——Give me to you?

Luyuanyuan was silent for a while, and said doubtfully, "what gave you --" in the middle of the speech, the voice stopped suddenly.

It occurred to her that for a while, Lindsey was crazy about dog blood, tyrannical TV dramas and novels. It was not enough for her to be infatuated with them. She had to give them Amway, and no one in the dormitory was spared.

The plot really needs more dog blood, more dog blood, more hegemony, and the words "give me to you".

I've never seen that before, but she's seen it.

The man smiles and holds the ankle of the heroine sitting on the bed: "honey, would you like to give yourself to me?"

Then the heroine burst into tears and blushed: "I don't want it! Go away, you rascal

The hero insisted that it was a refusal, and then pulled the woman over to coax her: "darling, believe me, I will make you comfortable."

And then we'll start the journey of making sauce by pulling the lamp - and then "the next day..." will appear on the screen.

The next day was very imaginative.

“……” Luyuanyuan was frightened by himself.

But for that, she thought she had forgotten the terrible plot.

In fact, I didn't pay attention to these things.

Maybe it's the subtle influence in the dormitory, maybe it's the occasional joke they make. Whatever the reason, after college, she is I see.

She just knew, and was sure, that he wasn't just talking about "giving myself to you", but It's something else.

Luyuan opened her mouth.

I couldn't say anything. Another picture flashed through my mind.

When he was in the hotel a few months ago, he pressed on her, gritted his teeth and left three words: "you wait.".

In addition, just before entering the hotel, he said that "you" at that time was not the name of the restaurant, or "want to eat you". He changed the meaning to make her feel that he was abnormal.


Luyuanyuan felt that his face was warming up for a time. After thinking this way, his goose bumps would come out.

"Send Give yourself to me? " She swallowed her saliva, and her eyes fluttered to his face, pretending to be calm and dry: "you are not Has it been delivered? "

“……” Su Lin squinted.

The little girl has thin bangs. Her hair is black and straight from the beginning. When she wears it, she is used to tucking one side behind her ears, making her face smaller.

She does not make up, plain face, feel to her set a junior high school uniform, put in the school will not have the slightest violation.

In any case, it's still It's too small.

He straightened up a little bit, away from her, and immediately felt that she was relieved. Su Lin thought that she was so scared that she was funny - she certainly didn't know how good she was at lying.

"I'm in my junior year." He changed the subject very wisely.

Luyuanyuan was still stunned: "I..." She blinked and said, "I'm a sophomore now?"

“……” Su Lin was amused by her and touched her long smooth hair: "I didn't know you were a sophomore? I want to tell you something

"Oh Say it

"Junior, I should prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination."

Luyuanyuan is not so unexpected.

Once she asked him about his GPA as a freshman and sophomore. She was deeply shocked. At that time, she felt that it was abnormal for Su Lin not to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

As soon as she was about to speak, he added, "study abroad."


"My dad kept talking about it this holiday." Su Lin's face flashed with impatience, and he plucked his hair. Now he was annoyed when he thought about it. He vomited and said, "I don't really want to go. I didn't want to go, especially..."

He suddenly stopped and luyuanyuan said, "what is it?"

Su Lin suddenly looked up at her, with a little smile, eyes mixed with a lot of emotions, "especially, after being with you, I don't want to go at all."

“……” Luyuanyuan didn't expect that he would jump out of this sentence.

After receiving this message, her brain was a little blank for a moment, unable to respond to what to reply.

"I called you during the holiday, but I wanted to say it many times, but..." Su Lin doesn't seem to need her reply either. His hand doesn't know when it will cover her again. He is grinding the skin on the back of her hand bit by bit. His voice is slow and clear. "I think it's a big deal. I'll tell you when I see you."

"Baby," he tightened her hand, Lu Yuanyuan looked up and saw his extremely serious expression, "I know that foreign love is very difficult for many people to accept, if you think -"

"are you going for three years?" She broke in suddenly.

“…… Well Su Lin was stunned for a moment, realized what she said, and quickly replied, "no, just one year, many business postgraduates in American schools have set up one-year MBA programs, which I read."Lu Yuanyuan was relieved that she did not know about foreign graduate students and thought that it was a three-year system like the mainland.

She almost did not hesitate to nod to him, "then you go, senior, your grades are so good, it's really a pity not to read."

He doubted: "you Do you want me to go

She nodded after a pause.


Before Su Lin said anything, the little girl said, "do you have to test a lot when you go abroad? Let's not always go out to play in our junior year, and you should not play games. I will supervise you. "

Su Lin

No, this painting style is not very right.

In his imagination, it should not be a little girl friend who complains about coquetry: "Oh, you don't want to go, how can you give up others ~" and then he goes along with the trend: "I can't bear to go, baby, my husband is here to accompany you!" Then go home and fight against the evil forces.

It's not imaginary. It's a dream Su Lin had after a short sleep on the plane. The dialogue is slightly different, but the scenes are very real.

That's a big difference

The next time.

No matter how he tried, the little girl was tight lipped and did not hesitate to support him to go abroad.

He looks as usual.

Although a year is not a big deal, Lu Yuanyuan's character is unlikely to be the same as his dream, but he just wants to

Tut, I want to listen to her at least.

All hopes failed, she agreed so directly, and actively urged him to read.

Su Lin was not very comfortable.

He didn't speak much in the taxi that took her home. He wanted to attract someone's attention. He didn't expect that luyuanyuan didn't seem to be aware of it at all. He didn't speak much. He kept staring out of the window in a daze.

I don't know if it's him who's fighting with him, or if she's aware of it, but she just doesn't take the initiative to find him, and goes all the way to the downstairs of the unit. The atmosphere between them is very strange.

When she stood downstairs, she was about to say goodbye.

He closed his eyes and bit his back teeth. He thought he was more like a little girl than his girlfriend.

Su Lin opened his eyes and was just about to reach out and pull her to coax him -

the person in front of him suddenly turned over and jumped on him quickly and neatly.

Summer clothes thin, her slender arm around his waist, can feel out with strength is not small.

He was solidly frozen.

After holding for a long time, Su Lin cleared his throat, "baby, how can you --"

"what I said before is false." Her face was tightly buried in his chest, and the bridge of her nose almost touched him. Her voice seemed to be stuffy in cotton, "of course I don't want to..."

"I'm scared when you finish..."


He frowned, "what are you afraid of?"

"I don't know why..." She stopped for a while, and then came the voice with a little grievance: "suddenly very afraid, you don't like me."


Su Lin wanted to make trouble with her before.

She really said what he wanted to hear, and he was very depressed.

"I always think I'm not good. I'm boring. You don't know, I always think when you don't like me, what should I do..."

As she spoke, her voice grew more and more out of place.

Su Lin heard a trace of crying in the last sentence. Her heart suddenly shrank and she reached out to pick her up.

She refused.

Luyuanyuan kept this posture still and talked all the time, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to pour out all the words, "so I was very afraid just now. I even thought that we could not insist until you went abroad..."

"Just what?"


Su Lin pulled the little girl's long hair, looked at her like an ostrich and said this, angry and distressed.

He asked again, "just what?"


She didn't cry obviously, but her tears had soaked a small piece of cloth. At this time, there was a cool touch, as if that little water also penetrated into the skin and into the heart, stimulating the whole heart to acid and soft.

"I'll tell you for you," he said slowly, touching her hair. "I'm afraid I'll break up before I go abroad Right. "


After a long silence.

One of her arms suddenly loosened -

then she raised her hand and slapped it on his back with a loud sound.

It's like a child who is angry and doesn't speak. He is not satisfied with his words and is protesting silently.

This action made Su Lin almost laugh.

"Oh, hit me," he continued, "I said for you, what are you doing with me?"

She suddenly raised her head and glared at him with red eyes. The corners of her mouth turned down and her voice was pitiful. "I didn't say that!"Luyuanyuan doesn't know what happened to her.

She has been living in such a fragmented home for several years that her father will not look at her more than she can do. She likes and is afraid of such warm feelings. She wants to do everything she can to grasp him.

He just mentioned going abroad.

The uneasiness that she had never mentioned, which had been latent since the beginning of her love with him, and even the extreme uneasiness that she thought had disappeared, all of a sudden flooded up and almost drowned her.

"OK..." He sighed, "you didn't say that."

Su Lin felt that all his patience had been given to her.

In his life, he was defeated by her alone.

When luyuanyuan said that and wanted to bury it back, he stopped him on the way.

He held her chin with one hand and wiped her tears with the other. His movement was very light and slow, and his words spread to her ears.

"You can tell me how much I like you." His eyes and eyebrows were helpless. The whole outline was extremely gentle under the dim yellow street lamp. It was different from peacetime. He was very patient. "No, luyuanyuan."

His voice is low and gentle, and his tone is too gentle. He seems to be coaxing a very small child for fear of scaring her.

She forgot to cry and looked at him holding her breath.

"You have to have a little confidence in me," she said. After wiping her tears, Su Lin lifted her lips and scraped her nose. She said intimately, "hmm?"

"Well..." She flushed and sniffed, and the lacrimal glands began to move again.

Su Lin holds her face, bows her head and droops her eyes, and kisses her beautiful eyes.

It's salty.

"Don't cry," he said, rubbing the tip of his nose against her face. "Today is our garden fairy's 19th birthday. It's beautiful."

His eyes were swollen and painful, and he held him in his arms. Luyuanyuan couldn't speak and nodded all the time.

Insects sing in the summer night and the sky is full of stars.

She smelled the fresh woody aroma of his body and felt that it was a dream.

And she was willing to indulge forever.

"Baby," after a while, he turned his head to kiss her earlobe, wet and cool touch, "after every birthday, I will accompany you."

The schedule of luyuanyuan sophomore is a little looser than that of freshman. There are more professional courses but less public courses.

Because of the credit regulations of C University on elective courses, it is necessary to take four courses. However, because many seniors have little time to stay in school, almost all of them acquiesce to finish their senior courses in their junior year.

At the beginning of school, Su Lin was a junior, so both of them chose together.

Lu Yuanyuan's enthusiasm for computers has not been reduced at all, and she thinks that she will develop in this direction in the next ten years. So she decides to take three elective courses related to computers in the next three years.

The Faculty of University C is so strong that it's hard to imagine that the teacher of elective course may be a famous professor who scares people to death by saying his education background. From Yan Chuan, we can see that even if he takes two classes a week, he can learn a lot.

She was afraid that Su Lin didn't like it. She told him a long time in advance, but he didn't look surprised at that time.

They took computer application engineering and C # programming and its application in the last semester and the next semester respectively. Both of them are difficult or easy. It's hard to learn deeply. It's easy to just mix up a credit.

What luyuanyuan didn't expect was that when she reviewed at the end of the term, her boyfriend gave her directions.

It made her remember the French of her freshman year, and he could not speak it very well.

She grows so big, see the most magical person may be him, "senior, why do you know everything?"


Su Linxin said otherwise.

Where do I get my dark circles.

I'm not trying to put a B in front of my girlfriend. The elective course is the highest in all subjects, and it's close to the full score.

If he had chosen it himself, he would not have taken such a professional course.

After all, not only to pass, the report card must be beautiful, it must be a high score.

If you want to get a high score in this class, it's not the kind of garden aesthetics. You can get 80% of the score by listening to it in class, looking up some information and doing a few homework after class.

Su Lin took a look at her, and did not mention that he was burning the midnight oil. As soon as he threw his pen, he raised his eyebrow: "your boyfriend knows everything. Is this your first day to know?"


"If it's not for this professional restriction, it's that you can even fly a plane and take you to heaven."


Here we go again.

Lu Yuanyuan sighed, and used the most effective way to stop him from saying things -

when they were close, she turned her head forward and could kiss his side face, "yes, you are the best."

Su Lin's original expression froze on his face.

After a while, he felt his nose unnaturally and cleared his throat Cough What else can't? "The final exam is over and the sophomore is over.

Luyuanyuan's luggage had been put away. Before he went home, he finally spent some time with him at school.

They walked along the main road in front of the girls' dormitory building to the direction of the playground. It was not too hot at 4 or 5 p.m. and the sun was not poisonous. It was very comfortable to have a breeze occasionally.

Luyuanyuan looked up along the hand they were holding.

It's not strong, but it's tight.

The muscles under the short sleeves.

I haven't seen him apply sunscreen all year round, but it seems that he can't Tan his skin.

Clear clavicle and larynx.


All the way to his face.

From this angle, you can only see his side face.

The mandible angle is not prominent at all. The lines of the whole side face are very smooth, and the nasal bone is very straight, which makes the eye socket deeper than ordinary people.

Luyuanyuan suddenly remembered that the first time I saw him It's the side face.

It's a picture Lindsey showed her.

She felt that in the twinkling of an eye, Su Lin would soon be a senior. It was like going to the economics and management department to attend lectures and listen to other girls' gossip. The legendary sophomore happened yesterday.

She looked down at the concrete floor and couldn't help laughing. As a result, when she looked up at him again, she directly looked into his dark eyes and was caught.

I don't know if her eyes were detected before. Su Lin's eyes are very interesting.

But the words that ask exit is very serious however: "do you plan to take an examination of one's deceased father grind?"

Lu Yuan Yuan did not answer, he then listened to the analysis: "I think you can guarantee research, if cross professional more trouble, guarantee unsuccessful words, then test."


She Leng for a while, half a day forgot to give him a response, he tightened her hand: "what are you thinking?"

"Ah," Lu Yuanyuan came back to himself and said, "I thought about that before..."

She frowned involuntarily. This matter has been tangled for a long time, but because it's not too close, she hasn't made a decision. She didn't expect to be mentioned by him right now.

"I checked it before. It's very difficult for me to do interdisciplinary research, and I think I should have worked earlier. My grandparents are very old, and it takes three years to go to graduate school. I don't want to --"

with these words, I walked to the playground unconsciously. On their side, there are ping-pong tables arranged under a large shade of trees.

In the middle of luyuanyuan's talk, Su Lin suddenly took out a tissue from her pocket to wipe the red table tennis table. She stopped talking. When he finished, she suddenly reached out to her - and then lifted her up easily - and put it on the table tennis table.


So you want her to sit?

"Baby, wait a minute." He was tall, tall and slightly bent down, with his hands on the platform beside her legs.

It's like wrapping her around the front.

Luyuanyuan hasn't responded yet.

His voice sounded in his ears, because close up, it seems that even the surrounding air has a slight vibration, "you can do whatever you want, and take the postgraduate entrance examination if you want. When you graduated, I just came back, everything has me, and you can do whatever you want."


"Anyway, no matter what you do or what direction you choose for your postgraduate work, just remember one thing -" he pauses and says, "be happy."

"Choose the one you're happiest, leave everything else to me and I'll do it."

Luyuanyuan looked at him without blinking. The wind suddenly blew up. His hair was blown up and his hair was in disorder. Only his voice was the same steady: "even if you find that you don't like it and are not happy, we can change it."

"For what?" she said

He suddenly laughed: "you forget?"

“……” Forget what?

"No matter how hard it is, you can still come to me, come with your boyfriend -" he pressed over, breathing with the wind, and cage her together. Su Lin raised the corner of her lip, laughing wildly, with a little bad.

Luyuanyuan looked at his thin lips open and close, spit out four words: "sell sanitary napkins."


For the last second, she felt that her nose was a little sour.

She felt that she had heard wrong.

"And make a lot of money." He added.
