"Me and my boyfriend."

"My boyfriend."



That's what the hell luyuanyuan said??

Su Lin is now frozen in his seat. He feels as if he is moving and his joints are about to fall apart.

He also felt that he was not listening.

Not long after listening to Lu Yuanyuan's answer, the voice of the girl who asked if she could change seats came and said "sorry".

Then he felt luyuanyuan back to the back of his seat, and the back of his seat vibrated a little.

…… He can't open his eyes now.

If you open your eyes and say what you just said has been heard by me, do you have to give me an explanation.

And then

He seems to be able to guess what she will reply to.

Senior, if I don't say that, we will sit separately.

Or - senior, I'm afraid they'll make you sleep.

…… That's not fuckin 'right.

Recently, he has approached her intentionally or uncontrollably many times, just to see the little girl's reaction.

From before, or from the question she asked on the day of the party, he felt as if she was different.

Ask her if she looks at the forum, her eyes are evasive.

As soon as you get closer, your little ears and face start to turn red.

He's not stupid.

These performances completely confirmed that Lu Yuanyuan didn't have no feelings for him.

But he's still not sure.

She inadvertently said before that "senior I just graduated from high school four months ah", like an alarm bell, over and over again, always ringing in the brain.

He also wondered, in fact, which freshman is not just four months after graduating from high school? Don't we all graduate together?

But it's one thing to think, and another to put it on her.

So every time he wanted to take the last step, when he saw her eyes and listened to her call "senior", he would feel

More slowly.

Give her more time.

But now, he can't slow down. She just thought of it.

Su Lin casually put his right arm on his leg, and his sleeve seemed to be suddenly moved by someone. Because the strength is very light, he is not sure whether it is his own illusion.

He stopped the thoughts in his head and felt the force.

The next second, there is a delicate cold touch across the face.

He froze again.

The touch soon disappeared, and then his ears cooled.

Then, the music penetrated into the left and right ears at the same time, becoming three-dimensional, and the outside sound was a little fuzzy.


It's deer garden.

She gave him Put on the earphone you just took off?

Su Lin wanted to laugh.

He used up all his strength to restrain the smile that was about to stretch. What he had thought and analyzed before was all broken up by her action.

Su Lin closed his eyes and listened to three songs again. He took the time, slowly reached out and took off his hat, and pulled off the earphone by the way.

People around him noticed the movement and quickly turned his head: "senior, you are so fast I wake up. "

He plucked his hair and nodded at her.

Luyuanyuan's face was a little tangled. She was silent for a short time, and suddenly said again: "senior, you just fell asleep?"


Su Lin tried to make her facial expression look like she had just woken up. She didn't look directly at her and took out her mobile phone: "well, I fell asleep."

"Then why did you..."

"There's a part of my homework that I didn't explain to my team members."

The little girl suddenly realized, "Oh," and said, "that elder, please be busy."

Of course, I stayed up late to finish my homework.

Su Lin opens wechat and looks through the address book to find the person he is looking for.

Su Lin: [Lao Shen, I'll tell the little girl later. 】

Su Lin: [a little nervous. 】

I haven't been in touch for two months. I can't believe I'm back there.

Shen Guming: [fuck, what's the situation? 】

Su Lin: [I'm so damn nervous. How did you tell me? 】

Shen Gu Ming is his junior high school friend, who has been in the same school all the time. Shen Guming university is a local student in B city. Although they only go out on vacation to play ball games and drink, they don't get in touch at all occasionally.

Now I'm looking for this person because my college roommates, such as Qin Fang, are like idiots in love, while Shen Gu Ming has at least a girlfriend who has been dating since high school.

There must be some experience.

Shen Gu Ming: [...] 】

SHEN Guming: [how to tell, how to tell white, can tell a flower? 】Su Lin: [I really want to tell a flower to teach me? 】

Shen Gu Ming idiot. 】

SHEN Guming: [are you such a fool in love? 】

Su Lin looks at the three words of falling in love and is inexplicably happy.

But he told me the truth: "I haven't talked about it yet. I'm not nervous. 】

SHEN Guming: [after so many years, I didn't expect that your sexuality was finally confirmed. 】


Su Lin typing: [go away, I always like women. 】

just met It's a little late.

Shen Guming: [it's not a matter how you tell. The point is that the girls like you? 】

seeing this sentence, Su Lin was stunned, and her fingers suddenly landed on the top of the keyboard.


The girl, like you?

Do you like it?

He thought of what she had just said to others.

She helped him with the headphones.

There are many times before, every time close to her, she is too shy to look.

He dropped his eyes and bent his lips.

Knock word by word: [well, she likes it. 】

after the train arrives at the station, it takes less than ten minutes to get out of the station and take a taxi to the gate of the familiar amusement park. Su Lin goes to buy a ticket and takes Lu Yuanyuan to the gate.

There are few people in this period of the morning, and they haven't even arrived yet. The huge amusement park is very cold. With the withered and discolored leaves after the arrival of autumn, it seems that there is still a sense of bleakness.

Su Lin walked and asked, "what do you play first?"

"Ferris wheel!" Deer garden immediately road.

Last time there was not enough time, and they were a little depressed, so this time she must play Ferris wheel.

Su Lin has no so-called, to this is to accompany her happy, he nodded: "OK."

Then he looked at the map and found a place, only to find that the ferris wheel seemed to sell tickets alone.

"You wait for me here. I'll have a look."

"Yes, yes."

Lu Yuanyuan waited in place for five minutes before Su Lin came back.

His long legs always made her feel that even if they were far away, he could step in front of her in a few steps.

Big long leg waved the ticket on the hand to her, "no one else is sitting, just us."

"Ah?" Although there were few people on the way, luyuanyuan didn't expect that none of them would come to ride the ferris wheel. "Will it be opened for us?"

"Here you are."


Luyuanyuan nodded and followed him into the small yard with the words "motiankeng you wheel".

To be honest, she's looking forward to it.

I don't know who the creator or game designer of this amusement park is, but every game inside is very different from that outside.

Although some, um, really fit the word "pit".

Like the haunted house.

In that mode, the earphone of the last seat was allowed to break down! What a pit!

However, she never told Su Xuechang that she really liked the "carousel".

And the picture she took for him is still in her cell phone.

In fact, although she was embarrassed at that time, when she went back, she looked at the photo and recalled the scene at that time. His appearance matched with "the love of the TrackMan". The more she thought about it, the more funny it was.

Lu Yuan Yuan followed Su Lin and passed a small door.

Hope, this Ferris wheel, also can not with the public -

look up the moment, she "ah" a.

It's so different.

For nothing else, this Ferris wheel

First of all, it's very small.

Luyuanyuan has never sat on a Ferris wheel, but I've seen it on TV and pictures. I've also learned that the ferris wheel in a normal amusement park has at least 30 cabins, and the height must be about 100 meters.

In front of this

There are only ten cabins, and the circle supporting the tower and axle is very small, not to mention short, but it's, too, beautiful!

Deer garden has never seen such a girlish decoration.

The whole frame of Ferris wheel is painted with gradient colors of tender pink, tender orange and tender yellow. The excessive color is not abrupt at all. Because there are only ten cabins, and each cabins has different colors, such as mint green, sky light blue and so on. Even the shape of each cabins has subtle differences.

This It doesn't match the image of this amusement park.

Luyuanyuan looked at it for a while, but soon he was called back by the voice around him, "do you like it?"

She immediately nodded: "I like it!"

It's not enough. I added: "really take a good look, senior!"

The little girl's eyes looked like stars, dimples on her lips loomed, and her face glowed with joy.

"Well," he couldn't help laughing, "then go up."Entering the cabin, luyuanyuan was stunned again.

There are seats facing each other on both sides. Yes, the bulkheads are all painted with love or cute animal heads. It's very beautiful and lovely, which is also very good.

But Those two

"Senior," Lu Yuanyuan went in, carefully holding the balance, and asked the people who came up later, "what's this?"

Su Lin hasn't answered yet.

she found it is too laggy, and it was a screen with a large pink cartoon toy pen with a very large shape.

She grabbed it and poked at the screen.

The screen lights up instantly, and four big words appear on it: welcome to use.

Then, there are some sharp electronic sounds: "if you click the reader, you will not click anywhere."

“……” Is this a point reader?

Su Lin sits as like as two peas on her right hand side. The two people are not far away. Even if she sits a little farther, he can get on his knees.

She saw that Su Lin also picked up the exaggerated pen and pointed the black screen, as if there were four words on the screen, probably the same as her.

But the voice has changed.

The voice is the same, but this time I laugh a little irritating: "ha ha ha, I'm teasing you."


In terms of the appearance of the ferris wheel, luyuanyuan was really planning to change the appearance of the amusement park. But now she feels that the external image is collapsing.

The thick and familiar smell of sand sculpture comes to my face.

Su Lin didn't seem surprised.

He was not only not surprised, but also poked at the screen a few times and looked up at her: "I asked how to use it. In fact, these two are question answering machines. I ask questions on my side and you answer them on your side."

“……?” Lu Yuanyuan felt that he should express himself at the right time, but he didn't understand: "hmm? I don't see the problem? "

"Because I haven't entered it yet."

Su Lin finished, with a pen on the screen poked several times, "you see now."

Luyuanyuan bowed his head.

The screen has changed.

One plus one is equal to one? 】




"You choose a." Su Lin spoke out.

Luyuan ordered a.

"After you have finished selecting, the person who needs to make the question - I, pass it for you," he pointed on the screen again. "At this time -"

before he finished his words, the cabin around her suddenly began to vibrate, and she couldn't help saying "ah".

Then I felt that the cabin was rising slowly. After more than ten seconds, I stopped again.


So this Ferris wheel, is to answer the right question, can move???

Su Lin seemed to see through her thoughts and nodded: "yes, that's what you think. They told me that the mentally handicapped link has a soul."

He wants to curse again.

Damn, a good Ferris wheel, what a fool with a heart? Can't you just transfer?

“……” Luyuanyuan still couldn't believe it: "senior, is this automatic? So Is it intelligent? "

"No, the following staff are doing it. If they don't answer for more than five minutes, they will automatically give you a promotion."


No wonder there are only ten cabins.

Two people stop at the second grid at present, deer garden feels some novelty: "senior, otherwise I come to ask you a question?"

"If you want to type," Su Lin looked at her eager to try and laughed, "it's still the kind of full keyboard, or I'll type the problem, you can take charge of a and B

“……… Oh, all right It's better to type.

Su Lin is going to hit the second question blindly, such as a series of numbers, and then Lu Yuanyuan chooses whatever he wants. He has given it to Lu Yuanyuan. Hurry to the ferris wheel.

Before clicking to send a question, something flashed through my mind.

He had a good hand.

Think about it, delete it and type it again.

It took them five minutes to reach the fourth grid.

Sitting on the ferris wheel, what I most look forward to is the moment when I climb the top. Luyuanyuan thinks the same, and she thinks Su Lin thinks the same.

Because all he asked were simple questions that he obviously wanted to ask.

He asked "do you like raspberry milk", "do you like rabbits", "do you like milk tea" three combo.

Luyuanyuan didn't hesitate at all. They all ordered A. I like it.

It's going to the top of the fifth grid.

Luyuanyuan looked at the screen, then looked out of the window, a little excited.

Although this is a small Ferris wheel, it is tens of meters away from the ground. She can still overlook most areas of the amusement park. She even took out her mobile phone to take photos.

The sound of "Ding" came.

She's familiar with it. It's the voice of the problem.Lu Yuanyuan, anxious, sweeps directly at the answer. It turns out that a likes B and B don't like it.

That must be the same as the previous ones.

After clicking "like", she looked at the topic casually.

"Does Sulin like you?"

Well, she's right. Su Lin likes -

and so on!


He's asking her, he's Do you like her?

Then she chose without thinking


There was a confirmation "drop" from him.

Luyuanyuan stares at the screen, and the whole person froze.

She just chose to like it.

And he confirmed, that's the right answer.

Because of the confirmation from the other side, it took more than ten seconds for the cabin to hang up, but this time it was very slow.

For more than ten seconds, she felt hot all over her body.

After the cabin was suspended, luyuanyuan looked at the people on the opposite side.

He grabbed the pen and quickly pointed it on the screen. Not long after, there was another "Ding" on her side.

She looked down at his question.

"You're right. Would you like to be his girlfriend?"

A is willing to

b is willing to


Luyuanyuan was completely stunned.

She stares at the screen, but doesn't respond. The cabin shakes suddenly. The sense of weightlessness makes her cry out: "ah

Next second -

next to the stool.

The center of gravity of the whole gondola shifted to her side.

- Su Lin also came.

"Deer garden." He called her.

She looked up at him without blinking.

Although she had read Su Lin's words before, she knew that "I'm after her".

But just now too many news of direct impact, her head seems to have been unable to turn.

Only the heart like a balloon, bulging.

Su Lin leaned back on the blue wallpaper of the lake, hanging the corner of his lips, not yawning.

He turned around and faced her face to face. He then said, "the day I was drunk, I subconsciously wanted to go to you. Besides, I think I didn't want to say..."

"Well, those words are too embarrassing for me to mention any more."


"That night, actually what I want to say is --"

Su Lin called her name again.

He leaned closer and closer to her again.

They were so close that she could feel the breath of his words.

"Deer garden." He lowered his voice, and the nasal voice that had been very heavy since the morning was still there, and the voice line was still a little hoarse.

He went on, in a lighter voice, "I like you."

Her ears tingled.

There was a faint murmur of equipment in the cabin, tourists outside, or something else.

But there was only one sentence left in her head.

Luyuanyuan, I like you.

The windows on both sides of the cabin were not small. The sunshine just came in in in the autumn morning, which gave him a layer of soft light. There was no morning fatigue on his face. His eyelids were thin, and the lines of his inner pair were clear and beautiful.

Lip color is still light, but with a shallow arc.

"Don't ask me why, there's no reason, anyway - it's -"

when Lu Yuanyuan saw him raise his hand, he felt familiar and gently pinched on his cheek.

At the top of the ferris wheel, he once again opened his eyes completely in front of her. His dark eyes were faint with gentle light, and his eyelashes trembled slightly. When they were covered, they were like crow feathers.

"It is..."

"I love you so much." He said.