tian, the more she likes her.

"Sister sister!"

As soon as luyuanyuan entered the gate, when he changed his shoes at the entrance, he heard the familiar, vigorous and pleasant girl's voice.

Shu Tian's family is very big. She lives on the top floor and has a duplex structure. She is wearing a pink home suit, lying on the railing on the second floor and waving to her. Her arm swings very fast.

Shu Tian usually welcomes her like this, but today she looks very impatient. "Sister, you can count it. Come on up, come on up!"Luyuanyuan went up the stairs and laughed, "it's coming, it's coming."

Shu Tian pulls her into the room in a hurry, closes the door mysteriously, and then sits in front of the desk, "sister!"

"What's the matter?"

"I think..." Shu Tian seems to be suffocating, and then the voice of the export is much smaller, "I think there is a boy who likes me."

“……” Luyuanyuan didn't know what to return for a moment.

She looked at the girl's face full of collagen in front of her, with sharp mandible and apricot eyes. When she didn't smile, she was good and pure, and she laughed like a little fox.

No one likes a girl like her.

"Sister, I tell you, it's different from boys and others..." Shu Tian lowered her voice, and her expression was still mysterious.

Luyuanyuan is very cooperative: "why is it different?"

"That is When I was in junior high school, I liked to see the kind of good students who were very good-looking in school uniforms. I think that kind of boy is the most attractive. "

"And then This boy is actually my neighbor before I moved. He takes care of me very much. He is one year older than me. Now I am studying in their high school. He... "

"What is he?"

Shu Tian thought about it and suddenly showed that kind of exaggerated expression: "he's so handsome!!"


"You don't know! Almost all the posts on our campus forum are related to him! When he was opposite me, I thought he was the kind of big brother who spoke little but was very gentle. "

With that, Shu Tian turned into a star eye: "I didn't expect that! He is a bully in our school! Our first brother! Our shoulders! Fight is the best in the universe


"Sister, what's your expression? What I said is true! Don't believe me to show you - "

" I think... " Lu Yuanyuan hesitated and said, "did you say the opposite?"


"Are you sure Don't you like him? "

Luyuanyuan's words fell, and the girl's cheek in front of her quickly dyed crimson, "what are you talking about, sister?"

"Let's learn, let's learn!" She turned around and dragged her schoolbag over. She picked up a pile of books and put them on the table. "Well, I don't understand here. Tell me about it."


She finally laughed, did not ask further, began to tell her where her fingers.

Apart from the one on Saturday, Su Lin went to luyuanyuan's grandfather's house again on Tuesday night. After the second acupuncture, plus his regular medication, the headache that tormented him for a week improved significantly.

Besides, it's hard to say a word about the medicine. Drinking Chinese medicine has become the most difficult thing of the day.

In French on Wednesday, he went to the library ahead of time to play ppt. When he arrived at the classroom, luyuanyuan still arrived earlier than him.

They haven't seen each other since they finished their meal in a casserole porridge shop that day. He tried to chat with her on wechat several times, but he died in the middle of nowhere because of unexpected topics.


I see it again.

When Su Lin sat next to her, she was talking to the mobile phone.

He glanced at it. It's a wechat interface. It should be sending voice.

“…… Mm-hmm. OK, no problem. Go ahead. Do you have any classmates with you? "

"Then you should pay attention to safety. Be careful on the way."

"Well, I'll see you the day after tomorrow."


The little girl's voice was sweet and soft, and she seldom seemed to speak to him in that tone.

She seems to be with people over there Good relationship?

He watched luyuanyuan retreat from wechat, turned to see him and was stunned for a moment. Then he quickly returned to normal and said, "good morning, senior."

“…… Good morning

She didn't speak any more.

After a while, Su Lin couldn't help but turned his head and asked her, "you just Are you making voice

"Well?" Lu Yuanyuan thought about it for a while and then responded, "yes, yes."

It's still a while before class. Anyway, it's all right. She explained, "it's my senior one who teaches at home. Originally, she had an appointment to go to cram school tonight. She said that she was going to the basketball match in the city temporarily. She told me that she wanted to change the time."

Moreover, listening to Shu Tian's tone, it is estimated that the boy she mentioned last time was also in the competition.

She couldn't help laughing when she thought of Shu Tian's flower mania last time.

"What's the matter, senior?"

“…… Well, it's nothing. It's just Ask

Forty minutes after class, it's the break.

These 40 minutes, Su Lin's mind has been playing back her voice.

Basketball, it should be boys.

High school boys. Tutoring.

She asked the man if he was accompanied.

He needs to be safe and careful on the road.Her tone Too

Su Lin felt that he played back too many times in his mind, and the echo of "buzz" began to appear in his ears.

His tongue butted his upper jaw and his left hand pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Deer garden."

Hearing the familiar voice, luyuanyuan immediately turned back, "senior, what's the matter?"

Su looked at her calmly, "you..."

He spits out a word, and there is no following.

Deer garden doubts a way: "me?"

"Deer garden." He called her name again. "I type fast."

“……?” Huh? Typing?

"I'll teach you how to type."

“………? "

he suddenly raised a hand and moved his hair. His expression was unnatural and his eyes moved away from her.


"Don't give voice to others."