Luyuanyuan quit the app from the background, then log in, then log out and log in again three or four times.

Looking at her mobile phone still staying in the gray stop details interface, she finally confirmed.

She's been called.

But she just registered for three minutes

And it's very likely that It's from Su Lin.

No, it should be him.

Not only can't you reply to the blocked account, but you can't even log in. After luyuanyuan sends out huidai, you can switch to tourist status and go back to that post.

She questioned the blessing of the building, in addition to the eyes of the administrator, it seems that no one noticed, everyone's attention is Su Lin.


83l [Yiliduo]: the four words "yes, thank you" in the horizontal trough. I think it's sweet. Am I crazy?

84l [you're not alone]: it turns out that Su Shuai doesn't talk about it, and he just goes to the children! (what am I talking about?

85L [eggshell's coffee]: I just walked for a while, and it's almost on the 100th floor! I just want to say Landlord!!! Come out and be beaten!!! So fragrant dog food, you say you are pure gossip!!!

86l [little cute]: ouch, ouch, I want to tell you something! There is a sister who said that her friend was praised. You still remember the post before, which was the one at the sports meeting! At that time, I was so envious that I said something like this in the following post. It's like a fairy falling in love. I was praised by a man named Su Lin.

As a matter of fact, few people use the function of "like" and "post" in our forum. The reply on that post is basically the kind with a very excited tone, and there should be no negative. Then I see that not only am I praised, but several people go upstairs and downstairs, and the praise place also says 1.

At that time, I thought who was so free

Oh, it's the hero.

All right. :)

87l [building owner]: Oh, if you say that, you can just remember.

There is a high probability that Lu Yuan Yuan's Rainbow fart will be praised by Su Shuai, and there is a 100% probability that Lu Yuan Yuan's Rainbow fart will be honored by Su Shuai.

Please take care! look before you leap! Otherwise, the bound phone number will be useless!

Luyuanyuan But she didn't step on herself, and her cell phone number was useless.

And - two in three years! What is it! Why do you wish a couple who have just been together for two months to use this kind of words!

I know it's exaggeration, but


She lay back in bed with her cell phone in her arms, her face burning.

Originally wanted to tell Su Lin, you know, I just came to the forum to send the first post, you gave me the title.

But looking at the ceiling, she thought again.

Forget it.

Luyuanyuan turns over and lies on his side, cuts a picture of the title information interface, stores it in an album, locks his mobile phone and closes his eyes.

Even I didn't realize it, I kept bending my lips.

In December, different from the sunny weather in November, there were several intermittent rains in s city. After each rain, there was a sudden drop in temperature. It seemed that there were only a few rains from late autumn to cold winter, just a few weeks.

Su Lin thought he was busy enough in November.

Unexpectedly, I was beaten in the face by December in the twinkling of an eye.

“…… You have to think that the teacher gives you so much homework, which accounts for the final score. In this way, the final exam will not account for such a large proportion. Even if you fail the exam, you may get high marks because you do your homework well. "

Su Lin took a look at the little girl friend, he just complained with her, she began to use a little adult look, nagging enlighten him.

In fact, he really hopes to get 100% of the final exam.

These assignments are long cycle, time-consuming, and they also need to spend energy to teach some strange brain circuit members. Sometimes they can't teach them, so they have to do their own parts.

You can be bored to death.

But he didn't say a word. Listening to luyuanyuan, he said, "look, just like me..."

Here we go.

He knows all the sentence patterns of Lu Yuan Yuan's enlightening style very well.

First, we try to impress you with the popular Dao Li that we all know. Then, we start to bring it to ourselves and enlighten you with our own examples. Finally, the conclusion is usually "Oh, you see, I'm coming here. Everyone is like this, so don't bother".

“…… We usually have a lot of math problems in our professional class. It's really hard to think about them. Let alone the big problems, even I have to choose them for a long time. Moreover, each assignment only takes five points, but it takes so much time, but even if I get the full score, it's only five points. It's too -- "complaining and complaining, the more the girl said, the more excited she was. Finally, she suddenly stopped, as if she was conscious To his own has been walking on the road of deviation.

She cleared her throat in an attempt to remedy What's the matter? Anyway, I mean, although the process is a little painful and difficult, I will be very happy to work out this kind of problem in the end, and I have a special sense of achievement! ""So senior, don't be bothered any more, you --" as soon as Lu Yuanyuan turned his head, he saw his hand against his lips, shaking all over. He was stunned.

When Su Lin heard that "anyway", he couldn't help it.

Next, with her soft voice, the little girl thought that her speech was perfect. The whole process was exactly the same as what he had summarized before.

It's so damn cute.

He felt his arm pushed, "what are you laughing at, senior?"

He slightly converged a little, and saw that luyuanyuan's cheeks were a little red, but he still stuck his neck with a small face: "it's you who complain to me that I comfort you, why do you smile?"


Su Lin pauses, takes the hand that puts in lip side, takes out mobile phone to look for thing.

"Why don't you talk." The man holding the other hand was not happy and kept shaking his arm.

"Don't worry, I found it." Finish saying, Su Lin put the mobile phone screen close to her eyes, "look who sent this?"

Luyuanyuan's vision touched the screen and stopped for a moment.

Then he immediately did not open his eyes, dragged him forward very fast, and spoke very fast Let's go to the canteen. There won't be any delicious food after a while. "

The street lights just turned on in this campus. Except for some species, the lush and luxuriant trees on both sides of the road were bare when they entered school. Today, luyuanyuan wore a thick coat, but it may be because of its small skeleton. The back of her upper body doesn't look swollen at all. On the contrary, she is a little cute.

As he was pulled forward by her, his hand was still very dry just now, but now it was hot and humid, and he didn't even look back.

I'm obviously embarrassed.

Su Lin looked at the screen again.

It's the interface of luyuanyuan's circle of friends.

It was two days ago.

[Lu OO]: Gao Daiwa, you are already a mature subject. It's time to learn how to make your own questions.


the picture is a piece of paper, obviously a test paper, and the words are fuzzy.

Because he has few friends in common, he can only see two comments.

Lin Xi: Yuan Er Niu Bi! This is the extinction assignment? Have you finished?

[Lu OO] reply [Lin Xi]: done I really want to cry

Su Lin did not mention the question of "I want to cry" and "I have a good sense of achievement".

The little girl is too thin skinned to tease all the time.

When queuing up at the window, luyuanyuan likes many dishes. She is the last one in the student window, and the teacher window is on the left.

There are still two people in front of her. She finds out the meal card and looks at the left and right sides at will.

I found someone on the left looking at her all the time.

Since falling in love with Su Lin, they have been looked at wherever they go every day as long as there are people. Some girls' eyes will make her very uncomfortable. After a long time, she will distinguish them, but most of the time, she will automatically ignore them.

Luyuanyuan didn't think of it for a moment. On the left is the teacher's window.

The middle-aged man, with rimless glasses, looks calm, and when this person looks at her, he doesn't have that annoying look. Although he doesn't smile, luyuanyuan feels that he is smiling at her for no reason.

She didn't know what to do, so she pulled her lower lip rigidly and turned away from her eyes.

The next second, a familiar voice came from overhead: "Professor Liu."


Luyuanyuan turned to look at Sulin. He was facing the middle-aged man on their left. Then he nodded.

This is his teacher. No wonder I saw her just now.

Lu Yuanyuan didn't know what she thought. She followed Su Lin closely. She heard her own cry: "Professor Liu --"

as soon as the words came out, both of them looked at her.

Luyuanyuan came back to her senses and added a word: "I'm sorry Good

Professor Liu is worthy of being a professor. He may be stunned for a few seconds when he says hello to her, and then he smiles at her: "hello."

Later, the two people in front of him had already left. Luyuanyuan quickly made a meal and waited. They went to the window seat with their plates. Su Lin suddenly said, "do you know him?"


"Professor Liu just now."

She told the truth I don't know. "


Before he finished, she explained to herself, "I see you called him. We are together. If I don't, it would be impolite."

When I was in high school, it seemed that when I saw a teacher in school, whether I knew him or not, I would say hello to the teacher.

But in fact, when you go to university, you can only say hello to the professors who teach you. There will be no such situation as asking hello to someone who looks like a teacher.She explained, looking at the opposite person first picked eyebrows, and then smile and just as happy outside the canteen.

Luyuanyuan blushed with laughter and added: "and before you say hello to him, he still looks at me..." The more she said, the smaller her voice was. Finally, she ended the topic directly: "I'm going to eat."

She also felt embarrassed, but not because of him!

Su Lin finished laughing and looked at the little girl's face and eyes, but she didn't look up.

After a few minutes, he knocked on the plate with his chopsticks, making a sound.

Luyuanyuan still didn't look up.

"Do you know why he looks at you?"

“……” After struggling for a while, curiosity conquered others. Luyuanyuan slowly raised her eyes and asked, "why?"

"When I was a freshman, he taught three classes a week, which happened to be in the last class of the day. At that time, there were girls blocking me after class, and he saw me too many times."

Su Lin played with chopsticks, and then said: "then once I went to his office to make things, and he was pretty good. In fact, at the end of the semester, he was familiar with it. After chatting for a while, he asked me why so many girls came to his office in the past six months and didn't talk about a girlfriend."

The little girl completely forgot that she was still annoyed just now. She flashed her deer's eyes twice: "then what? What did you say? "

"I said..." When he remembered what he had said at that time, he couldn't help but smile and said, "I'll tell you when I finish this."

Without waiting for her to ask, he turned to something else: "do you know what you just called that?"

“…… "Ah?" Luyuanyuan is not clear, so: "what?"

"You follow me and call me Professor Liu, which is called husband singing woman." before he finished, the little girl suddenly realized that it was wrong. She immediately touched his shoes under the table, her face turned red, and even her ears were a little red, "don't say it!"

The more she did, the more he wanted to say, "husband, sing, wife, follow."

Not only to say, but also to say word by word.

“……” Luyuanyuan could do nothing but stare at him dryly. His face became more and more red, and his little white teeth bit his lower lip.

After a meeting, she kicked under the table again. Su Lin heard her soft voice without any attack: "senior, why do you hate it so much..."

Out of the canteen, and then came to the girls' dormitory building nearby, next to the tree about many times will be not far away, just in winter, the tree is basically out of leaves.

Every day after sending her back to the dormitory, here is Su Lin's favorite time.

But at the end of December, there was a lot of homework, so there was no time for her to go back to the dormitory. Until today, he was almost busy.

He tightened her hand. "Don't you hurry back?"

"It's not urgent. Why Luyuanyuan was light all over, the scenery in front of him was spinning, and then he soon realized that he had picked him up again.

Yes, again.

deer park is lying on his shoulder, and make complaints about it.

I don't know why. It seems that Su Lin especially likes to hold her like a child. Moreover, because she is short, she can't disobey her very much. She is also very comfortable.

The first time I was picked up, I would feel surprised and ashamed.

And now.

Just now that cry is also instinctively issued, in fact, her heart has long been used to.

"What are you doing, senior..."

Deer garden loose ring around his shoulder, there is no one to pull his hair. It's very light. It's just playing.

Although his hair is soft, it's strange that it won't stick to his head. On the contrary, the roots of his hair are standing, which makes him very stylish.

Su Lin didn't answer.

Luyuanyuan thought he would take her to the chair beside the tree.

Wait and wait. When he finally stopped, he didn't put her down. Instead, he straightened her upper body. Lu Yuanyuan felt as if he was leaning against something.

Looking back, it's the trunk.

Oh, the trunk.

Huh? trunk?

Why is she still in the air?

Before waiting to ask, the culprit said, "I haven't finished just now."

"Ah," Lu Yuanyuan was curious all the time, so he remembered all of a sudden, "did you say what Professor Liu asked you?"

"Yes." He nodded, "I was joking when I answered him. I said I blame myself. I have a high vision and can't see it."

The trunk of this tree, which is said to be a hundred year old tree, is very strong. The two of them can be blocked tightly. Moreover, Su Lin carries a street lamp on this side. There is no one around, but there is a voice behind.

Luyuanyuan has just digested what he said.

"In fact, it's no joke to think about it now," he added

"Well?" What's not a joke."I have high vision, otherwise..." His low and magnetic voice came from below, with a little smile, "otherwise how can I chase you."

“……” Who believes that.

Although he didn't think what he said was true, luyuanyuan still felt itchy.

There is something beautiful in my heart.

After that, he tightened his arm at the root of her leg and lifted her a little higher. The two people were close to each other, because she was the one being held, so she was a head higher than him.

In fact, the distance between them doesn't seem to matter.

Is the whole person hanging in his arms It's a bit of a shame.

The arm has no place to put, can only put on him, around his neck.

He held her, her back against the tree, Lu Yuan Yuan did not know what Su Lin wanted to do, and when he looked down at him in a panic, he was stunned.

Some memory back to the brain, this angle is somewhat familiar.

Su Lin had to look up to see her. Her whole well-defined face was completely exposed in her field of vision, and her eyes were slightly bent. Although her back was facing the street lamp, only the moonlight lit up, it also had a strong impact, and her heart began to beat.

"It's not convenient for me to hold you." He said suddenly.

Luyuanyuan's hand tightened involuntarily.

She looked at him smile, thin and pale lips open, low voice in the night is particularly attractive.

"Baby," he said, "kiss me."