Last Saturday night.

At the end of November, the beginning of winter has already passed. Although the temperature is low all day, the temperature difference is still very large.

Su Lin didn't wear a sweater that day. At noon, he went out of the door with a T-shirt sports coat. He got on the bus, went to the s competition, and then went to the hotel. He didn't spend much time outdoors all the way, and didn't feel anything.

The temperature difference between 9:10 p.m. and noon was too much, and the cold air penetrated into his clothes. Coupled with the wind at night, his two clothes were almost the same as those he didn't wear.

Because of the cold, the memory is very vivid.

What's more striking is the feeling that the skin is cold, but the body is very hot.

The source of the heat from the inside to the outside is probably at the heart. Every beat, the blood seems to burn a little more.

Because she's a girl like a stove.

She was so drunk that she could say his name. It was the best thing in the world.

Su Lin felt that she was going to soften her heart.

I didn't expect that the more powerful one was in the back.

The little girl has been half kneeling on the bench, muttering "my head is so heavy". Su Lin heard it clearly, but didn't care much. He hasn't recovered from his girlfriend's sudden sweet words -

she suddenly dropped her head and hit him on the shoulder.

Forehead hit the scapula, e he was the throes of pain lead to the soul, in the twinkling of an eye to see her face, but no pain.

She buries the face, the voice stuffy spreads out: "I saw a movie in the dormitory last week."

“…… Well Su Lin answered, "and then what?"

"I see them, they kiss," she said. The order of her words began to be confused, "but they are different from my kiss I won't do that. "

Su Lin is still digesting the meaning of her words.

She raised her head and stared at him for a few seconds with big eyes. She suddenly showed a sudden expression: "I remember! I've been kissing you before! "

“……” That's great.

He didn't think about how to reply, and the little girl spoke again.

"Why..." She grabbed his collar, curious eyes: "why don't you stick out your tongue when you kiss me?"



He felt at that time that the state of deer garden would not be remembered when he woke up.

Sure enough, I forgot.

Because he didn't want her to have no memory at all, he planned to talk about it on Sunday.

Endure one day, he already quite admired himself at that time.

I didn't expect that it would be four days.

It's so fuckin 'hard.

Su Lin didn't want to tell her - anyway, she probably wouldn't believe it was her own.

Directly Let her be satisfied.

He drove straight into the girl's warm and moist mouth. When he tasted the strawberry flavor, it was mixed with milk fragrance. At that moment, he understood what it was. He couldn't help laughing. Because it was inconvenient now, he had to stop.

Lu Yuanyuan leaned against the bookcase, and she didn't feel like leaning against the hard bookcase behind her. She thought that maybe, like the windowsill last time, it was his hand.

She also found that the kiss seemed as if she was not holding her breath, and the breath was smooth.

Maybe it's because the mouth is open this time - huh? Open your mouth?

As soon as her confused mind was aroused, she realized that this time it was different from before.

He is a senior! Put your tongue in!

Luyuanyuan's face was very hot for a moment. She wanted to close her teeth, but she would bite him.

Trying to squeeze him out, but his tongue is special Flexible, she wants to push, but always can't push out, she will be swept away, and then turn over to suck

After a struggle, there is only one final feeling.

She's so tired T-T

Tired to the root of the tongue are numb, pressure on her people are also like fish in water, with ease.

Luyuanyuan simply did not move and let him suck. At last, she did not know how long it was. When he retreated, she opened her eyes. There was a vague mist. After a few blinks, his outline became clear.


After this kind of thing, what should we say.

Luyuanyuan stared at him dryly until he suddenly laughed, straightened up, took back his hand and rubbed her hair.

He asked, "milk?"

She was stunned for a moment Well

"What kind of milk did you drink?" he said with a smile

“……” Deer garden just want to answer, suddenly aware of what, looking at his obvious joking eyes, suddenly red face.

She raised her hand and pushed him away: "don't you know all about it?"

After pushing, she wanted to go, but he grabbed her arm and pulled it back again - to his arms.

"Senior!" Lu Yuanyuan was so worried that some people around him would see them, "what are you doing?""Yes, I know." He said this without thinking.

Lu Yuanyuan thought about it and thought that The milk problem.

"Why not," he said again, "just want to hold my baby, can't you?"


The afternoon sun came in through the glass window. She was hugged tightly, with her face on his chest, looking at the sun covered ground.

I feel the vibration of his chest.

Luyuanyuan blushed quietly. After thinking about it, he raised his hand and slowly encircled his waist.

At noon this Saturday, luyuanyuan had a meal and called Su Lin in his room.

We can't see each other on Saturdays.

It seems that it has become a habit to call when we don't meet. It's because Su Lin gets up late at the weekend. In fact, every time she doesn't know what to say, it's a conversation without nutrition and content, but she can talk for so long.

Hang up and it's her biological clock for lunch break.

But today, I lay in bed with my eyes closed for several minutes, and the strange things in my head jumped out one by one, which was completely different from the usual state of Zhou Gong when I touched the pillow.

Luyuanyuan falls asleep fast most of the time, but occasionally.

This kind of time, she usually does not sleep hard, first find something else to do or play mobile phone, brewing sleepiness, sleepy and then sleep.

She took a look at the main interface of her mobile phone and pointed to the C forum that she hadn't opened for a long time.

He hesitated in [forum C · academic discussion group] and [forum C · gossip group].

In the end, it's the gossip that gets the upper hand.

The interface of Bagua group shows that in the network buffer, luyuanyuan is a little distracted.

In fact, it's mainly because It seems that many people like to send Su Lin related posts on the forum.

Lin Xi said that after the last basketball match, someone recorded several wonderful videos of the ball - all of them were Su Lin's, posted posts, and exaggerated the story of his injury. In short, he has been spread to exist like an animation character.

However, she said that it was strange that in two days, the most popular posts with hundreds of floors were deleted. I don't know why.

Thinking back, she found that it had been loaded.

The top lines are all about layout rules and so on. Directly omitting them, she saw one with Su Lin's name in her latest post.

…… I really like to send things about him.

She was attracted by the top topic.

[new] [theme]: #

since Su Lin remembered the password of his forum administrator's account number, the story of beating a water dog (dog's head to protect his life) #

was posted five minutes ago.

Administrator? What's wrong?

Lu Yuanyuan's curiosity was completely hooked up. He tightened the quilt on the tight body and pointed in.


1L [landlord]: I don't know if this post can be seen by Su Shuai, ha ha ha ha!

Let's not talk about the specific majors of the building's coordinate art department. We all know that we are relatively idle. Well, we are so idle that we have finished chasing all the TV dramas in hand. We are all chasing our school's well-known Su linlu garden.

Cough, I don't need to introduce these two of my friends Don't you know who is playing the forum

Highlight: the landlord is different from others, the landlord does not scatter dog food, is to pure gossip!!!

As I said in the title, Su Lin is the president of the music club and has the authority to manage the forum with the student union.

In fact, this identity is easy to use. The president of a club I know really plays in the forum every day. Although we can't stay here all the time, we basically know the ID of all the administrators. Although only a few people are active, the rest only come out once in a while.

But there was one person who never showed up - Su Lin.

I don't know whether he doesn't know the authority or how. He became president for two months, and now he has just begun to show his face.

But it doesn't matter to be late. After all, Su Shuai, you've overshadowed all the other administrators!

We have to start from last week.

A friend of my good friend in the dormitory next door (= =) has been the administrator of the forum for some time. She said that she sent a post saying something bad about luyuanyuan, and then she was sealed. It was permanently sealed. That number was registered by her mobile phone number, and she couldn't land in the future.

When my friend told me gossip on her blocked interface, the reason was verbal abuse, but she was different from others. There was a message left by an administrator in her.

Administrator message, as the name suggests, must be the administrator typing out.

The administrator left a message saying: you are blind.

I had a question mark on my face, and then my friend explained to me, because the girl not only spoke ill of luyuanyuan, but also changed her ID to "Sulin is blind".Ah, the takeout is here. I'll go and have something to eat. I'll come back later, and then I'll be eight ~ ~

- -


2L [coffee for eggs]: squat in the front row!!! Come on, I'll wait for you in the wind, rain and pit!

3L [mobile phone is really fun]: ow Ow!! Is Su Lin the super handsome guard in the recent post crazy pass playing video! He's got CP?! Wuwuwu, I just put on the powder, qwwq!

4l [old aunt]: go back upstairs, yes, yes.

This is not ordinary CP, you To search for keywords can almost know a general.

This is a couple of immortals

5L [old uncle]: look at the tone upstairs. I'm fed dog food, but I can't help eating it. So am I.

To tell you the truth, I have a hunch about this post As a single dog, I have a good sense of smell.

I'm ready. Come back to distribute the food.

6L [old sister]: I've got a nickname from the wind upstairs. The front row is waiting for food.


Luyuanyuan knew the meaning of dog food, because Linxi would say similar words, her attention was attracted by the words of the main building.

But what the landlord said is that true?

The post that said bad things about her was deleted I can't say what she felt. In fact, she often felt that she was not as good-looking as Su Lin, but others said he was blind My heart is still a little angry.

She lay on the bed, scratched her hair and refreshed the post.

The landlord hasn't come back yet, but maybe it's Saturday noon when everyone has nothing to do. Since we strolled around the forum, we've got a lot more replies in just a few minutes.

7L [Mao Gai makes me happy]: no Why do so many people post about Sulin deer garden every day? It's really annoying, OK? Is this the only couple in the school who can gossip for you? Why don't you study in your spare time??

Can't get this pair of points completely, and the girl who was named is also innocent, OK?

8L [old uncle]: there it is!! Sisters!! You can always be late! But never absent!

9L [old aunt]: the intelligence quotient of the 7th floor is worrying. The main building is clearly written by basulin. You hate it so much. Why do you have to come in and find a way for yourself? What sense of being are you looking for here? We're just idle. It's none of your business? My sister studies very well in non art department.

10L [old aunt]: hee hee, I squat a su Lin.

When she saw the reply from the 7th floor, she frowned involuntarily, and finally arrived at the last floor - squatting a Su Lin? What do you mean?

The next building has everything to say. About ten minutes later, it refreshes the words of the owner.

29L [building owner]: Oh, my God, can I also be scolded by this title? I have said that pure gossip doesn't feed food. If you don't like it, just post it directly. Don't be angry with them.

Ah, in fact, I don't quite understand why I posted a single post to scold Lu Yuanyuan. I also said that Su Lin was blind. After all, these posts were not opened by two people. They were in love and envied others. They were good-looking (I really think so). In addition, Su Lin was so famous since he was a freshman. Isn't it normal for him to be popular on campus?

Because the post that everybody sends attacks other people, the couple is not quite right.

So I think it's OK.

Then, after this incident, the owners began to pay close attention to their posts in the Forum - especially the ID of those who made negative comments.

No one is in charge of those who scold the landlord.

No one is in charge of those who scold Su Lin.

Ten of those who scold luyuanyuan are sealed for different periods of time.

…… Emmmm said no food. How do I feel

Well, in a word, we just feel it, which is visual sense.

Because our forum is also more intelligent, you can search keywords, you can choose the theme or post content.

So, I guess ha, I guess these are sealed by the administrator Su Lingan.

He should search his girlfriend's name regularly, then read the reply about that name, pick out the bad ones and kill them.

Well Yes, that's my observation.

Keke, I think I'm going to be hammered, and the dog's head will protect my life and escape from the pot.

30L [old uncle]: what did I say I knew This is toxic to CP, no matter what it was originally, it will always be this trend. I am really convinced.

But it doesn't matter. My old uncle is in a good mood and has a good time.

31l [old aunt]: same upstairs.

32L [old sister]: ah, ah, ah, ah, I scream. How can I be so spoiled??? Does luyuanyuan know this???

33l [old uncle]: you must know, wuwuwu, otherwise it's not blind. Qwq, who knows luyuanyuan? Post this to her!!35L [old aunt]: in fact, don't you know that sometimes kualuyuan Sulin would like that reply

My friend is, she said what can have such lovely girls, and then was praised by Su Lin.

I thought it was Gao fangid Is it true?

35L [Mao Gai makes me happy]: you people really Like a fool, how to get into C University? What a shame.

This man I seem a little familiar.

Luyuanyuan turned up and saw the man who had been questioning the landlord on the seventh floor.

However, it seems that she is the only one with radical words, and the people below are also very angry, and Someone else sent a message about Su Lin.

49l: I don't have to talk to the mentally retarded.

I squat a hand Su Shuai, hee hee, I guess soon. @Sulin @ Sulin

Huh? This is the second person to say that.

What is the meaning of squatting in Sulin?

Lu Yuanyuan's fingers kept on dropping down to refresh and kept looking at the latest reply until -

60L [Su Lin]: closed.


The name It's red!

Is it because of what the landlord said just now, administrator?

When this one comes out.

The following painting style is like this -

"- WOC red name! I visited the forum for such a long time, and I saw a living red name for the first time!

-Ah, Su Shuai, Wei Wu, front row group photo!

-Group photo


Luyuanyuan can't understand again

What's the meaning of group photo

Next is the landlord

78l [landlord]: ah, ah, my post was really seen by Su Shuai!! My mother is in a circle!!

Well, let me think about it. I'd like to send my sincere blessing to you. Thomas' four rotations of 360 degrees plus the back somersault and the front somersault of 1080 degrees is to wish Su Shuai! Wish you and your girlfriend! a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! have a lovely baby early!!!


What is this Blessing!

When she saw a hundred years old, it was nothing.

Early birth Isn't that right???

Luyuanyuan sat up from the bed and scratched her hair. Her palms were full of sweat. She wanted to reply, but she found that she was a tourist now.

So she cut out and bound a mobile phone number. After successful registration, she casually named YY and immediately returned to that post.

Turn it down and hold your fingers.

Su Lin second back to the landlord blessing that sentence.

80L [Su Lin]: Thank you. I will.

“……” it will be?

Will it last forever or?

Luyuanyuan felt that her face was about to burn.

Her palms were so sweaty that she could hardly hold her mobile phone. She was in a hurry and finally typed and sent it.

85L [YY]: that It's not good for you to bless me like this They are new lovers! It's not appropriate for you to wish you an early birth, is it?

When she was giving birth to a noble son, she once felt that her head was going to steam and start to smoke.

After sending it out, she immediately put down her mobile phone and began to fan herself with two hands, desperately trying to drive the four words out of her brain.

It took her three minutes to fan, and she felt as if she had calmed down.

Pick up the phone, or that interface, the latest post is her own, she pulled down to refresh, want to see the reply -

pop up an interface.

[sorry, the account has been blocked. 】

followed by a line of small words: Please click here for detailed reasons.

Luyuanyuan looks confused.

She points out the reason in detail and jumps out of another interface.

[closure time: one day]

[closure reason: false news, verbal abuse]

[administrator message: it's very appropriate to have a noble son early, my friend, please calm down for a day. 】

