Luyuanyuan didn't know how long she had slept.

Before her head was clear, and before she could see her cell phone, she was hugged by Su Lin and sat on his lap. She could feel the strength of his arm around her waist.

It's less than November. In the humid areas to the south, you don't need to wear thick clothes. Two people are close to each other and don't feel hot.

When she heard what he said just now, she was a little confused: "compensation, compensation?"

Su Lin nodded: "yes."

He laughed unkindly and moved forward a little. The tip of his nose was about to touch her.

Lu Yuanyuan raised a hand -

Su Lin looked at it faintly, feeling a little excited.

In his experience, she was shy.

When I raise my hand, I either scratch my hair or touch my ears - eh?

Her little white hand, straight at him, stretched out, action is not slow.

Su Lin was stunned.

Then I felt a slight touch on my head.

His hair seems to have been teased a few times, the root of which is a little comfortable and crisp.


The little girl touched his hair twice again, as if doing a task. After touching it, she immediately drew back her hand and pushed his shoulder with a red face I'm done. Let go. I'm going to get up... "

Oh, so compensation is Touch him twice?

Su Lin didn't want to go too far, but at least kiss his face. Unexpectedly, he didn't ask, so luyuanyuan took the lead.


The inner agitation is smoothed.

Well, when he found out that she touched like this, he also I enjoyed it.

After luyuanyuan's "compensation" was finished, she would push him away. Su Lin didn't stop him any more. After sliding down his leg, she sat down on the picnic cloth. Luyuanyuan turned his back to him, his heart pounding, and his hands seemed to have the touch of his hair.

Before she could recover, the person behind patted her on the shoulder, and a black mobile phone appeared in the field of vision.

Lu Yuanyuan didn't answer right away. He looked at the owner from his mobile phone What's the matter? "

The owner of the mobile phone raised his chin to her: "look, do you want to go or not."

Luyuanyuan took it and found that it was a blog.

Two minutes later.

"I want to go!" Luyuanyuan looked back in surprise, full of light: "is it in the amusement park, senior? I want to go! "

"Yes, right here." For her excitement, Su Lin was not surprised, "I'll take you there in a moment."

Luyuanyuan immediately stood up and patted her ass habitually, but remembered that she was sitting on a clean cloth just now.

She withdrew her hand awkwardly and looked down at someone who didn't move.

Don't you mean to take her

She couldn't help asking, "senior, don't we go?"

Su Lin directly put his arms on the lawn behind him, the whole person looked lazy, "didn't I say for a while?"


Luyuanyuan thought it strange that she was standing and he was sitting at this angle.

She thought about it, took a step to him, squatted down, and asked, "well, how long will it be?"

Su Lin laughed again.

He slowly got close to the squatting group and put it in her ear, "did you forget?"


Lu Yuanyuan felt itchy, but at the same time, he was stunned by his question: "I What did I forget? "

Su Lin suddenly raised his hand, patted his leg and made a loud sound.

Then with a smile, thin lips close to her ear, "you forget, my legs numb."


Luyuanyuan has had this feeling many times.

He seemed to know the secret of her ears. Knowing that he had a good voice, he would come up to her ear every time, blowing and talking, or keeping his voice down.


Leg numbness is such a thing! Do you want to say the same

She really couldn't help it.

The moment she reached for her ear, she seemed to hear a smile.

After a rest of more than ten minutes, someone's long legs returned to normal.

It took them 15 minutes to get to their destination.

Just now, while she was asleep, Su Lin searched the strategies of the sand sculpture amusement park.

I didn't have much hope. I didn't expect to find a normal game facility for him. It's also a castle. It looks pretty decorated and has a lot of praise.

The most important thing is that the name has nothing to do with the pit.

They are very tall.

It's called time back.

When he didn't see the word "pit", he felt a sense of relief at that time.

Then Su Lin kept the website and planned to show it to her when luyuanyuan woke up.Although deer garden has seen the photos, it is still amazing when it comes to the castle.

From the appearance point of view, the minaret is high, the circular vault, the pointed arch, the typical European style, there is no fault to find out. In terms of color, some are similar to the small Ferris wheel with a girl's heart bursting.

She didn't understand the meaning of the name until she went in.

The reason why it's called "back in time" seems to be that the high vault of the castle is not an ordinary decoration or wallpaper - it's a simulated sky.

Now it's noon, but there are stars and moon all over the sky.

Luyuanyuan can't see what electronic screen it is or what high technology it is. She only knows that it is very similar to the real night sky.

When she looked at Su Lin, he just took back his sight of the vault. When he touched her sight, he raised his lips and grinned: "do you like it?"

"I like it." Face a little hot, deer garden no longer look at him, looked up and pointed to the above: "senior, this roof is really beautiful."

"Well." Su Lin clenched her hand and said, "go and see what to play with."

They held hands all the way.

It's the way she corrected it.

Luyuanyuan followed his strength.

Although it's called castle, it looks very high on the outside. In fact, there is only one floor inside, but the length is very long - it's too long to see the end at a glance. The middle is for people to move, and there are all kinds of stall games on both sides.

Luyuanyuan doesn't know how to describe the castle.

Along the way, she found that most of the games are very common, even in ordinary parks. They are not very novel, but there are too many kinds of games to watch.

She has been watching the game on the right side of the road, not noticing the left.

So when there was gunfire on the left, she was completely unprepared.

The person who played the shooting game was less than half a meter away from her. She was very close. At the moment of the gunshot, she was scared to death.

Reflexively, the other empty hand directly hugged Su Lin's arm.

The whole person also pushed to the right.

Her strength is not big, but very suddenly, Su Lin was hit a Leng, looked at her: "what's the matter?"

“……” Luyuanyuan calmed down for a while. After hearing his voice, she shook her head a little stiffly: "ah, it's OK. I'm just -" after a pause, she added in a low voice: "I'm a little afraid of gunshots."


Don't want to stand in the middle of the road, Su Lin directly pulled her to the side of the empty place to stand.

She looked as if she hadn't recovered. She kept her head down and covered her left ear with her hand that he didn't hold.

“……” Hesitating for a few seconds, Su Lin touched the top of her hair, "really scared?"

Feeling his touch, luyuanyuan raised her head.

At the beginning, he was still a little confused. Then he blinked and shook his head at him It was just too loud. "

She came back to herself, and suddenly couldn't help but want to tell him in more detail I'm just a little afraid of that kind of noise. It's thunder, guns, firecrackers and so on. But it doesn't matter if it's not close to me... "

In fact, after she said "no".

Su Lin was relieved, and then his attention shifted to other places.

Luyuanyuan's voice was soft, and his garrulous tone was like a little old lady. He wandered to her face.

The little girl broke her fingers and counted with him. Under what circumstances would she be afraid of these things? Her pink lips moved and her white cheeks puffed and puffed with the movements of her lips. Occasionally, she pursed her lower lip. Only the dimples on the right appeared and disappeared.

I suddenly remembered the soft and slippery touch on her face.

Su Lin feels itchy.

It's not human.

When he obeyed his heart, the girl whose face was pinched suddenly lost her voice and looked up at him in a dazed way.

Su Lin is all about satisfaction.

He remembered that he had not heard her clearly just now, so he asked casually, "hmm?"


What does that sound mean.

She just said that for more than a minute. It seems that there is nothing to ask.

"What do you ask, senior?" she wondered, "didn't you hear me clearly?"

"No," Su Lin's other hand touched her other half's face, and he rubbed it gently. The soft feeling in his hand made his brain become a soft paste. To tell the truth directly: "I didn't listen."


His hand froze at the end of the speech.

The little girl's eyes in front of him suddenly widened. He felt that this expression seemed familiar.

it seems that he lifted her to the bicycle seat at that time. She was just like a little goldfish.The little goldfish beat off his hand twice and was about to spit out bubbles -

Su Lin's brain, which was originally paste, began to rotate rapidly.

What did he do just now - he didn't listen to what his girlfriend said for a long time - not only did he not listen, but also rubbed other people's faces - even if he didn't listen, he admitted foolishly.


As soon as luyuanyuan was about to speak, he saw that the person in front of him suddenly changed his expression.

He is very tall. If he wants to look at her in the same way, she needs to lean down slightly. She looks at his face suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes, and looks at him quickly and clearly saying, "I'm wrong."


Su Lin's eyes are very good-looking. The tail of his eyes doesn't rise. It's straight and narrow, but it's inexplicable. His dark eyes are full of sincerity and brightness. Lu Yuanyuan thinks that he can't resist anyone just staring at him.

Of course she is.

Not only is he not angry, but his face is still a little hot.

She swallowed what she was going to say, and whispered: -- It's OK. I'm not angry. "


I don't know if it's true.

But -

Su Lin didn't want to stand up straight. He found her eyes and began to dodge. He couldn't help teasing her: "I don't believe it."


"How do you prove it?"

After a while, she looked a little confused.

When Su Linzheng was going to straighten up, she suddenly had an action.

Without warning, luyuanyuan reached out and held his ear.

She raised her other hand and pulled him down by the neck.

Su Lin didn't understand what she was going to do, but she lowered her upper body along with the force.

Then luyuanyuan suddenly narrowed the distance between her and him. Her face was facing his ear, so close that he could feel the itching of her long hair on her face, and the breath she exhaled in her ear.

Her movements are a little strange, but the completion is very good, and finally she grabs his ear with one hand and puts one hand on his shoulder.

Then she began to talk.

The little girl's pronunciation is softer than usual. She seems to learn from him every time. She speaks slowly: "I'm not angry."


Su Lin froze all over.

He didn't even feel the blood was flowing.

Luyuanyuan released his hands, observed his expression for a while, and laughed happily for a long time.

Su Lin straightened up slowly.

Looking at her very happy smile, with a little mischievous after the success of the prank.

And his ears are still numb.

It's probably hot.

He suddenly wanted to ask Shen Gu Ming.

Or Qin Fang, who just fell in love.

Are they all like this.

As soon as she saw the girl's smile, she didn't have to do anything, so she felt that her heart would melt.

By such a mess in the corner, luyuanyuan's fright just now was completely forgotten by her.

Moving forward again, it's almost the end of the way. Although there are no innovative games here, there are almost all the stall games you want.

I don't know how long it took. Just after playing with a paper spoon, Lu Yuanyuan tried to catch goldfish, but he didn't catch any. Su Lin tried once and caught three of them six times. Later, they let them go.

Unconsciously, the castle is coming to an end.

In the place where we can see the end, there is a large group of people standing around. Su Lin is lowering her head, holding her in one hand and typing in the other. She doesn't know who she is replying to. She stands on tiptoe to observe.

It's like See a basket.

The basket frame is very high, behind the basket, there seems to be something hanging on the shelf.

She came two steps closer to see.

Is a pure white, hairy rabbit, ears and head are big, holding carrots, about a third of her height, looks particularly cute.

She was attracted all of a sudden, and her pace quickened unconsciously.

Su Lin felt the force of her pulling forward, put away her mobile phone and looked at her: "do you want to play?"

"I saw a rabbit, so cute." Lu Yuan Yuan pointed to the direction of the basketball stand. "Let's see the rules of the game."

Deer garden with the love of prizes, just pull Su Lin to the crowd, is to see someone shooting in the field.

"This is --" she just said two words, the person behind him then added: "fixed point three points."

“…… Is it difficult? "

“……” He didn't say a word, so he hooked his lower lip.

The sign says that ten goals is the first prize, which is big rabbit.

The man in the field scored seven out of ten goals and won a consolation prize.

When the man came off the court, no one continued to throw for a moment. Su Lin raised his chin in the direction of the big rabbit: "I want that one."Lu Yuanyuan didn't know whether he could play or not. He said vaguely: "I don't really want to, just -"

before she finished, Su Lin interrupted her: "simple."

Then he patted her hair, and luyuanyuan heard his familiar voice on his head, "watch me win it back for you."

Lu Yuanyuan hasn't responded yet. He has already gone to his boss and paid for it. The boss gives him a ball from the basket at will. Several young people who are responsible for clearing the court and picking up the ball begin to take a small dirty flag and let the onlookers back out of the drawn line.

Luyuanyuan is the group of people standing on the innermost side.

So she could see the people's every move very clearly.

Su Linxian is good at balancing the ball, and then a pick eyebrow, looked at a basket of basketball around the stall owner.

The heated discussion around us was quieted down because someone came on the stage.

Later, luyuanyuan heard a man say: "come on, man, the ball is heavier than the average."

She looked over and found that it was the man who had just missed three goals.

Su Lin also heard, he turned back to the man.

Then she looked down at the three-point line and stood with her legs slightly apart,

Lu Yuanyuan only saw the boys in the class playing in high school physical education class. She didn't understand the rules, and the boys in the class were sweating and panting. She looked very tired.

So her first impression of basketball was that she was very tired.

But maybe it's because fixed-point shooting doesn't need a lot of exercise, or because the people in the field are too calm, she suddenly feels that basketball may not be so hard.

Su Lin held the ball in one hand, moved his shoulder and neck, and then put his other hand on the ball.

Three seconds later, he bent his knee slightly and jumped lightly, very close to the ground.

At the same time, he raises the ball from the master, his left hand is higher than his right hand, and the ball pushes out, and his right wrist presses down -

the orange ball draws an arc, and when it hits the rim, it makes a sound.

The trajectory of the ball is particularly beautiful. At the moment of entering the basket, many of the onlookers made a little cry.

Su Lin is still in the same place.

Looking at the ball into, the expression did not change, as if he did not throw the same.

Before someone brought him the next ball, he suddenly raised his eyes, tilted his head to the left, and accurately found her position in the crowd.

Separated by a few meters, he bent his lips towards her.

Su Lin didn't wear the pure white baseball cap since the afternoon. He didn't know what method he used. He pinned the cap upside down on the cable of his coat. He was black with a sudden white on his chest, but it was very beautiful on him.


Luyuanyuan stood on the side, looking at his familiar smile, suddenly felt that his heart beat missed a beat.

The next nine balls.

Whether it's the angle or the height of the jump, his every action is almost unchanged, and the ball is steady and fast.

Five minutes later, when Su Lin came in front of her with the big rabbit hanging on the basketball rack, Lu Yuanyuan was still a little confused. His head was full of the profile of his weak eyebrows when shooting.

Most of the onlookers were young people. Seeing this scene, the crowd burst into a roar.

Su Lin said something because there was so much noise around that she didn't hear it clearly.

Until he took her away to a bench for rest, he handed the big rabbit forward.

“…… "She didn't reach out, and her expression was still a little stunned.

Su Lin was a little strange, touched her head, "silly? “

“…… "She didn't respond.

He put the rabbit on the bench, drew her closer and lowered his voice: "do you think your boyfriend is very handsome. “

“…… "

I didn't expect that.

After a few seconds, the little girl actually nodded and her ears were red.

Su Lin "

thought she would be shy and not answer.

I didn't expect Now he doesn't know what to say.

They just stood for a while.

After a long time, luyuanyuan began to say Senior, I'll go to the toilet. "


While waiting for her, Su Lin sat on the bench and looked at the big rabbit beside him.

Then he took another look.

I couldn't help laughing at the thought of the honest little girl just now.

There was a shock in my pocket.

He opened wechat.

Shen Guming: [I see the location. It seems that the amusement park is not near your university? 】

Su Lin: [well, it's quite far away from home. 】

SHEN Guming: [the first day together? 】

Su Lin: [Mm-hmm. 】

SHEN Guming: [you are not still in the amusement park now? 】Su Lin: [ang, what's the matter? 】Su Lin laughs and says lazily: "you don't know how much fun this amusement park is. 】

he is going to tell his former brother how to win the little girl's heart, and the words are half typed -

SHEN Guming: [yes, I don't know how much fun it is. 】

SHEN Guming: [I knew you. On your first day together, I asked the little girl to stay away from home with you until this point. I'm not ready to go back. 】

Su Lin suddenly froze

What the hell???

When luyuanyuan came back at this time, she trotted all the way. When she came to him, she was in a panic. Without even breathing, she said, "senior! I just looked at my cell phone and found that it's eight o'clock now! “


"What can we do?" she went on, "our 7:30 train ticket is over..."

He didn't say anything yet, and at the same time, the cell phone was shocked.

Shen Gu Ming: [alas. 】

Shen Gu Ming: [animal. 】


Su Lin looked up at the roof.

The sun was shining high, the sky was blue, and the sky was clear.

The room was as bright as day, and nothing was wrong.

Back in time A hammer.

It's like a ball is bouncing in Sulin's temple.

Sooner or later, he's going to tear it down.