Don't speak to others?

Teach her to type?

The deer garden is confused.

She didn't understand that she just casually talked about Shu Tian. Why did Su Lin suddenly mention these things?

"Teach, teach, teach me, type?"

“…… Well

But can you teach typing?

Lu Yuanyuan was a little curious: "how do you teach, senior?"

Su Lin doesn't really know.

But his face was still light, and his voice was normal. "I know, don't worry."


"So Do you agree? "

"Well?" Lu Yuanyuan thought about it for a while and then reflected what he meant.

"But Why not send voice? It's very convenient to send voice... "

"It's not convenient or inconvenient."

“…… Well

"Voice this kind of thing, if you know a girl voice, she will feel you in the initiative to get close to."


"If you speak to a boy who has not known you for a long time..." Su Lin thought of the words she had just said, the soft voice of the little girl


His voice collection It's not like that.

He took a deep breath, and then said: -- That way, the boy may feel that you are interested in him. "

In particular, it's still that tone. He added in silence.


Luyuanyuan was stunned.

He spoke as if That makes sense.

But It seems that she didn't send voice to the boy she just met? Only after graduating from high school can she have a mobile phone. In addition to the class group, there are only a few male contacts in her wechat.

In addition to -

she just wanted to say something, Su Lin first summed up: "in fact, typing is the most convenient way to chat. I'll teach you. It's very simple."


Luyuanyuan felt as if there was something wrong, but after being robbed by him, he couldn't remember.

She didn't think about it any more.

In fact, she is also worried about typing slowly. She knows Pinyin, but every time she typing, she feels like an illiterate.

"How do you teach me, senior?"

"Give it to me," he said with a light expression, looking like a piece of cake. "Listen to the class first."

Deer garden nodded: "good."

Su Lin turned his head and looked at the platform with a sigh of relief.

Just now I'm really afraid of her saying that she also sent him voice


She didn't have time to think about that.

On Thursday, the afternoon public class teacher fell ill and sent a mass email saying that he didn't have to go, so the four people in the dormitory stayed indoors and didn't want to go out.

For the first time, Wang Yihan didn't go out.

In other words, the number of times she went out in recent times is very few, which is very different from her before.

Wang Yihan sat cross legged on the bed of Luyuan garden, brushing his mobile phone and asking, "yuan'er, last time the music club was yellow, didn't you find another club?"

"Well?" Lu Yuanyuan raised her head from the book and realized for a while what she was saying, "ah, no."

"It doesn't matter whether I add those or not."

In fact, she was not very interested in clubs. Last time, the music club was to accompany Linxi.

"Well," Wang Yihan said with a smile, raised his chin and pointed the book in luyuanyuan's hand. "I know, what we love most is learning."

Luyuanyuan was a little embarrassed: "no..."

She didn't read any books related to her major. What she borrowed from the library were all the classics recommended by the required reading materials in high school, which she had never had the chance to read.

Lin Qian is playing online games with her computer on. When she hears about the club, her dusty memory seems to be awakened.

She stopped and said, "well, speaking of the music club, last time we suspected someone had opened the back door for Yuanyuan, so In the end, I don't know who it is? "


Luyuanyuan was frozen for a moment.

Wang Yihan took over the conversation: "yes, I went last time for this, but later I --"

"ah, wait a minute," Wang Yihan suddenly looked at her, "yuan'er, do you know Qin Fang? Just that day The man outside the door who talked to me that day. "


Lindsey put in a sentence: "I remember that he gave me a round of noodles. Yuanyuan, did he give you an interview?"

"I am." Luyuanyuan nodded.

Wang Yihan looked at it and said, "so He gave you a round? "


Lu Yuanyuan recalled it carefully and nodded affirmatively WellAlthough the back door seems to have been opened by Su Xuechang, the first round was actually the interview of another Xuechang.

"Damn it." Wang Yihan suddenly sank his face and said, "Qin Fang likes it -"

her high volume suddenly stopped.

Luyuanyuan was startled.

She looked at the opposite person, don't understand how she so big reaction, "what's the matter with you Caicai?"

"I..." Wang Yihan tried to control himself not to grind his teeth, "I'll make a phone call."

Then immediately out of bed, wearing slippers on the dormitory door.


Lin Qian gaped at Wang Yihan, who left the dormitory like this, and recovered after a while.

"Well, Yuanyuan, where are you going on your National Day holiday?"

Before luyuanyuan could answer, Linxi barefoot on the blanket of the dormitory, ran to her bed, full of excitement, "there's an activity in our society. The elder students say that it's held every national day, as if this is the place where the vice president elected."

"He said that he would go to an amusement park that no one has ever been to. The tickets are cheap, and there will be arrangements in the bus club."

Lindsey said, a little closer to her, "Yuanyuan, do you want to go home? Or your grandparents? "

Luyuan was stunned.

Go home

What are you doing back home.

She shook her head: "don't go home, or stay in s city."

"Well, come with me! It's fun. I haven't been to the amusement park in s city yet

Lu Yuanyuan thought about it. There was no homework and nothing else to do during the national day. Just as he wanted to agree, he thought something was wrong. "Sisi, but I'm not from your club..."

"It's all right! I asked our president


"Just Su Shuai, I've been talking to you about Su Lin all day. I asked him if he could bring his family with him. Guess what he said?"

“…… What are you talking about? "

Lin Xi glared: "he asked my family's name!"


"Then I said your name. I said I would ask your opinion. If you agree, he immediately agreed to join us."

…… What's your name?

"Oh, that --" what else did luyuanyuan want to say? She stopped him and said, "don't be here and there. It's settled. You can stay at home for six days on the Seventh National Day. What's wrong with going out for a day!"

Looking at Linxi so spare no effort to persuade her to go out, luyuanyuan bent her lips, "good."

Linxi then sat back to play computer, luyuanyuan was a little distracted.

Su Xuechang Is it because they know each other this time?

She put the book down, picked up her mobile phone, opened wechat and found the [Sulin] chat box.

She typed: Thank you, senior ~

the moment she wanted to press send, she stopped again.

Think about it, delete this sentence and pick up the book again.

We'll meet tomorrow anyway

Thank you face to face.

The next afternoon, Wang Yihan and Kuge all went home. Linxi said that the music club was going to prepare something for tomorrow's trip, and she had to help.

Luyuanyuan set the alarm clock, stayed in the dormitory until the appointed time, pinched the point, and arrived at the public rest area of the library ten minutes in advance.

I didn't expect that Sulin arrived earlier than her.

There are ten long tables and benches in the public rest area. On the opposite side of the seat is a large open window, almost the same size as a French window. The afternoon light does not leak in, and his outline looks slightly golden.

Because it was the first day of the holiday, the library was very cold and there was no one around him.

He is stretching his long legs, slightly hanging his head to see the mobile phone, vaguely showing the smooth lines of his side face, and his fingers slide across the screen from time to time.

Clearly against the light, can not see the five features.

But this person has the special ability to make people feel that he must be very good-looking at a glance.

Lu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered that the last time he wanted to record a scholarship interview video for her, it was agreed here.

After the transfer, it was because his little fans were so excited that they almost screamed.

She smiles and walks towards him.


The moment she finished calling, he looked up.

He looked at her steadily for a few seconds before making a sound Well

Long tables and benches need to sit side by side. Luyuanyuan circles half a table and sits beside him. Maybe it's because she's been a French classmate for a month. She's completely used to his position on the left, so she's sitting on his right hand.

When she sat down, Su Lin's movements were stiff for a moment.

She sat closer than usual in French class. I don't know whether the faint fragrance on her body or on her hair enveloped him.

A few seconds later, he lowered his eyes to unlock his mobile phone, opened the memo and was ready to speak——"Thank you, senior."

“?” He turned his head.

"That's the activity of your club," Lu Yuanyuan explained seriously. "My roommate told me that after she asked you, you agreed to let me follow."

“…… Oh, "he hooked his lower lip," you're welcome. "

Luyuan takes a deep breath.

She suddenly put her elbows on the table, sitting as if to listen to a class. She turned to look at him, with a faint excitement in her voice: "are we going to start, senior?"


Lu Yuanyuan asked, "what are you laughing at..."

“…… You're like, "he gestured her arm," how do you type? "

Looking down at his posture, luyuanyuan reacted instantly.

She took out her cell phone from her schoolbag and held it in both hands

Su Lin looked at her expectant eyes, a little curious, "so you Why is typing slow? "

"Because I didn't have a mobile phone in junior high school and high school, and then I graduated from high school. My grandfather bought me a mobile phone, and I didn't use it for more than three months..."

Su Lin thought for a moment, turned to her and said: "in this way, if you say a word, I'll type, you can see the normal typing speed."

"Yes, yes."

Luyuanyuan's eyes rolled around, then looked at him, his eyes suddenly brightened: "luyuanyuan will get scholarship next year!"


"Just write that, can't you?"

"All right." He laughed. "Look."

Then he started typing with a crackle.

"Lie -" luyuanyuan almost blurted out the "trough" behind.

She is almost brainwashed by the catchphrases that Wang Yihan and Lin Xi talk about every day in the dormitory.

Fortunately, she stopped the word behind in time, "lying - my God!"

"Can people type so fast?"


Su Lin took a puff from the corner of her mouth.

What's that called.

Looking at luyuanyuan, he suddenly said, "you know, there's a shortcut to typing."

“……” Luyuanyuan has some helplessness.

How can one or two be willing to talk with suspense.

"What's the shortcut?" she asked cooperatively

"You type more than one word. When you want to type in the future, just type the first letter of the word."


Su Lin simply gave her another line of demonstration, "you see, for example, just hit" Yuanyuan "in your name."

Luyuanyuan had been listening well, but suddenly he said "Yuanyuan".

His voice is normal. When he speaks, he is not particularly deep. He is between a teenager and an adult. He is very magnetic and recognizable.

…… Listen carefully.

Luyuanyuan shook his head and focused on his screen.

“…… Now I've typed "Yuan Yuan" twice and the input method has been memorized. At this time, you just need to type "Y"

Su Lin pressed "Y Y" and said to her, "then, there will be a garden -"

his voice suddenly stopped.

On the screen, from left to right, it is displayed as:

[meaning The first one is "meaning Su Lin


Su Lin could not help holding his breath.

He felt that he had never been so embarrassed when he was so big.

It's a fuckin '-

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


All of a sudden, there was laughter. As soon as Su Lin turned her head, she saw the little girl's eyes narrowed. Her cheeks were pink. She was laughing and moving.

There's a word for that.

Oh, back and forth.

Su Lin looked at her with a smile, looking at, don't open the line of sight, rubbed the bridge of the nose.

What's the matter

When luyuanyuan finally had enough laughter, his eyes were full of water, and he looked at him while gasping, "senior, go on talking."


Su Lin didn't want her to remember that scene.

So he began to talk nonsense: "well According to what you said, you don't know, but you're not proficient. When you get your mobile phone, it's like this. Even if you know Pinyin in your mind, you can't remember the position of the keyboard, so you'll play very slowly. "


What the hell is he talking about.

This is not what all fools know -

"ah!" Luyuanyuan suddenly made a sound. Without the smile just now, he had an expression of approval: "yes, that's right! Every time I do! It takes a long time to find the Pinyin you want to type. It's really painful! "Her soft voice, with a very sympathetic look.

It's really

“…… Well Su Lin nodded with a smile, desperately trying to divert her attention, "so, start fighting now."


"I speak, you type, practice."

Luyuanyuan calls out the memo of his mobile phone, holding it in both hands, "I'm ready."

Su Lin nodded, "hit this sentence."

"Su Xuechang is a good person." He said.


Luyuanyuan looked at him and did not speak. He lowered his head and typed silently.

Su Lin watched her poke letter by letter, and finally, after about 30 seconds, she turned on the screen of her mobile phone and said, "it's over!"

He just wanted to take his eyes back -

"deer garden."

"Well?" She held up her cell phone, and after being called, she responded with the same conditioned response, "what's the matter?"

Su Lin's face was filled with a smile, his eyes half narrowed, and his eyes looked narrow and long. "Read it yourself?"

…… Huh?

Lu Yuanyuan took it suspiciously and read it out every word:

"Su Xuechang is a cruel and cruel person?"



Deer garden "ah" a, instant reaction, began to explain, "I'm sorry, senior! I misjudged a and E. I looked like they were the same... "

Su Lin drew from his forehead

Where are a and e like?

He said nothing, nodded, "one more word."

"Well." The little girl, holding her cell phone in both hands, took the exam as seriously as she did, "don't worry, I'll see the letters this time."

"Su Xue Chang FA Yu very good."


Lu Yuan Yuan gave him another silent look and began to type.

Still nearly 30 seconds.

"All right!" As soon as luyuanyuan finished, he couldn't wait to show him his mobile phone.


Su Lin looks at her memo.

Squint again.

When she typed, she only poked Pinyin and didn't check what she typed

She didn't correct her last sentence, but the second sentence she just read -

was wrong again.

This time, she chose the right letter, but forgot to choose the phrase. She directly used the phrase with the first default frequency.

There are two sentences in the memo:

[Su Xuechang is a cruel man. 】

[Su Xuechang developed well. 】


Su Xuechang, a well-developed ruthless man