Luyuanyuan has a wide acceptance of movies.

Maybe she sees few movies. When several girls watch movies together in the dormitory, cool brother usually doesn't comment much, while Lin Xi and Wang Yihan always have the same opinion.

looks closely reasoned and well argued in the deer park. Many of them think they can make complaints about their action.

She's very receptive, but she hates tragedy.

So as long as it's not that kind of movie, the ending is that men and women are the masters of men and women, and everyone dies together, or that women are the masters of men and women are the masters of men and women are the masters of women, and that men and women are the masters of women are the masters of women are the masters of women.

Luyuanyuan really liked the movie they saw in the afternoon.

A love story with no big ups and downs, from high school campus to growing up and working with each other, there have been misunderstandings about dog blood and the separation of parents, but the ending is perfect.

In high school, the woman and the man skip the last night self-study, sneak to a remote corner of the school, wipe the bench full of ash, and sit all night.

It is at this time that the female owner confesses.

The girl asked the boy to close his eyes, and then kissed the boy's eyelids, very light, very light, and then she said, I like you.

There is no street lamp, only moonlight, sprinkled on the two people, silver white soft like a painting.

I don't know why.

The first thought that came to mind was - if she did the same, what would Su Lin's reaction be.

After thinking about it, luyuanyuan seemed to be the one who was being kissed. Her heart beat faster and her breathing was not smooth.


Her arm was still on Sulin's shoulder.

Although her hands kept shaking all the time, she felt that Should It's quite the scene in the movie.

Speaking, Lu Yuanyuan stares at Su Lin's face.

This chair is similar to the one in the movie, but with street lights around it, it's brighter.

The skin on his eyes is very thin. When he doesn't open his eyes, it is smooth. Only when he opens his eyes can he see the lines of his double eyelids.

When she looks in the mirror, she usually doesn't look too close for too long. This is the first time that she has observed a person's double eyelids so carefully.

The curve is graceful, and the tail is slightly upward curved, slightly longer than the eye tail.

"Give me a wink, senior."

He blinked.

"Wow..." Lu Yuanyuan couldn't help touching his eyelids at the end of his eyes with his fingertips. He sincerely sighed, "take a good look at your eyelids."


? Why did you suddenly change the subject?

The corner of Su Lin's eye is pressed lightly, he simply does not blink, stare at her to see, "you just said what."

The little girl, who was lying on his shoulder and touching his eyes, suddenly increased her strength.

"I..." There was a moment of confusion in her expression, and there was no following after a word.

Su Lin did not speak, picked eyebrows, just waiting.

"I've finished..." Her face flushed little by little, "why do you ask..."

"I didn't get it." With this posture, Su Lin hugged the man who was half kneeling on the chair. The distance between them was infinitely close to zero. He lowered his voice: "say it again, eh?"

Luyuanyuan was flushed by his "um".

Forbearance and forbearance, she still covered her ears once, and rubbed the itchy ear Don't

She thought about it and said, "you heard me."

When Mingming just opened her eyes, her eyes were so shocked that she saw it.

Su Lin looked at her and laughed.

Just now She's so shy. How did she make it.

"Well, I can hear you."

After hearing this, Lu Yuanyuan felt that he had teased her enough, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief -

he tightened his arm again, hung his head, and buried it in her neck socket.

She clearly felt the touch of the bridge of his nose.

The breath is very hot, he called her: "Yuanyuan."

The voice is a little hoarse, with restraint, there is something else, "I can't help it."

“……” She was stunned for a long time before she asked, "I can't help it What? "

He stopped talking again.

After leaning for a while, it was when she was about to relax -

she put two pieces of cool and moist on her neck.

No matter how stupid she is, she should know what it is.

She just put her own on his eyes.

All the senses of luyuanyuan were pale, except for the small piece of skin in the collar.

It's itchy and numb.

He began to move slowly, inch by inch, moist, and she shivered reflexively every time he passed.

A few seconds later.

Lu Yuanyuan couldn't help biting his lips and leaning back slightly, "senior..."His lips were fixed for a moment.

Then, the soft hair swept her jaw and neck skin, very comfortable, she felt that he turned his head again, without the touch of the lip, for a long time, he sighed a long breath, made her neck socket a burst of fever.

"Forget it this time." Su Lin's voice seemed to squeeze out of his teeth Wait. "

Su Lin went back to his dorm and was met by gunfire and "ah, fuck the third level head! my Boss, you took it wrong! You don't have it on your head

"I see. Look at your loud voice!"


Su Lin is used to it.

He went to the bedside and heard Qin Fang roar again with a loud voice and a broken voice: "I see people lying in the trough --"

then he stopped suddenly.

A few seconds later, Su Lin watched him throw his cell phone on the bed, "dead, head shot."

Qin Fang also just noticed the person who just came back, because he just died, and he was in a bad mood. He simply welcomed him with two words, "Lin Ge."

Yu Guang glanced at the screen of his mobile phone and complained: "if the boss hadn't robbed me of my third level head, I wouldn't have - eh?"


Qin Fang looked at Su Lin's Kung Fu for a while. He had already changed his shoes and went to the bathroom.

Half a minute later, there was a splash of water.

Qin Fang

Can you hear him finish.

Why are you in such a hurry to take a bath today???

When Su Lin came out again, his mobile phone vibrated soundlessly on the pillow.

He wiped his hair, went to the bedside, sat down and scratched the receiver.

The soprano over there rushed into her eardrum in a flash: "Su Lin!"!!! Why don't you reply to my wechat, son of a bitch? "

“……” He slightly took the phone away from the ear, a little helpless: "I was busy last week."

"Are you busy? Mom knows you're busy falling in love, but I just want to see the photo of my daughter-in-law. Why don't you come back to me? "

“…… Mom, "hearing Su Mu's usual tone, he wanted to laugh," I didn't come back to you because there were so many things at school last week. "

Before she could speak, he continued, "and I No photos. "

“… "Ah?" Su's decibel dropped, a little worried: "you talk so long, have not photos?"

“……” He wants to say it's only two weeks.

Su's mother already began to sigh: "son smashes Don't other girls like you... "

Su Lin

After that, he repeatedly assured Lu Yuanyuan that he had caught up with her aboveboard, and sent her photos in two days, before Su's mother hung up,

Su Lin turned over the photos in her mobile phone.

In fact, he has a lot of them, 20 or 30. I don't want to give them. It's just that he captured all these photos from different angles. Although he looks good, people of Su Mu's age are not necessarily there.

He thought it was better to show her a real person, so he ignored her request for photos.

I didn't expect Ms. Su to be so persistent.

Su Lin pinched the bridge of his nose, re opened wechat, and turned the circle of friends of luyuanyuan for a long time.

Ten minutes later, he saved many.

But I still feel I don't want to show sue a selfie.

Finally, he thought about it. He opened the group with news blocked by the music club, looked for a long time in the group member list, and found a person to add friends.

After Su Lin's birthday passed on November 1st, it seemed that all the teachers had agreed to do the same thing. The teachers who had not assigned homework for a semester also gave them the links to do the questions online, set the deadline, and the scores were included in the final grade.

She went to the campus network to have a look. There are more than 100 questions in the link.

That's not the main thing.

Lu Yuanyuan thinks that Lin Xi and Wang Yihan seem a little strange recently.

This week's seats, Linxi Wang Yihan are sitting next to each other, strange position, not far from her.

Whether it's sitting in class or walking with four people, when she and cool brother walk in front of each other, she is not too sensitive, but she always feels that her back or side always has eyes staring at her.

As soon as I looked back, the two men talked like nobody else.

Luyuanyuan is the kind of person who knows his homework and is not comfortable if he doesn't do it. On Monday and Tuesday, she was so confused by her homework that she didn't care much about their abnormality.

It's getting colder and colder. She doesn't want to go to the library. After dinner with Su Lin, she goes back to the dormitory to do some exercises.

The questions in the link were handed in on Friday, but she was in a hurry to do it. She finished it in two nights, and the answers were sent to the dormitory group consciously.

It blew up in the dormitory.

Lin Qian: [lying trough]!!! My garden!!! 】

Wang Yihan: [it's my garden! My God, what a big baby! 】Lin Qian: [yuanshiai. JPG]

Lin Qian: [yuanshikaixin. JPG]

cool brother directly sent the red envelope: [congratulations on getting rich, good luck]

another crazy robbery.

Lu Yuanyuan looked at a string of news that suddenly appeared in the group, looked at her upper berth, upper berth, and opposite bed, and said, "we are in the dormitory! What are you doing... "

We are clearly in a space, a word does not say, in the twinkling of an eye in the group so excited.

She is the wechat that the computer logs in. After turning off the phone, she picks up her mobile phone and starts to return messages.

There are several group messages from the operation team, and two more It's my boyfriend's.

Su Lin: [it's ten o'clock. 】

Su Lin: [it's time for my dear baby to go to bed. 】

maybe love is so magical. You can only see the words he typed from far away. It's cold without temperature or even voice.

That is I want to laugh when I see it.

Lu Yuanyuan couldn't restrain her rising lips. She turned over and went to bed with a quilt in her arms. She said to him, "I've done a lot of questions today. I'm not sleepy at all."

After thinking about it, she whispered, "would you like to call me?"

Su Lin hasn't come back yet.

"Well, well, well! Don't think we're deaf! "

"Yes! I haven't even called in my dorm! Yuan'er, please pay attention - "

" Wang Yihan, shut up! "

“……” Wang Yihan shut up.

Seeing this, Lindsey's voice was even louder: "you didn't call! You've seen the video, OK? "


Since luyuanyuan and sulinshihammer, she is not surprised to be teased like this in the dormitory. Anyway, they just play.

Before she spoke, her mobile phone vibrated and the familiar wechat phone rang.

Luyuanyuan immediately got into the quilt and, like a thief, put his mobile phone to his ear and whispered to him, "senior, senior."

He seems to be in a good mood, with a smile, "um," a sound, and then pause, learn her way to call her: "baby baby."


Luyuanyuan used to cover her head with a quilt. She thought it would be sound proof.

But it's really

Just four words, she can't stand the heat.

She showed half of her head and let her face cool down. "Hey, don't call that..."


Three minutes later.

"Ah! This one is two! Can't I lose? " Lin Xi's voice was broken down. She knelt up and crawled all over the bed: "but where's my earphone, wuwuwuwuwu..."

The next afternoon, Su Lin rode to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory on time, and the deer garden was already at the door.

When she heard the sound of the tire rubbing against the ground, she raised her head and was stunned for a moment.

Luyuanyuan thought of who said that if you stay with a good-looking person for a long time, your resistance to beauty will also improve. If you look at the same good-looking person for a long time, you will naturally become immune to this person.

She felt that It doesn't seem right.

In the afternoon sun, he was wearing a White Baseball Jacket and black pants, straddling the car, with a long leg on the ground, bending his eyes to smile at her, idle and casual.

She may watch it many times, but she won't be immune.

Five minutes later, we arrived at the classroom. There was no one. They were the first to come.

Sitting in the old seat, luyuanyuan took out the printed courseware and two boxes of milk.

"Senior," she poked Su Lin's arm, "here you are."


Su Lin took it over and looked at a pile of paper and the box of familiar milk. For a moment, he thought he had remembered the wrong day.

Or do you drink milk in the morning and afternoon?

After the little girl gave it to him, she quickly untied the straw and began to suck.

He put the milk aside and didn't move.

"I'll send you an expression of thanks." He said suddenly.

"Well?" Deer garden Leng next, nodded: "good, good." Then he came up to him, grabbed his hand and said, "what a watch - ah!"

Wechat's expression is basically square.

In this square, it's not a cute cat or dog, it's not a funny red man, it's not the expression bag of panda head series.

It's her.

It seems to be a snapshot of looking back. There is a little pink cream like thing on her lips. Her eyebrows are bent, her teeth are exposed neatly, and her dimples are visible on her cheek.

There are four big characters in the lower part of the picture.

[happy garden]


Deer garden and then look at the second one.

It was her side face, bulging cheeks, red lips pursed, eyes closed, lashes dark and thick, and a little curly.

It's also written in four words.[garden kiss]


Luyuanyuan didn't know that her eyelashes were quite long.

Mm-hmm? No, who are these expressions?

before she thought about it, the hand on his wrist was suddenly held by her back.

She looked up with a Shua.

One hand of the two is held together.

Su Lin's other hand was empty. She had just drunk a few mouthfuls of milk in her other hand.

A few seconds later.

He stretched out his hand without warning. When luyuanyuan reacted, his hand with milk was empty.

She looked down at him, then instantly looked at him. He immediately put the straw to his lips and sucked. He didn't know how many mouthfuls.

Luyuanyuan has no spare brain to count such things.

Because the next second, he took the straw out and his lips were a little white - and then he licked it.

The whole process, dark eyes tightly grasp her, lips up, did not put down.


Lu Yuanyuan's uncontrollable face began to have a fever. She instinctively wanted to stay away from him. One hand was still firmly controlled in his hand.

She leaned back in her seat, and he leaned over, almost pressing over.

Su Lin just finished drinking milk, now close, she can smell her favorite strawberry milk.

Although the color of his lips is still light, there is a layer of water light on it. When he speaks, it attracts people's attention.

"I want it, too." He said suddenly.

Lu Yuanyuan was staring at his lower face, lips and smooth chin, his brain was blank: "want to What do you want? "

Two people crowded in the corner, after she asked, the line of sight is Su Lin suddenly curved lips.

"I want to..." His smile widened, one hand holding her hand, the other empty, pinching her face.

His whole body's breath covers her, the Adam's apple rolls, the voice is like murmuring softly: "wants, the garden type kisses."