“…… Sell Selling sanitary napkins? "

"Well." No hesitation.


Before he said, whether you take the postgraduate entrance examination or work, the most important thing is to be happy.

And then there's the saying, "I'm in charge of everything. You can do whatever you want.".

Luyuanyuan was surprised at first.

Then came out a fine but long, growing, called moving emotions.

And then - this emotion was cut out by the three words of sanitary napkin.

It's completely destroyed.

"What are you talking about?" As she looked closer and closer, she reached out to push him away, but the other side didn't move.

"Didn't you tell me before that it's super easy to use. You used it when you were young," he said innocently, "eh?"


Well, you're the head!

Luyuanyuan almost jumped off the table tennis table to hit him.

Su Lin was also addicted, and he put his nose on his face: "when the time comes, I'll arrange a seat for you as the design director of sanitary napkins, and let Miss Lu Yuanyuan be responsible for all the packaging appearances --"

the director of Lu Yuanyuan was angry, ashamed and annoyed, and directly reached out to call him on his face, blocking his lips still open and close: "shut up! Shut up

The world is quiet.

She covered his mouth, the palm of the two touch is very soft, very tender.

His eyes were wide open. Maybe he didn't stay up late recently. Black is black and white, and there is no red blood. His eyes are very good. He just looked at her like that.

It's like accusing her of her actions.

…… It seems innocent.

His usual image is that he doesn't wake up, half squints coldly, half squints idly.

When facing her, he won't have those emotions, but because of his height, if he wants to look at her from top to bottom, his upper eyelids will have to fall down, so he's still half closed. It always seems that his eyes are very long.

So every time he looks at her head up and uses this kind of clean look.

Luyuanyuan is not very strong.

After watching it for a long time, she decided to bow down and admit defeat.

She released her hand and pursed her lips to kiss the beauty instead of her hand.

And the beauty is very happy.

The gust of wind that just got up didn't mean to weaken. The wind direction changed a little. It came face to face and puffed up the T-shirt of the person facing her. Lu Yuanyuan looked at the puffed up belly in front of him and felt funny, so he poked his clothes with a finger.

Poke the air out of his clothes to the end - it's the muscles in his abdomen.

Luyuanyuan felt the touch for a while, put the whole hand on it and tried it. He was a little surprised: "Wow, it's so hard..." She looked up and said, "senior, I've always been curious, where do you get the time to keep fit?"

Mingming is tired of being with her almost every day.

Su Lin can tell that this is a disguised boast of his good figure.

He was happy in his heart, but he didn't show it. His answer was ambiguous: "at a time you don't know."

The little girl sniffed back his small white eyes, and her arms were about to shrink back -

he was so quick that he pulled back her soft white hand, pressed her back to her abdomen, and approached her with a smile, deliberately lowering her voice


Lu Yuanyuan looked at the bad energy on his face, but he still kept hot.

His strength is much stronger than her. Although it doesn't hurt to hold her hand, she can't escape his control. It's like her hand is glued on.

And he doesn't stop.

Su Lin put one hand on her and put the other hand around her back to put a little force on her. She took her whole person to her arms and said, "honey, where is this hard?"

“……” Deer garden breathes.

His lips were close to her ears. The smell of the spray was hot and ambiguous. His voice was dumb and sexy. "The hardest part You haven't seen it yet. "


He, he, he!

It's still on the playground!!

This person will speak directly!!!

The breath that she choked just now was so stimulated by him that she choked in her throat and coughed for a while. When she coughed, the culprit came to pat him on the back and chuckled beside her.

Luyuanyuan didn't know whether to be embarrassed or shy or angry.

She didn't know what kind of attitude she should use to fight or scold him. He turned the topic on his own.

"Next two years..." After patting her on the back, he didn't stand up straight. He leaned against her ear and put his head on her shoulder. "He should be very busy."

Luyuan was stunned.

"So maybe we can't be like these two years..." With that, he seemed to be very agitated and scolded in a low voice, "fuck, I really don't want to separate."“……” She understood what he was going to say.

Luyuanyuan raised his hand and hugged him from his back. "It doesn't matter."


Su Lin didn't answer.

How doesn't matter, senior he wants to return to B city internship for at least half a year, come back to accompany her half a year to go abroad, get together less from more for lovers, how can it not matter.

"If I'm not with you for such a long time, there must be a lot of men coming to you, just like who is in your computer society, Xu Yi," he said, gritting his teeth, and a little incredulous: "I can't even remember his name now..."

After hearing this, luyuanyuan finally couldn't hold on and trembled with a silent smile.

Before he finished, he went on to say, "there are so many men in your club, and my big baby is so cute. I'm sure many people will miss it."


"Oh," Su Lin suddenly thought, "Damn, not only are you in the same class, but also the freshmen and sophomores..."


He sighed, "Oh, my God, I really don't want to leave."


It's like he didn't come from a freshman or a sophomore.

"It doesn't matter, senior," she said again. They hugged each other. Her voice was clear to the ear, "I..." Said a word, but suddenly stopped like a card.

"Well?" He was a little strange What can I do for you? "

He heard the little girl exhale.

A little material behind him was grasped by her hand, and her sharp chin was placed on his shoulder, a little biting.

"Don't be afraid of these --" her voice is light and soft, with the meaning of coquetry when it stretches out, sweet, like cotton candy.

What he said was sweeter than marshmallow, which penetrated into his heart directly.

"I'll always like you anyway."

The author has something to say: Lin Ge All right, eight, huh.