When Su Lin woke up, he had no consciousness, except that he felt that there was a huge hammer in his head.

Clearly wearing earplugs to sleep, but the ear has been buzzing.

The headache made him want to go back to sleep.

But also because it was too painful to fall asleep, he took off his blindfold and ear plugs and opened his eyes.

Why the hell is it so painful this time -


He remembered. Dinner.

There were more than a dozen or twenty people, both men and women, all of whom had been on stage at the orientation party. At first, they didn't feel familiar with him, and no one brought the words to him.

Later, several groups of people took turns to drink with Qin Fang. Qin Sha and Bai Tian refused to let anyone come. Soon he began to talk nonsense. Later, he threw himself on and yelled, "why do you look down on me? I eat chicken food! But I am handsome! " “……”

All in all, it's almost crazy.

Su Lin had a drink for him.

He can't drink on his face, and his eyes are clear. From high school before, no one can tell whether he is drunk or not. It's easy to drink too much if he's not careful.

The point is, whether he's drunk or not, he doesn't know.

And it's especially easy to drink broken pieces.

And then

Su Lin slowly sat up, one hand on the quilt, one hand pressing the temple.

Some pictures poured into his mind, but he was dazzled, unable to capture them, unable to piece together a complete picture.

At this time, a painful groan came from his side, "I fucked Did I get a concussion... "


Su Lin looks at the opposite bed.

Qin Fang was as motionless as a dead fish, holding his head in his hands.

"Where did I take a taxi last night?"

Qin Fang seemed to be silly. Half a day later, he said, "I don't know..."

After a pause, he said, "generally, after getting drunk, don't you call blindly? Just look at the dialing records. I'll look at mine. I'll stop my voice.

Su Lingang opened the phone icon, but it didn't load well. He looked at Qin Fang and said, "what's the matter?"

Qin Fang's "Teng" had to sit up and stare even bigger: "Laozi! He made 20 phone calls to Wang Yihan

Su Lin What a fool.

Although Su Lin's head was still sore, he laughed unkindly.

Then he took his eyes back and looked down at his phone record.

Suddenly the pupils contracted.

[137xxxxxxxx luyuanyuan] [13]


10、 Three, one, phone.

Su Lin

It's getting more and more painful.

He scratched his hair, closed his eyes and tried desperately to remember what he had said to her on the phone.

It seems that he took a taxi first and went to her house.

Then call her down.

And then And then He seems to have said something he shouldn't have said.

About two minutes later, the last memory image finally reappeared. He seemed to see himself sitting on the bench, with the right atmosphere, holding her in his arms.

Then he said the five words in her ear.

Otherwise, call, Dad.


It's amazing.

What kind of stupid talk is that???

Before he recovered from his shock, Qin Fang let out another cry.

He turned his head and faced each other It's a complicated expression.

Surprised, like eating excrement, but with excited eyes.

"Linge." Qin Fang got out of bed at once. His steps were not steady, but he still took two steps to his bedside and put his hand on the railings of Su Lin's upper bunk.

"Brother Lin," Qin Fang called again. His voice was shaking: "I made a confession with Wang Yihan last night."


"You know, just my internal cannon -"

Su Lin stopped him and said, "I know." After a pause, he added, "don't talk about it."

Qin Fang didn't hear it: "I I'm off the list now. "


"I'm Qin Fang!! It's off the list

After howling, he rushed into the bathroom and began to take a bath.

Su Lin

Su Lin's heart is full of dirty words now.

Qin Fang got drunk, went to find someone to tell him, and succeeded.

And he was drunk.

It was his mother who went downstairs and asked a little girl to call him Dad.

…… It's shit in my head.

He put his cell phone aside and fell back on the bed with his head smashed into the soft pillow.

After thinking about it, I fished it back and tossed it away again.Then he covered his head with a quilt.

The sound of the water in the bathroom didn't sound for a long time. Qin Fang came out with a whistle and wet hair. He was so refreshing that his headache couldn't stop his excited nerves.

He sat on the bed, opened wechat, looked at the chat record with [dog egg King Yihan], and flipped up and down many times.

Time is up, automatic lock screen, he caught off guard in the black screen to see his smile chrysanthemum face.

“……” It's a little scary.

Qin Fang controls the facial expression of the lower part, unlocks the mobile phone again, exits the dialog box, and plans to brush the circle of friends to ease his mood.

Unexpectedly, the first one is

He narrowed his eyes and repeatedly confirmed that the picture in his circle of friends was Su Lin's, and the remarks were right.

Su Lin? Actually sent a circle of friends?

It seems that there is a picture, but before Qin Fang looks at it, he gives his brother a praise. Praise first.

Then he looked at the content.

【。 】

it's very concise, with only one full stop

eh? What does that mean?

Qin Fang looked at the picture he sent.

Picture is a lotus, not in full bloom, petals tightly together, or huaguduo appearance.

There are four big words below:

[I'm autistic]

because I didn't go to make up lessons for Shu Tian last week, luyuanyuan agreed with her this week to go there two hours ahead of time.

When we get back to school, it's dusk, but the clouds are not as red and dark as they should be.

The wind is very small, and the air is a little stuffy, like rain.

Luyuanyuan stood at the school gate and looked up.

Today, she has to go to the campus supermarket to buy some things, but now it's a long time to go back to the dormitory to get an umbrella and then go to the campus supermarket, so Let's go straight.

Just bet it doesn't rain.

Along the way as fast as possible, she spent 15 minutes touching the supermarket. Just as she was about to enter, she saw a familiar figure coming from another direction, and the destination was obviously the same as her.

She lives at the door.

Then the man came up to her.

After he stood still, luyuanyuan looked at the face he had just seen yesterday. Maybe it was because of a hangover. His face was not very good, and now it was light blue.

All of a sudden, many pictures of last night appeared in front of us.

She hesitated for a moment, holding a bag belt, just said "good student" and planned to enter the supermarket.

Just lift your leg -

there is a backward pull from the schoolbag belt.

Lu Yuanyuan looked back in doubt, "senior..."


In fact, Su Lin did not expect to meet her here.

He stopped for a moment, and then came to her. Little girl looked up to see him little by little. Her big black and white eyes were clear and transparent, without any impurities. Her skin was fine and white, and her lips were pink and moist.

She used to say hello to him, not to say excited, at least happy, but just now, her voice "senior good" tone is very gentle, as if he is really just an ordinary senior.

That's not going to work.

Su Lin should be after, looking at her for a while, racking their brains, but also only out of a: "shopping with the supermarket?"


Luyuanyuan not only came to buy things for herself, but also helped the other three in the dormitory. Because there were too many things, she had to buy them according to the list of the group.

I thought it would be a lot of trouble to buy, but I didn't expect it to be like now - someone helped her carry the shopping basket, followed her slowly, she just needed to find something and throw it into the basket.

They didn't have much conversation.

Su Lin suddenly noticed that every few minutes, she would raise her hand and move her braid behind her head, frowning and looking uncomfortable.

The next time she touched again, he couldn't help calling her: "deer garden."

Her hand was still in her hair. "Huh?"

He pointed to her braid. "Aren't you feeling well?"

"Oh..." Deer garden reaction will, only to understand what he means, "nothing, is not well tied hair."

When she went out today, she tied a low ponytail. I don't know where the problem is. There are always a few places that make her scalp a little uncomfortable.

But it wasn't too hard. She didn't want to prick it again. She just raised her hand from time to time. Unexpectedly, she was seen by him.

As if to open the conversation box, after this question and answer, Su Lin found that they were back to the usual feeling of chatting.

Because someone helped to carry it, the shopping process was very fast. In less than 20 minutes, luyuanyuan bought all the things on the list and put away the mobile phone.

Su Lin saw her action, "are you finished?"

"Well." She nodded, "it's hard for seniors. Let's check out."

Seeing that she was about to leave the shelf, Su Lin grabbed her schoolbag belt again: "wait a minute."“…… Well

Su Lin tightened his cheek and tried to slow down his voice: "last night, I was drunk. When I went to see you, I said something --" he thought about it and found a less appropriate adjective: "strange words."

"You..." "Don't take it seriously," he said

The little girl seemed to digest his words for a while and blinked, "well, I see."

Then she reached for her schoolbag, zipped the side bag, and pulled out two red bills.

It came to him in a flash.

Su Lin was surprised?

What is this operation?

He didn't pick it up. He heard her continue to explain, "senior, I wanted to give it to you when I checked out, so I'll give it to you first."

Su Lin hesitated: "you give me Money? What are you doing? "

Luyuanyuan also looked surprised: "did you forget everything about last night?"

"Not all..." As soon as he mentioned last night, he felt a little embarrassed. He plucked his hair with his empty hand and said, "remember a part of it."

"Ah..." She nodded, "I'll tell you."


"Do you remember what you said..." Lu Yuanyuan's expression was awkward for a moment. He looked away at the potato chip packaging bag beside him and continued: "it's called Dad "Or something."

“…… I remember

"After that, before you left, you had to put 200 yuan in my pocket, saying it was for my living expenses."


"I want to give it back to you. You don't want to. After you leave, you call me and say that the living expenses are not enough. Then you ask for it."


She seriously added the last sentence: "and - don't save you money."

Su Lin

It's too damn exciting.

He wants to be autistic again.

After paying the bill and arriving at the gate of the supermarket, Lu Yuanyuan found that he had made a wrong bet.

Outside, thunder and lightning alternate, and then it rains cats and dogs, rushing to the ground.

It's raining heavily.

It's not that big.

Su Lin, with her things in her hand, was standing under the eaves of the door to observe the rain. A small complaint came from her ear: "how could it be so heavy..."

S city often has light rain or drizzle. Many times, as long as the distance is not too far, you can go out without umbrella. I didn't expect that the rain this time is quite different from those before, and the momentum is very amazing.

"Senior, you don't have an umbrella, do you?" Lu Yuanyuan frowned and muttered to turn around: "I'll buy an umbrella -"

Su Lin grabbed her arm.

She looked back at him in doubt What's the matter? "

"Cough," he cleared his throat unnaturally, "this kind of rain, if you don't take an umbrella, you will get wet."


"So it's better to stay here and wait for the rain to drop."

Luyuanyuan looked at the sky again.

In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that the rain is like the water from the sky. It's true It's probably useless to take an umbrella.

She looked at Su Lin, "then wait here?"

The eaves outside the supermarket brand are very big, and the space under the eaves is also very wide. She prefers it to the crowded space inside.

Su Lin didn't say anything and nodded.

Today, luyuanyuan gave Shu Tian two hours more lessons. Just now, she bought something again. She always felt tired and couldn't tell where she was. So she went to the corner of the door and squatted down with her knees in her arms.

Su Lin looked at her suddenly short down a large section, see her action, slightly a Zheng.

Today, luyuanyuan was wearing a white sweater and tight black and gray jeans. She wrapped her legs very thin and squatted there, a little thin ball.

He went to her and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Not much, a little tired..." The little girl's voice was stuffy, "and I just don't like rainy days, especially such heavy rain..."


Without waiting for Su Lin to speak, he happened to chop a loud thunder, which made the little potato crouching on the ground shiver.

Luyuanyuan had a strong response to the sudden sound. Before she recovered from the last thunder, a hand suddenly appeared in front of her.

Familiar, good-looking and qualified hands.

She looked up.

From this point of view, his face and facial features are a little fuzzy, and it can only be seen that his lips are moving.

He said, "you stand up."

The voice is deep and tender in the rain. She suddenly remembered the normal voice he used when he was talking. She couldn't resist it and her ears itched.

Not to mention now.

Luyuanyuan had just been scared and his mind was empty.

She didn't think of anything else. As if she was bewitched, she put her hand on his hand and stood up.After getting up.

He didn't let go immediately.

The palms of the two men are almost completely close to each other.

His hands are cold and slippery, so it's comfortable to hold her hand. From the moment of contact, a weak sense of numbness is transmitted directly from the hand to all parts of the body.

It's not obvious, it's not strong, but it makes her freeze all over, and her face starts to heat up.

She forgot to break away, but Su Lin was the first to put down her hand.

He stood right in front of her, blocking most of the outside scene. Her residual light swept to the sky, and suddenly several strong lights came up. One by one, the lightning came, and the thunder didn't arrive.

But it should be soon -

before she was ready, two pieces of warm and cool touch touched her ears.

Luyuan was stunned.

Then he realized that it was his hand.

She could feel the back of her hand arched slightly, leaving room for her ears. Then the thunder came through this barrier, and it became insignificant in her ears.

After the dense thunder, he let go.

Maybe it was too comfortable to touch, and she even had an idea that she didn't want his hand to leave.

It's just a moment.

Luyuanyuan is a little lucky for the dark environment. I can't see the red on her face. "Thank you, senior."

Su Lin said, "it's OK."

I don't know if she looked up at him for a long time. Luyuanyuan felt some pain in her hair roots. She reached out and moved her hair band, frowned, and decided not to use it any more.

After a few seconds or more.

Su Lin didn't move his position, but he slightly lowered his head and leaned forward. In this way, the light of the supermarket behind him hit his face, and the outline of his facial features appeared in her field of vision.

The hand he had just released lifted up again and made a circle around her face -

to the ponytail behind her head.

His hand moved her rubber band.

She opened her eyes wide.

Looking at his pale lips open and close: "you Or is it uncomfortable? "

Magnetic sound mixed in the rain, as if with the wet water vapor.

Luyuanyuan nodded mechanically.

He burst out laughing.

The smile lines were very shallow on his lips. The corner of one lip was higher than the other. He lowered his head again, and she ran straight into his eyes.

The lights in the supermarket at the back are very bright.

All the light reflected in his eyes, dizzy open countless warmth.

She felt a loosening in her head.

It's like the person who has been holding his head has been released suddenly, and all the hair roots that just suffered are clamoring for comfort.

Deer garden could not help but "ah" sound.

He seemed to be amused by her reaction again.

The difference is that the smile lines are deeper this time, and his narrow eyes even bend out of radian. He pressed his voice and said, "if you feel uncomfortable, untie it."


His hand is still on the back of her head, fingers micro motion, fiddle with her hair a few times, then the export with a smile, if she heard right, there is a little helpless.

"Is it stupid?"