Luyuanyuan was actually the most boring person in his student days.

Without a smartphone, she didn't know what to do. She had a computer at home, but she didn't like playing.

There was always someone in the class to collect the contact information of the students. At that time, there was no wechat, and they all used QQ. Every time the paper was sent to her, she wrote "no".

Without these, naturally there is no condition to listen to music.

But she likes to listen.

Every day after the second class in the morning, we have to do recess exercises. Before and after the exercises, the school radio station will play songs, generally three songs a day.

Luyuanyuan was in a good mood during the period of daily exercise.

So now Su Lin sings to her, some of them are familiar to her, some of them seem to have been heard in a shopping mall, and some of them are completely strange.

But, without exception, from his voice to sing out, are too good to hear.

And there was a strange, calming feeling.

He told her to close her eyes. She didn't.

Just look at his face, look at the way he can't remember the lyrics, casually smile and hum in the past, my heart is warm.

I don't know what song it is. Lu Yuanyuan thought his voice was a little hoarse, so he called to stop.

After a moment's silence, he said, "why don't you sleep?"

Luyuanyuan shook his head and rubbed his face against the pillow: "I can't sleep."

Looking at Su Lin's frowning, she added, "it's not because of anything else. It's too early. I have to go to bed at ten o'clock."

"Senior," she said softly, wrapping up the quilt, "do you want to stay here all the time?"

"Well My parents, they should be over for a while He said, "it's OK. I can play all the time when I finish eating."

"Oh, let me tell you something about my parents Although... " After a pause, Luyuan said, "it's not very nice."

"When my mother just left, my father was in a special state for a long time..." After thinking about it, luyuanyuan could only think of one word: "terrible."

"Even if I eat, I have to be forced. Every day it's like walking dead. My grandfather is almost angry. My grandmother has been crying. I dare not speak to him, but I've been watching and watching his reaction."

"He just, no response, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him."

“…… After a while, my grandfather first thought that there might be something wrong with him, so he took him to see a psychologist Her voice unconsciously lowered: "and then There is a problem. "

"What's the problem?" Su Lin asked.

"Although I was in junior high school at that time, I always remember what the doctor said to me and my grandparents. The doctor said that my father actually had a certain degree of mental cleanliness, or emotional cleanliness. But the degree is not heavy, and it's not obvious in life. It's just that the desire for control is a little stronger than that of normal people. There will be no major events, and there will be no psychological hidden danger. "

"But Listen to the name, you also know that this kind of recessive psychosis can develop into a disease only by inducement, inducement... "

Lu Yuanyuan pursed her lips, and suddenly felt a little ashamed, but she still went on with it It's my mother's infidelity. "

"The doctor said that since he realized this, his psychological pressure has been increasing and he has begun to collapse. But at that time, he was already an adult in his forties and had a certain ability to accept it, which was not directly reflected."

"His final diagnosis was mild affective deficiency, personality disorder, affective apathy, and a little bit of depression."

Lu Yuanyuan read the diagnosis book, but she didn't understand it at that time, but she firmly remembered these words until she went to the computer room to have a computer class. For the first time, she didn't follow the teacher's instructions to check what is apathy on the Internet.

Actually Almost literally.

No response to the outside world, no emotional fluctuations to relatives and friends, no communication, no expression, indifference to everything.

No one knows what he is thinking.

"Have you ever been treated?" His voice sounded.

"Ah," Lu Yuanyuan said, "for treatment, my grandfather found the doctor in S City, because there is no reliable psychologist in my family. The doctor said that treatment is OK, but because my father is old, all values and psychological concepts have been formed for many years, so the treatment cycle will be very long."

"My grandfather asked him to move to s City, but he refused. He must go back to this house and asked him why, but he didn't say."

Luyuanyuan didn't want to lie down. He turned over on the bed and put his mobile phone on the pillow to talk to him. "I'm still at school. I only know that my grandparents were completely disappointed with my dad at that time. My grandfather was still opening a store to see people. It had been a long time. One day they had a big fight and went back to s city."

Su Lin didn't speak for a moment.

His black eyes fixed across the screen looking at her, rolling some emotion, thin lips pursed into a line.

Since he finished singing, luyuanyuan has been much calmer.

She even laughed and reached out to touch his face on the screen. "You're so serious. Don't do that. I'm not sad anymore...""I'm angry." He said.

Luyuanyuan was stunned Well

"I'm angry. Your mother has done something wrong and your father has a problem. What about you?"


"What the hell did you do wrong? Why do they do this to you? "


I don't know whether it's anger or some other emotion. Under the light, his white eyes turned red, his chest fluctuated slightly, and then he said, "last time, when you were crying because of your father, I wanted to say it."

"Just now you cried again. After listening to this, I almost wanted to buy a ticket to your house, scold him and ask him for help."

Lu Yuanyuan's hand trembled a little. His words were not very loud, but the words clearly hit her heart.

"It's not enough for me to spoil such a nice little girl." She looked at Su Lin, and the redness in the corner of her eyes became more and more obvious. In the last sentence, he almost gnashed his teeth like: "why is he hanging for so many years?"

After listening to him.

Choked in her throat, her tears burst out of her eyes again.

The ticket back to s city has been bought for a long time. After that night, the atmosphere at home became more and more light, and the new year passed in a muddle. Luyuanyuan paid new year's respects to her grandparents and roommates

except for eating in the living room, she would not go out of the room, so it can be said that she would return to the pre liberation one night.

But in fact, she has been used to it for a long time. To be honest, the past half a month is not used to and true to her.

Luyuanyuan didn't expect to receive a message from her high school deskmate the day before she left. She called her home phone and said she wanted to ask her out to meet and have a meal.

After all, she was one of the few friends in high school. She agreed without much hesitation.

When I got to the appointed store, there was a wind chime on the door, jingling. A man turned around and waved to her with a smile.

Luyuanyuan was in a trance for a moment, and walked over with a smile, "long time no see..." When she called her name, she hesitated for a moment and called her name Qi Yan

When they went to university, they didn't contact each other any more. Luyuanyuan sent her a text message, and all of them went to sea.

She thought, maybe their relationship is not good enough to call a nickname, and after more than half a year, she also I can't say it in a strange way.

"Long time no see," Qi Yan pushed her a menu. "Let's see what you want to eat."

Ten minutes, two people order good food.

After a while, luyuanyuan said, "you How are you doing after graduation? "

"Well, how to say it," said Qiyan after a pause, "I can't say good or bad. I didn't go to college."

“…… Well

"I didn't get the second grade, and the third one was a waste of money. You know what's going on in my family."

So Is she already working?

With that, luyuanyuan felt that she didn't want to talk about it, so she answered two times and passed away.

In the middle of a meal, they recalled their next high school. At the end, Qi Yan suddenly mentioned something.

"Some time ago, I met my high school classmate, who was in the same university with you. She told me that you are very famous in university now, because... " She pauses for a second, looks at her with a smile, "made a handsome boyfriend?"

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned and nodded, "I It's love. "

"I went to your school forum several times, and it was very handsome."

"Luyuanyuan," Qi Yan suddenly called her, "before I broke up with that person, I also believe in these feelings. I believe what he said. Let's go to university together and get married after graduation."

"As a result," she said, "I failed in the college entrance examination, so we broke up. We didn't accept long-distance love or family."

"Three years is gone."

Luyuanyuan grabs the tissue and stares at the person opposite: "what do you want to say?"

Qi Yan laughed, "it's nothing. I always think you're amazing. In a family like yours, you can't be crooked at all. It's just like white paper."

"So, let's talk more while we are in school. After all, we have to be realistic after graduation..."

She didn't go on.

But the implications are obvious.

Luyuanyuan felt a fire coming from her heart.

The couple she gave Wangfeng was Qi Yan and her boyfriend at that time. Qi Yan was the first one to tell her the legend of Ferris wheel.

What does she mean by these words now.

"Qi Yan, I don't know why you suddenly called me out to say these things," the fire burned more and more, and the heat spread to the heart and lung, "I'm not you, and he's not your boyfriend. Please don't compare me with you."

Qi Yan looks cold.

Luyuanyuan stood up and looked at her from top to bottom: "I thought we were friends. You asked me to talk about the past."

"Not from now on. I can't hear what you just said." She clenched her fingers and left the money on the tableLuyuanyuan left the shop, walked for a while, stood on the street, suddenly a little at a loss.

Qi Yan has changed a lot, from talking to dressing up. She may remember her only when she heard what the classmate said, but also when she thought of her unhappy feelings, she couldn't help warning her.

But she didn't need this kind of admonition with other implied meanings.

Luyuanyuan felt out the mobile phone, and Su Lin's message just came.

Su Lin: [what's the baby doing? Are you awake? 】

now, if she doesn't come out for dinner, she should take a nap at home.

All of a sudden, she laughed and replied, "wake up. 】

then she made two irrelevant remarks.

Lu OO: [senior, we kissed at the top of the ferris wheel. 】

she seemed to tell him, as well as herself, that she was typing word by word carefully: [so we won't separate. 】

going back to s city is the third day of the lunar new year.

Luyuanyuan left in the morning. When she left, it seemed that Luzhi wanted to see her off.

She stood at the door and told him to go back. "I'll take a taxi myself. Dad, you're at home."

"I Come back for the holidays. "

He looked at her in silence.

There seemed to be something in his eyes, but at last he just nodded, "OK, it's time to send a message."

"Well." Luyuanyuan nodded with a smile and went downstairs with his suitcase. As soon as he turned around, there was no smile.

He may not remember to read the message.

Send her out, come back if you don't look at the road how to do - she was really afraid of his previous state.

So, let's forget the normal scenario of father giving his daughter away.

Or It's safe.

It's raining again in the county.

Taking a taxi at the gate of the community, luyuanyuan was waiting by the side of the road with an umbrella. Feeling the cold and humid wind, he kept drilling into the bone, and suddenly missed B city.

It's cold there, too, but it's just cold there. It doesn't rain. It won't be cold and sticky.

Besides, there is him there.

The high-speed railway is always on time. When getting on and off the train, luyuanyuan sends a message to Su Lin. the signal on the road is not very good, but they are also chatting intermittently.

It was only four o'clock in the afternoon when she arrived at her grandparents' house. She was dragging her luggage, holding her head down and touching the key to open the unit door. Suddenly, she was dragged aside by a force.

She was so frightened that she let go and the suitcase fell to the ground.

At the same time, she fell into an embrace.

Soft but a little face piercing material, familiar fragrance, many days did not feel, belong to his breath, instantly surrounded her.

Without the suitcase, her hands were empty.

Lu Yuanyuan laughed unconsciously, then put his hands around him and rubbed his head against his chest.

He let out a snort and his chest vibrated.

It's like expressing satisfaction.

So did not speak, this time, is the new year period, no one around, not even a sound.

I don't know how long I held it, but I released my hand at the same time.

Luyuanyuan looked up at him, "you've come back early, too." Then she realized how happy she was in her voice. She added, "won't your family talk about you?"

Su Lin's hair is a little long in front of her forehead. In winter, she may cover people white. Lu Yuanyuan has an untimely description in her mind. She is a beautiful woman with black hair and snow skin.

As soon as the words came to mind, she couldn't help laughing.

He picked his eyebrows, reached for her face and said, "what are you laughing at, little girlfriend?"

“……” Here he comes again.

"Is it too happy to see me?" Su Lin pinched her hand and moved her face to her, "miss me, eh?"

This person can always give full play to all the characteristics of the "um" sound, with heavy nose and rising tail, which is very attractive.

Also willing to look at her and say, hanging the corner of the lip, lazy smile, lethality into a geometric multiple increase.

Luyuanyuan turned red all of a sudden.

She blinked. She wanted to answer him well, but she couldn't say it when he did it.

“…… Mingming calls every day, "she whispered, dropping her eyes." I don't want to. "

Somebody quit.

Su Lin loosened her hand and put her in his arms again. It was even tighter than just now. He laughed: "don't you want to?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, his jaw was taut, his smile was good-looking, but it was bad.

Lu Yuanyuan thought his expression was a little dangerous.

Instinctively, he wanted to earn something. The next second, his eyes became dark -

his lips were accurately printed and repeatedly sucked. At the beginning, his strength was a little strong. He seemed to have endured for a long time and was pouring out some emotion. Lu Yuanyuan looked at his long dark eyelashes and slowly closed his eyes.

She used to feel that kissing also needed a response.But she found out later that she didn't need to respond to him at all. She couldn't even keep up with his rhythm.

Lu Yuan Yuan's lips were numb before he let them go.

She took a few deep breaths. On a cold winter day, she felt as if her back was sweating.

Su Lin is also a little short of breath.

He calmed down a little, suddenly reached out to pick her chin, rubbed it twice, and said in an idle voice, "how are you feeling it?"

Maybe it's because he's just had a kiss. He's a bit powdery at the corners of his eyes, especially on his fair skin.

Lu Yuanyuan stared at his thin eyelids, some of them were surprised, and unconsciously followed his hand to raise his chin Well

What do you feel?

Su Lin curved lips, a trace of black hair hanging to the bridge of the nose, eyes or with a bit of attractive pink.

He slowly lowered his head, bent over, and touched her forehead with a chin picking gesture. His voice was restrained and dumb.

“…… I miss you so much. "