When I first came up, luyuanyuan thought that the cabin space was very spacious, which could accommodate at least four people.

Now she's in the corner.

Su Lin was next to her.

All the weight of the two people are gathered in this corner. It seems that the whole cabin is tilting at an angle.

Looking at his face close at hand, she began to feel squeezed.

The cabin was so small that she was so crowded that she felt hot all over, and it seemed that she was the only one who was uncomfortable - the person who had just confessed to her was very calm now.

What she didn't know was that Sulin was very nervous.

Before Shen Gu Ming saw his reply [well, she likes it], and then he said, "you're so nervous. If other girls like you, you can do it blindly.".

Then he went on.

In fact, when Su Lin sat down, he was quite sure.

But as soon as he spoke, especially when he was drunk, when he thought about what he had said at that time, he began to be nervous again.

In particular, she glared at two big eyes and did not speak. Su Lin's mind was jumping - I can't be wrong - if she refused, would we continue to play or go back? I'm not willing to go back - but it would be too embarrassing to play.

As a result, he suddenly had a strong regret.

Although his mental activities are very rich, in fact, these thoughts are all instantaneous. He controls his expression, and his hands are still confiscated.

I haven't regretted it for five seconds.

The little girl in front of her suddenly moved.

Luyuanyuan tilted her head slightly, and her face was slightly deformed. It looked funny.

He put his hand on her face, and could feel the tender skin warming up.

And then - the color starts to get red.

She blinked again. Her eyes looked away. Her eyelashes curled and her voice was as small as a mosquito's hum. "You let go..."

“……” He took his hand off.

Just like the last time I pinched her, I didn't give up the soft touch on her face.

Su Lin's eyes were on her all the time.

He saw her running away from him, turning her head, facing him and the screen.


Facing the screen?

He noticed that luyuanyuan's right hand was holding the pen.

In contrast to her small hand, she holds the pen and points it on the screen.

"Drop -"

this is the sound effect after the answer.


The air in the cabin seems to be still.

Su Lin stares at the sign beside [a willing], and her heart beats faster and faster. Looking at her side face, her ears are red, and she doesn't know what to say for a moment.

After a while, he found his voice: "you --" before he finished, she took the lead.

All of a sudden, she let out a "um.".

The ending is fine, but clear.


Su Lin suddenly had an itchy throat. He turned his head, cleared his throat and turned back.

With a pink blue wallpaper background, the little girl in a White Baseball Jacket turned to him with the pen in her hand.

He looked at her more and more red ears. He couldn't help touching them.

It's hot.

He couldn't help calling her name, "Yuanyuan."


The little girl shrunk her neck, her eyes still didn't look at him, and her eyelashes trembled, "HMM..."

She just chose yes.

Willing to be his girlfriend.

Just now, she responded to what he called "Yuanyuan" for the first time.

Su Lin felt that there were a lot of emotions mixed in his heart, which was difficult to summarize in a simple word or a few words.

She is now sitting very upright, and motionless, a perfect demonstration of what "sitting like a clock" is. His eyes fall on the only place where she is moving.

Lu Yuanyuan's hands are small, and his fingers are thin and white. He is unconsciously rubbing his pen.

The hand that wants to stretch out has just been raised -

"cough." There was a cough coming from the loudspeaker in the cabin.

The voice appeared so suddenly that luyuanyuan was startled and looked up at him like a reflex.

Su Lin also Leng for a while, put the hand back to the original position.

Then there was a female voice with a soft smile: "this handsome little brother and beautiful little sister, although our staff are very happy to see you two together, they have to consider the tourists waiting in the queue. When the time comes, we will turn around for you. We will get off the ferris wheel and be happy again, Don't you think so? "Luyuanyuan

Su Lin

The handsome little brother got off the ferris wheel with the beautiful young lady.

They walked along the way out, and no one spoke first.

Su Lin took a look at the time. They spent almost 40 minutes on the ferris wheel. At this point, it's OK to have lunch or play more games before eating.

Deer garden has been looking down at the ground, seems to focus on the road at the foot.

Out of the courtyard of Ferris wheel, Su Lin hesitated and said, "you Are you hungry? "

"Well?" Luyuanyuan also stood still and shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

"Then go and play something else."

"Play -" Lu Yuanyuan thought about it before he came and blurted out: "let's play the bumper car again."

Su Lin nodded: "OK, let's go."

The bumper car is close to the gate of the amusement park. He can still remember the general road, even the sign.

Su Lin is still in a trance.

My mind is full of the unfinished action on the ferris wheel just now.

The picture of her hand holding the pen became clear gradually. He felt that her hand must have the same touch as her face, soft and tender.

He took a look at luyuanyuan. She still lowered her head. Her long hair blocked her face. She couldn't see her expression clearly. Her arms naturally moved slightly.

Hesitated for a few seconds.

Su Lin pulled her hand directly.

He felt her stiff for a moment, then looked up at him quickly and lowered his head again.

But the hands are relaxed.

Sure enough, it felt the same as he thought.

Warm and tender skin, very small, as soft as no bones.

A few more steps.

She suddenly broke his hand away without warning.

Su Lin was stunned and stopped to look at her.

Luyuanyuan seemed to be aware of his sight and also looked at him, his face quickly fainted.

"Senior." After a cry, Lu Yuanyuan reached out his hand again, opened his five fingers, passed through his five fingers, and then held on tightly.

“……” When Su Lin didn't respond, her voice came again.

"It seems more comfortable to pull like this," luyuanyuan raised her head, her eyes were bright and her cheeks were pink. "Do you think Is that all right? "


Her voice was soft and waxy. He looked at their clasped hands and could not help bending his lips and holding her little hand. The more he laughed, the more he could not stop.

In fact, before I really touch her, I always feel It doesn't seem very real.

It's like a baby you want most all of a sudden, but you don't know how to treat and save it.

Now, I know.

Su Lin raised the empty hand and rubbed the top of her hairy hair. Her voice was a little hoarse. "Good."

The half-hour of hitting the car was more exciting than the last time.

Su Lin thought that after he had just agreed to this, luyuanyuan would be very shy.

He thinks too much.

Su Lin was wearing a seat belt and felt the impact more powerful than once. She listened to the screams of the people she hit, and looked at her with her hands at the narrow door.

As soon as the girl touched the steering wheel, it was like a switch was activated. She had a big smile. Every time she hit another car, she looked happy.

He looks like he's infected, and his face is almost stiff with laughter.

He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and send a message to Shen Gu Ming: [ha ha ha ha. 】

Shen Gu Ming quickly replied: "is it a success? 】

Su Lin: [Mm-hmm. 】

Z Shen Guming: Yes, it's a treat. 】

Su Lin sent an OK expression bag.

Shen Gu Ming asked again: "I said, just like you before, now you are. Are you happy to be a fool? 】

Su Lin rubbed his face.

She looked at the little girl who was concentrating on touching porcelain.

Then he said with a smile: "yes, I'm a fool. 】

when the bumper car arrives, it's just time for dinner.

There is a special food Square for tourists in the amusement park. After eating in the food Square, Su Lin wanted to ask Lu Yuanyuan where else to go.

As a result, she turned her head and saw her hands covering her mouth, squinting and yawning.

Then he didn't speak, counting the time in his heart.

After ten seconds, she hit another one.


Su Lin laughed and asked her: "sleepy?"

"Ah?" Luyuanyuan looked at him, because he yawned twice, his big black and white eyes were full of tears, which were shining in the noon sun.

Su Lin Leng for a moment, and then asked: "do you want to sleep?"

"You don't have to --" before she finished, she lowered her head, covered her mouth and hit again.“……”

Luyuanyuan was also a little puzzled.

She doesn't take a nap every day. I don't know why, but she is so sleepy at this point today.

What else did she want to say? Her left hand was suddenly pulled up, and then the whole person was taken forward.

"It seems that we can rest in front." Su Lin raised her chin in one direction as she walked.

Luyuanyuan looked in the direction he said.

Not far from the food Square, it is like a piece of grass and trees in the park. The area is very large. Between the big trees and the big trees, there is a net like a hammock. Some people are lying on it, and some are empty.

It looks like a place for picnics and rest.

Next to a peddler selling picnic equipment, Su Lin took her to buy a piece of picnic cloth, beige, and then took her to a less crowded place and spread it on the ground.

Luyuanyuan just forgot to look at the size, squatting on the grass to watch his action, "senior, how big did you buy?"

At this time, the cloth was not fully spread out, and she was a little worried: "will it not be long enough..."

“……” The man who was about to unfold the cloth gave a meal.

Then luyuanyuan saw him specially come around and squat down beside her, with a tone of comfort and love: "don't worry, this is two meters, it must be enough to lie down."


She suddenly stood up, originally looking at him from the top down, but Su Lin also stood up with her, and she immediately

You're going to have to raise your head.

The momentum has completely changed

Well, actually, he didn't say anything. Besides, she was It's less than two meters.

Deer garden "Oh" a, also didn't squat down again, just stood by and watched Su Lin quickly spread.

I yawned several more times.

Square beige cloth on the grass is not against the law, and they are under the trees, surrounded by the fragrance of plants, this season there are no insects.

Luyuanyuan had been sitting on the edge of the cloth. Before he was ready to lie down, he suddenly thought of someone who seemed to stay up late.

“…… Senior, "luyuanyuan half knelt on the cloth and asked him," do you want to sleep together? "

The words just export, two people are stunned.

Su Lin sat on the other end of the cloth. His movements were stiff for a moment. Then he burst out laughing and said, "good."

His arm was long, so he could easily hook her. As soon as he finished, he took luyuanyuan's hand and took her to move a distance to him.

Luyuanyuan hasn't responded yet. His enlarged face is in front of him.

The corner of the lip is high, the pupil of the eye is dark, the bridge of his nose is straight, the tip of his nose is close to her.

He said, "how do you sleep together?"

“……” Luyuanyuan choked for a moment, his eyes were wide open, he didn't blink, his lips were open, but he couldn't say a word.

Only the heart starts to lose rhythm again.

So looked at each other for more than ten seconds, Su Lin cleared her throat, let go of her hand, "you're kidding, you sleep."


Luyuanyuan looked at the cloth under her knees, thought about it, and began to take off her coat.

She pulled the lock to the end and was about to take it off when her arm was suddenly held.

"You What are you doing with this? " Su Lin looks puzzled.

Luyuanyuan also doubted: "I don't have a pillow. If I don't have a pillow, I will fall into it."


Su Lin was silent for a while. He raised his hand to move the brim of his hat and suddenly said, "now sit down first."

“…… "Ah?"

"Sit on the cloth with your back to me."


After sitting down, luyuanyuan looked back at him: "and then? What do you want to do - ah

As soon as she turned her head, she reached over her shoulder with an arm, which was not strong enough, but she moved very fast. She only felt a whirl --

the next second, she lay on her back -- what?

Luyuanyuan was stunned for a moment and turned her eyes.

From the angle she lies, right above is the familiar face.

"Ah..." She suddenly knew what she was lying on.

"Senior, you don't sleep," she said.

Su Lin suddenly put out his hand to cover her lips, the other hand covered her eyes.

It was dark in front of her for a moment.

Hearing becomes especially acute when vision is out of sight.

She heard his low, nasal voice coming from above, mixed with a little wind, and the rustle of fallen leaves, which is unique to this season.

That sounds incredible.

He said, "sleep."

Su Lin is very sleepy in the morning.

But as a man, if there is news that can shock him, his spirit will be excited immediately.

Like now.He doubted whether he could sleep at night, let alone let him sleep now.

Ten minutes later.

The little girl on his lap breathed rhythmically and long, and unconsciously turned over to lie on her side.

His face is in his direction.

Su Lin held up his mobile phone, found a good angle and took a picture.

Then I tried another angle - it seemed to look good.

It's just - it's nice.

It's upside down - damn good.

After taking more than ten photos, he flipped through the album and found that none of them needed to be deleted. The photos taken by his mobile phone camera were so beautiful.

He opened wechat, just wanted to send a circle of friends, and then ordered to cancel.

You can't be straight.

For the next ten minutes, his eyes fell on luyuanyuan's face, until she finally turned over.

Su Lin immediately took a picture of the back of her head, and let her thighs and the green around her into the mirror. With the sunshine in the afternoon, she looked so beautiful.

He didn't press the button to take a picture.

The other hand, without the cell phone, reached into her hair.

After a careful pose, Su Lin was finally satisfied and made a circle of friends.

When we refresh again, there are seven or eight more comments, the same exclamation mark and all over the sleeping trough.

He laughed, ignored and locked his cell phone.

He reached out and took the hair of the wisp deer garden.

Her hair is dark and soft. It's smooth and smooth when she put it on her hand. Playing with it, she can't help taking more.

Deer garden suddenly moved.

Sulin's hand with her hair was stiff in mid air.

Then, the little girl turned over again, her face facing him again, her lips slightly raised, as if very comfortable.

He tried and gently moved the root of her hair.

The little girl gave out a very small, very small hum, a face of satisfaction, like a kitten in coquetry.

Su Lin laughed again.

He gave the kitten the fur with his hands, and suddenly thought of the previous chat.

Shen Guming is right. He's really stupid when he's in love.

The most important thing is.

I feel stupid.

One side is bubbling with happiness.

When luyuanyuan woke up, she felt very comfortable all over her body.

She closed her eyes and thought.

It's like sleeping on the grass. It's so comfortable - Oh, with the elder's thigh as the pillow - ah, there are people who follow their hair. No wonder.

When I open my eyes, I'm a little reluctant.

She slowed for a while, eyes slowly focus, see the person in front of.

He didn't know when to take off his hat. Behind him were rows of big trees. His black clothes made his skin very white. He was looking at his mobile phone, leaving her three-quarters of his face with three-dimensional outline.

He seems to be aware of it.

Her eyes shifted from the mobile phone screen to her face. After looking at each other, she was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he bent his eyes and took back his hand on her head. "Wake up?"

Luyuanyuan nodded, but he didn't move.

Su Lin reached out and touched her hair, like the strength she felt in her sleep.

She watched Su Lin get closer and closer. His expression told her that he was trying to kill her.

"Good afternoon." He said, "girlfriend."


She felt that she was going to make a red face.

So she was ready to get up in a hurry, but unexpectedly, her upper body just sat upright -

she was lifted by a force and moved.

She sat where she had just been lying.

Luyuanyuan looked at his face in a daze. He put his arms around her waist and put his hands on the grass behind him.

He pretended to frown: "my leg is numb for you."

Then he changed his face.

When Su Lin said she liked her in the morning, it wasn't like that.

He is now so languid smile, thin eyelids and lips, eyes half squint, with a kind of indescribable idleness.

"So --" his voice was low and dumb, blowing in her ear with breath: "is there any compensation?"

The author has something to say: Su Lin: I told you that after falling in love, no one can stop me from teasing Yuanyuan. I want to make her silly. Are you a qualified gardener today? Yes,
