The atmosphere changed in a flash.

He was so close to her that he couldn't ignore her. Luyuanyuan jerked his head back and touched his hand when he raised his hand to brush his hair.

Her eyes were fixed on the wall beside her. Looking at the mottled stone wall, she felt a little embarrassed You're stupid. "

I really don't dare to look at him

Luyuanyuan is a little puzzled. Why does she feel that Su Xuechang seems to be getting more and more Handsome? good-looking?

But when she saw him for the first time, she thought he was very good-looking, but she just had a pleasant feeling, unlike now.

Just looking at each other for a while, I felt my heart pounding.

They stood outside for about ten minutes.

Rain a little bit, Su Lin took a look, in fact, is already umbrella estimated not to get wet on the body.


It's hard to be alone. He doesn't really want to go.

He looked at the girl's face, with a small expression and a voice.

"Luyuanyuan," he stood back slightly, thought about it, and asked again, "you Really don't watch the forum? "

Smell speech, she quickly turned to look at him, lips slightly open, obvious consternation.


I don't know why, he was suddenly determined.

That's the reaction. How can I not see it?

Su Lin immediately laughed, narrowed his eyes and just thought of asking -

the mobile phone vibrated in his pocket and the bell rang.

He paused, looked at the caller ID, looked up at her and said, "I'll take a call."

Luyuanyuan nodded.

She watched him scratch the screen, put the phone to her ear and drop her eyelashes. "Mom."

He did not avoid her, on her side to answer the phone, said the word does not fall to her ears.

"Well, that's it."

"Not bad."

"Don't give it to me, that's enough."


Luyuanyuan had bowed his head and listened. Before, he answered very smoothly. Suddenly, he was silent for more than ten seconds, as if stuck.

She raised her eyes in doubt.

I didn't expect to see him.

His black eyes were shining, and he fixed his eyes on her. He did not blink. After a while, he raised his lips and said to her: "fast."


Why are you staring at her?

Luyuanyuan was at a loss at first, but on second thought, it might be chatting and looking at other places. It happened that she was right in the eye.

Sure enough, soon he turned his head and spoke to the other end of the phone.

It's his mother.

It turns out that when Mr. Su called his family, it was like this.

Although sometimes show the expression of disgust, but the lips have been bent, facial lines are very soft, few words, but there is no impatience in the voice.

The whole person became very warm.

Looking at his side face, the memory suddenly returned to earlier.

She also received a call today.

From her father.

Not long after she woke up, she just sat up from the bed, and her mobile phone suddenly vibrated beside her pillow. After seeing the caller ID, she was stunned for a moment and then picked it up and called "Dad".

After college, he called her once, a month and a half later, this is the second time.

Holding her cell phone, she listened quietly to the people over there saying a few words. Her heart was filled with loss, but it was no surprise.

The baritone over there is still familiar with the routine tone, there is no temperature, the content is nothing more than to ask her how much to live.

Luyuanyuan didn't answer immediately.

Until the people over there ran out of patience and began to urge her. She bit her teeth and said word by word, "I don't want your money."

"I found a tutor and got a lot of salary. I can live on my own without asking you or my grandparents for money."

"Dad," she said, her eyes were dry when she just got up. The more she said, the more uncomfortable she felt. Finally, she began to put on the sore eyes with her other hand and tried to cover up the crying, "you Don't call me again, OK

If you don't want to call me, don't call me.

After that, the man didn't say anything.

It's like sighing and then hanging up.

She took the cell phone down from her ear and sat on the bed with her head down, tears trickling down her fingers on the sheet.

In fact, after so many years, she should have been used to it.

But sometimes people will be like this, even if you know what he will say on the phone this time, there will still be unrealistic fantasy.

Looking forward to, he will not even ask you, whether you are happy in school, whether there are contradictions between roommates, or, just a simple sentence, Dad miss you.

But fantasy is fantasy after all.It's good to cry and think about it.

“…… What's the matter with you? "

The shadow of a hand suddenly passed in front of my eyes.

Luyuanyuan came back and focused on the person in front of him

Su Lin put the mobile phone back in his pocket and approached her.

It was almost dark. The street light next to the supermarket was on. He could see the expression on her face clearly.

Before Mingming, he was still very energetic. Suddenly, he seemed to be a different person. His eyes were empty, and he was at a loss.

The point is, I don't know why.

He always felt that She seems to be crying.

The words stopped at the throat, and he said tentatively: -- Not happy? "

Luyuanyuan wanted to shake his head.

Shake to half, looking at his tiny frown, the concern in the eyes, suddenly don't want to hold.

I want to talk to someone.

It's hard to hold it.

"Well, I'm not happy."

Su Lin was stunned. Before she could say anything, she quickly added: "senior, you can forget what I said below."

"For a long time, I didn't know what I had done wrong. My father didn't like me so much."

"He didn't want to worry about me, just forget me, but he just remembered to call me and ask me how much I want."

"He asked me how much it would cost, but I guess he didn't want me to come up with a number at all."

"Because he doesn't have much money to give me."

"I know all about it, so I found a tutor..."


She said one by one, he was stunned from the beginning to the end.

Her voice is not big, tone is not how fierce, just the kind of small grievances and complaints.

Suddenly let him remember, before he sent her home, she said when lying on his back.

"My father wouldn't be so nice to me."

He couldn't tell what he felt.

It's like pressing a stone, it's very stuffy, and it's like being wound by a thread, and it's tight in circles.

All in all, it's a little uncomfortable.

He didn't make a sound all the time. After watching luyuanyuan finish, he took a long breath, lowered his head and raised it again. He said with a relieved smile, "I'm not very happy today. Now that I'm finished, I'm really much better."

"Thank you, senior," she hesitated for a moment and said again, "if you listen, you'll forget."

“…… Well, "Su Lin nodded and wanted to say a lot, but he didn't know where to start. At last, he just spat out one word," OK. "

It's impossible to forget, but she's like this now, and he doesn't want to ask any more.

Luyuanyuan went out and reached out to try the rain outside. Then she took back her hand and looked back with a smile: "the rain has become much smaller. Let's go in and buy an umbrella, senior students, and then go?"

Su Lin nodded: "I'll buy it. You'll wait for me here."

Luyuanyuan stands under the eaves of the supermarket, looking at the students with umbrellas passing by from time to time.

After a vent just now, the depression in my heart is much better.

In fact, she has never mentioned these things to anyone she knew in the University. The chat in the dormitory rarely involves the family, and she may not be able to say it.

But I don't know why, just face him, so easy to say.


A familiar voice came from her ear, and she turned back.

Su Lin had long legs and walked up to her in a few steps. When luyuanyuan saw what he was holding.

Just now, all those thoughts, relieved and happy, all flew away and disappeared.

His eyes and brain are all left in his hand -

is a pink umbrella, tender girl powder.

She took a closer look and found that the handle of the umbrella With strawberries?

Seems to be aware of her gaze, he lifted the umbrella in his hand, while shaking open and asked: "like it?"

“…… I like it. " Lu Yuan Yuan stopped and added, "how lovely."

Anyway, praise That's right.

He opened his umbrella, and luyuanyuan followed him, thinking of what he had written down in his memorandum.

She's right. She's right.

Although I don't know the reason, Su Xuechang really likes pink!

It took them ten minutes to get to the tree where Su Lin had taken her to her dormitory by bike.

There are two people coming face to face, can see is a man and a woman, posture is very close, together holding a black umbrella.

When passing by, luyuanyuan heard their conversation.

"Look! Their boyfriends take pink umbrellas! It must be for my girlfriend. I told you to call a yellow one. You don't like it! If you have to use it, it's so ugly"Oh, it's just a color. Don't worry about it..."

"No, I'm going to buy a pink umbrella some other day. When it rains, I'll see if you can fight!"

"Aunt, please forgive me..."

The couple's voice faded until they could no longer hear their conversation.

My boyfriend

Su Xuechang should have heard that.

Along the way, when I met a cyclist occasionally, Su Lin would put her hand without an umbrella on her shoulder and take it in a little.

Actually, she counted.

Three times altogether.

Luyuanyuan has some inexplicable hot face. In front of her is the girls' dormitory building. She wants to thank him and leave immediately.

But suddenly he called his name.

"Deer garden."

“…… Well

Su Lin changed her hand to hold the umbrella and looked at her face carefully.

The little girl's eyes were as clear as usual. It seemed that she didn't feel sad any more.

But What she said before must have been held for a long time, and it was hard to spit it out.

It's so easy to get better.

He asked, "you On the first day of the games, there are no sports

Deer garden thought for a moment, "it seems that there is no, it's all on the second and third day. What's the matter?"

"Well," Su Lin seemed to have expected her answer and nodded, "go out and play."

Luyuanyuan didn't respond "Ah?"

"I'll take you out to play." He continued.

He held the umbrella in one hand, and suddenly raised the other hand and touched her hair.

"Don't be upset."

Luyuanyuan has been a student for so many years. She started to get little red flowers from kindergarten and certificates from primary school. The three good students do not fall for a year. Although she is small and thin, even the sports meeting can bring glory to the class. She is a typical example of the all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor.

In junior and senior high school, the most impulsive adolescence, there were always boys skipping classes or fighting and making trouble in the class. No matter which class she was assigned to, she was a class representative or learning committee member, and she could not help sighing.

Alas, how nice it is to study quietly. Why should we violate the school rules and regulations.

Last week, she didn't go to French class because of her aunt's pain.

For collective activities, you may not be able to see it from the outside, but luyuanyuan is really a person with a strong sense of collective honor.

Although many people choose not to go to the university sports meeting, normally, even if she does not have a competition, she will not be absent.


Maybe his voice was too good that day, maybe she also wanted to play.

Whatever the reason, she was agitated by Su Lin.

However, what she didn't expect was that he said he would take her to the amusement park that left a deep impression on both of them.

Keng you amusement park is not in s city. To be exact, it is on the edge of a small town at the junction of two big cities.

Last time the bus was rented, but this time it didn't. luyuanyuan proposed to go by motor car.

The train leaves at 9:30, but the station is not close to C, so they start at 8:00 in the morning.

Like last time, luyuanyuan carried books, water, wallet, documents, and some miscellaneous small things. She didn't bring too much. When she came to the school gate and saw Su Lin, she was stunned.

He was wearing a black three bar sportswear and a white baseball cap. He had no expression on his face. His eyebrows were light. In fact, it was not much different from the usual, that is

The dark circles are a little heavy.

In addition, his lips are pale, so he looks a little tired.

"Good morning, senior." She stepped up to him.

Su Lin took the cell phone and said with a smile, "well, let's go."

Out of the school gate, she suddenly remembered that on Monday, he seemed to have sent a circle of friends. It was more than three o'clock in the morning. In the photo, there was a thick screen of English. He didn't send any words, but only had the expression of a bloody kitchen knife.

Is it homework?

"Senior," she looked at him as she walked, "are you Didn't sleep well? "

He made a "um" sound.

After a pause, the voice again was a little dull: "is it obvious?"

"No, it's not obvious," luyuanyuan thought that he should pay attention to the image, so he said against his heart, "just a little."

She also reached out and gave him a "little bit" with her finger.

Su Lin didn't hold back. He laughed and pressed the brim of his hat.

It's hard to get a taxi in the morning. I stood by the road outside the school gate and waited for another ten minutes before an empty car came. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road. We arrived at the station after 20 minutes.

After checking the ticket, there was still plenty of time. Su Lin took her to breakfast. After eating, Lu Yuanyuan sat opposite him and watched his fifth yawn.

Thinking of his circle of friends, she couldn't help saying, "do you stay up late to catch up on your homework?"He made a "um" sound, with a heavy nasal tone.

"Senior," she tried to keep a straight face, "it's not good to stay up late."

Su Lin took the bag and put it on his shoulder. He looked up at Lu Yuanyuan's small face, a painstaking way of educating him.

All of a sudden, he laughed.

"What are you laughing at? It's really bad. My grandfather won't let me stay up late. If you go to bed so late, you will become stupid and ugly - "

Su Lin stands up and reaches across the table to touch the top of her hair.

Then he rubbed it.

Luyuanyuan's words stopped suddenly.

She looked at him and said with a smile, "well, no more."

Because the time to buy tickets is late, only second class seats are left, but fortunately, they bought tickets together. They are next to each other, 12a and 12b.

A leaning against the window, luyuanyuan let him go first, "if you're in there, you won't be disturbed, so you can make up for sleep."

“……” Su Lin was a little surprised.

But he really wanted to sleep. He said "OK" and sat down in the innermost room.

The station in s city is the departure station, and the stop time is 20 minutes. They are the first ones to get on the bus. After that, many people come to the station, looking for seats, crying with children, and the noise is getting louder and louder.

Luyuanyuan is a little worried about him.

She turned her head and asked, "senior, are you wearing headphones?"


Su Lin said, from his black schoolbag side bag out of the white headphone cable, untied, hung an ear, said to her: "if you have something, call me."

"Well, go to sleep."

After another five minutes, luyuanyuan was playing with her mobile phone. She felt that people around her were breathing more and more rhythmically.

She had seen it secretly several times, but because the baseball cap covered three-quarters of her face, she could only see his straight chin and tight lips.

I think I fell asleep.

Luyuanyuan peeked again. When he looked back, there was a girl in front of her, bending over, and her face was very close to her.

A face suddenly appeared in the field of vision. She was startled and jerked on the seat.

Look at her reaction so big, the girl seems to be a little embarrassed, smile, "I'm sorry! Scared you? "

Luyuanyuan calmed down for a breath, also returned a smile, "it's OK."

"Well," the girl showed her the ticket in her hand, "my ticket is 12C, right next to you."


"He is my boyfriend, his ticket is in 12D, separated from me by an aisle," the girl pointed to the tall boy standing on the side, and then laughed, "I want to sit with him, I don't know if I can ask you to change position with him?"


Luyuanyuan took a look at 12D.

The second-class carriages of the EMU are arranged in the order of ABC on one side and de on the other side. The passage in the middle is for everyone to walk around.

They were separated by the aisle.

If it was her, she would change it.

But she's not.

And if she left, she and Su Lin would be separated.

She felt that she didn't want to be separated from him

Luyuanyuan looked back at the man who had not moved. His heart beat faster and his palms were sweating.

Otherwise Doesn't it matter to tell a little lie?

Anyway, he fell asleep and couldn't hear her.

In fact, Su Lin never fell asleep.

His earphones are not in ear style. They can't separate too much noise at all, but he can have a rest with his eyes closed.

When luyuanyuan suddenly moved, he felt it.

Then he took off the right earphone and heard the whole conversation.

He sighed in his heart.

Luyuanyuan, a good old man, will willingly give up his seat to the couple whose seat has been broken up -

the familiar voice came, "that, I'm sorry..."

Huh? Excuse me?

Actually refused??

He was absorbed in distinguishing her voice from the noise.

After a few seconds, the soft voice was captured by him again.

"I'm sitting with my boyfriend, so I can't change with you."