Su Lin thought about it carefully.

In fact, he may be too busy recently. He didn't notice the hint given by luyuanyuan.

Just the day before yesterday, in the French class on Friday morning, Su Lin went to pick up her girlfriend by bike and went to the canteen to buy food first.

Of course, she went to get soymilk.

It was October 30th.

When she arrived at the classroom, she gave him the soymilk with a regretful expression. She was sucking her milk and urging him to "have a class soon, elder, you drink it quickly, or you will be hungry."

He finished.

The girl sighed again: "Alas, why didn't the school send them in November We need hot soymilk in winter. "

He was happy.

But still very cooperative, did not show any joy expression, but echoed her feelings.

Then, luyuanyuan suddenly changed his face and patted him on the shoulder to make him feel at ease.

At that time, he didn't know how, and suddenly he was OK.

Just when Yan Chuan came into class, he didn't ask.

…… Now he understands.

Su Lin half squatted on the ground when he opened the box. After that, he stared at the conspicuous and colorful soybean milk machine on the table. After a long time, he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed.

He didn't know that

his mobile phone was shocked in his coat pocket.

Shen Guming: [happy birthday. 】

SHEN Guming: [I'm so tired after traveling that I didn't stay up until 12 o'clock last night. 】

Su Lin made a random reply.

After thinking about it, he quickly typed: "what about a present you don't like? 】

[how can I immediately tell her I like it? 】

Shen Gu Ming's girlfriend is Shi Yi. She is from the same school in senior high school. She is usually called homophonic "11".

Shen Guming: [what's your present? 】

Su Lin answered truthfully.

Shen Guming: [it's good to have a gift. Don't you like it? No, why are you so selective? 】

Su Lin 】

in fact, it's not his choice.

He just looked at the soybean milk machine, and his mouth began to be bitter, even as if he had the illusion of bean dregs, and then he would especially want to brush his teeth, and could not have any pleasant mood.

But how can I tell him

I haven't typed any more. There's another message.

Shen Guming: [poof ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 】

Su Lin

He did not return, directly locked the cell phone, stood up and out of the dormitory.

He thought about it. It's OK.

I just like soybean milk. Anyway, I've been loving it for two months. He should believe that he really likes it.

Yes. He likes it.

Just after adjusting his mood and waiting for the elevator, Shen Guming sent a message again.

In fact, it's not difficult. You'd better simulate a scene for yourself to see if you are happy. 】

Su Lin went upstairs for about ten minutes, and luyuanyuan was standing in the same place. Because it was a little cold in the morning, she put her hands in her coat pocket and didn't take them out.

She stepped on the grid on the ground and turned around in the surrounding nine grids. She counted one by one. At last, she didn't know how much she had counted, and a shadow appeared in front of her.

She looked up and saw the man who had just carried the box upstairs in front of her.

Luyuanyuan watched his expression for a few seconds.

The eyebrows and eyes are light, the lips are straight, the eyes are clear, as if It's the same as before.

But he always looked like this when he was normal. She couldn't see whether he was happy or unhappy. She simply asked, "did you tear it down, senior?"

He nodded: "it's broken."

"Do you like it?"

That's the question.

But luyuanyuan was very determined.

Before she bought it online, she thought about it for a long time and came up with this gift after integrating many aspects. On Friday, she specially said that "the school will not send soymilk after November". She foreshadowed it in advance, so that she would be more surprised when she opened the gift at last.

She looked at Su Lin's curved lips, and her beautiful eyes half narrowed. He reached for her hair, and his voice was very emotional: "I like it."

“……” Before she could say anything, he looked at her and said, "of course I like what you gave me. "

when he said this, his eyes were bright, and he could not pretend the joy.

Except I don't know why, my eyes always float to her mouth It's in the right direction.

He has been laughing. Lu Yuanyuan has been watching for a long time and his face is a little red.

Anyway, he just likes it.

Su Lin stretched out his hand to her: "let's go. "

she holds it and lowers her head, feeling very complicated.

Happy is very happy, but soya bean milk machine is the best gift she can think of, this sent out, the next birthday to send what——Ah? wait.

Why do you think of next year?

It's not even this year??

“…… Well In front of Su linla, she didn't pull. She looked back and asked, "why don't you go?"


Lu Yuan Yuan raised her eyes.

At the moment of looking at him, I suddenly had the illusion that I was secretly thinking about being seen through.

She paused for a few seconds, quickly shook her head and laughed at him: "Oh, it's OK. Let's go."

Su Lin took her hand and was relieved.

He felt that his acting skills should be good. Fortunately, luyuanyuan didn't mention the soybean milk machine. They went out of the gate. He took her to a school nearby. He had been to a breakfast shop that he thought was good several times.

Sitting in the shop, when he finished eating, the six buns in front of luyuanyuan ate only half of them.

He looked at the little girl who was blowing air to xiaolongbao. Her white cheeks were stained pink by the heat, and her lips were red. When she tooted

…… My head is full of Shen Gu Ming's words.

Su Lin looked at it for a few seconds and felt a little itchy. Don't open your eyes. She picked up her mobile phone and brushed her circle of friends.

It didn't take long to put it down and just stare at the opposite person again.

…… I can't read a word anyway.

The head of Luyuan is so old that she can see it at a glance for a few months. She is as monotonous as a piece of white paper. Even she feels bored when she remembers it.

Su Lin took her to the amusement park. Now, he wants to take her to roller skating, which is also something she has heard of but never touched in her long school days.

The taxi arrived at a shopping mall where she had never been. Taking the elevator to the top floor, Su Lin said to her as she walked: "the bottom floor is shopping, the top floor is playing, cinema, video game city and so on."

"Then, the rink is in the video game city."

The light on the top floor was very dim, probably due to the reason in the morning. It was very cold. Luyuanyuan followed him, a little curious: "there are so few people now Senior, why do we come to play in the morning? "

Su Lintou did not reply: "when there are many people, it's easy to have an accident. Even if I can slip, I may not be able to see you."



After a few hours out of the rink, luyuanyuan is very proud.

Of course, the accident didn't happen, because there were few people at all. Not only that, she didn't fall once.

Maybe it was this sport that made her so excited that she was not sleepy at noon. They watched a movie in the afternoon, and it was only seven o'clock after dinner.

Lu Yuanyuan thought that he would take her where to do what, did not expect to get on the taxi stopped, he reported the location of the school.

She was a little surprised: "senior, let's go back now?"

"Well." Su Lin leaned against the seat, took her hand, easily dragged her to his side, put her arms around him, "go back to the dormitory early, good baby go to bed early."


Luyuanyuan's face will be hot when she hears the word "baby".

Especially what he said.

Besides, I said it with her in my arms.

But it was already dark, and there was no light in the taxi. Luyuanyuan felt that in such a dark environment, he could not see her -

next second, her cheek was pasted with warm and cool fingers, which she knew very well.

"Hot face." The finger's owner's voice was smiling. Then he tightened his other arm around her waist and put his lips close to her ear: "Why are you so shy?"

“……” Luyuanyuan froze all over.

He didn't do that in the daytime act recklessly and care for nobody.

Luyuanyuan was facing the front of the car. She was sitting in the middle of the back seat. When she was aimlessly aiming, she caught the driver's view from the rearview mirror.

The driver gave a meaningful smile.

Luyuanyuan hasn't responded yet.

I saw the driver looking at the road again, one hand holding the steering wheel, the other hand raising - and then breaking the mirror up.

It's like saying: you go on, I don't look.


Luyuanyuan thinks her face can cook an egg now.

There was a little traffic jam on the road. Forty minutes later, I saw the familiar gate of C University.

From the school gate to the girls' dormitory, plus this time, she had the impression that they had walked three times.

The first time was riding a bike.

He took her, but he stretched the distance that he could walk for 20 minutes to more than half an hour.

In fact, if you think about it now, it will last for half an hour

She didn't even notice it, and she didn't feel like "ah, how come I haven't arrived after riding for a long time".

If she didn't turn out her cell phone and see the time later, she really didn't know when to ride.Lu Yuanyuan thought about it for a moment, and restored the scene that he took her by bike, chatted to divert her attention, and walked around the school, but did not go to the girls' dormitory.

She couldn't help laughing.

The laughter is not small, Su Lin instantly turns to see to her side, "smile what?"

Lu Yuanyuan pursed her lips, squinted and shook her head at him.


Su Lin is a little curious.

Luyuanyuan usually laughs, always laughs, but it's all in a small arc. Even if she is very happy, she seldom laughs.

He tightened her hand and asked again, "no?"

Or shake your head.

Su Lin was silent.

It's almost to the girls' dormitory. You can see the tree in front of it.

It seems that the time he carried her back to the dormitory, he put her on the bench under the tree. At that time, the leaves were still lush green, but now they turn yellow and red and fall all over the ground.

At that time he It's just a senior.

Now, although he is still called a senior, he can do almost all the things he wanted to do before.

I feel that luyuanyuan slows down.

He stopped with cooperation, and then heard her say: "senior, shall we go back to the dormitory later?"

“…… Well Su Lin didn't react. She looked a little awkward.

Luyuanyuan pointed to the chair he had just seen: "let's go there for a while and then go up."


Su Lin nodded.

I used to sit here waiting for her roommate. He just took a break.


He couldn't help laughing at the thought of it.

Luyuanyuan sat on the bench as he wished.

Her heart beat faster and faster, so fast that it almost affected her speech.

She choked, trying to make her voice sound normal, "senior, do you think that movie in the afternoon is good?"

Su Lin did not have any hesitation: "do I see you still don't know?"

“…… "Ah?"

He suddenly turned his head, took her hand and rubbed it. Half of his face was hidden in the light and he laughed. "I've been looking at you all the time."


Luyuanyuan calmed her uncontrollable heartbeat again.

He didn't see the movie

I don't know.

Su Lin didn't know why she suddenly asked about the movie. He shook his soft hand.

The temperature at night is still lower than that during the day. Maybe girls are easy to get cold. In fact, he doesn't feel the temperature difference, but he can feel luyuanyuan's hands are a little cold.

He thought of a voice to remind her to wear more in the future, and suddenly it was dark.


The skin covering his eyes is much colder than his face.

He raised his hand to touch for a while, did not take away, bent a lower lip: "cover eyes?"

“……” The man who covered his eyes did not speak.

"Promising, this is to play -"

he wanted to tease her, and half way through, he pulled out the other hand that he had held well, and then the hand fell on his mouth.

Su Lin

If he can't see or speak, he's left to listen.

Just think so, the little girl's voice spread to his ears: "senior, don't open your eyes."

"Well." This is the only syllable he can pronounce now.

As if still not at ease: "I let go, do not open ah."


When she finished, both hands were taken from his face.

Su Lin remembers what she said. She doesn't turn her body. Her head is facing her and she honestly closes her eyes.

"In the movie, what the heroine does to the hero, I think..."


"I think it is..."

“……” What do you think.

"That is Ah, it's great anyway. "

“………” All right.

"Don't open your eyes." She stressed once again,

"well, I don't want to open my eyes."

More than ten seconds passed.

He heard the friction of her clothes, rustling, and the bench really understood. Maybe it was a change of posture.

Before long, the little girl spoke again: "senior, I didn't tell you..."

Her voice this time is not the same as before, the ending is shaking and shaking, as if very nervous.

With his heart shaking.

Next second.

His left eye had a very different touch.

It's warm and soft like jelly.

Only touched a very short time, short to Su Lin had no time to distinguish what it was, it disappeared.He just wanted to open his eyes -

his shoulders suddenly sank, and a little weight was put on both sides, and his whole body was surrounded by the familiar aroma.

"Senior, I didn't tell you." Again.

He thought vaguely that she should be very close to his ear, otherwise how could it be so itchy.

The girl's voice was so light, so light that it was like petals falling on the ground, almost inaudible, but every word fell into his heart.

“…… I like you, too

The author has something to say: linge: lying trough!!!!!!

Sorry for Su Linzhen's lack of culture