After his sophomore year, Su Lin spent several vacations in the company, not to mention his senior year. Not long after the beginning of school, he went back to B city to start his real internship.

And luyuanyuan didn't expect that her junior would be so busy.

At last, she went home and told her grandparents what she thought. The two old people agreed with her to go to graduate school.

But if she wants to step into the computer, she needs to teach herself a lot.

Although interdisciplinary research is difficult, we have to give it a try. We also have to apply for summer camp. We have to teach ourselves computer reference books. There are more junior professional courses than freshmen and sophomores, and they are in the Department of mathematics

She remembers that when she was a sophomore and Su Lin was a junior, she had a lot to learn. The GMAT and EST books he wanted to test were also very thick, and she had to do a lot of questions, all in English. Her English was not bad, and she felt numb when she saw those things.

TOEFL is valid for two years. He took the exam not long after the beginning of his senior year. When the score came out, she asked, nearly 110.

Every time Lu Yuanyuan had a headache reading a book, he couldn't help thinking of this man and admiring him again.

She didn't worry too much about her study all the time. When she was a junior, she wanted to split every day into two days.

A few people in the dormitory, Lin Xi and Wang Yihan, also plan to go to graduate school, and they don't want to be in our school. They both plan to go to B city.

Wang Yihan doesn't plan to change his major. Lin Xi wants to change her major to economics, so she has to read books whenever she has time. She goes to the library with Lu Yuanyuan every day.

What surprised luyuanyuan most was that when several people were discussing their future plans, Kuge was wearing shorter and shorter hair over the past few years. Just like the first impression, he was full of uninhibited and said coldly that she was going to be a teacher after graduation.

Cool guy, she's never disappointed.

In addition, as a tutor, luyuanyuan is still the busiest cub in the dormitory.

After listening to the girl's concerns for two years in luyuanyuan, Shu Tian and her handsome brother Jiang Yi finally got the right result in senior three. I don't know how she convinced her mother, but in a word, the workload and workflow of luyuanyuan are still those, but the make-up students directly changed from one to two.

Normally, as a tutor sister, she should not allow this kind of thing to happen.

But they didn't affect their academic performance at all. Instead, they rose steadily. Moreover, mother Shu seemed to be familiar with Jiang Yi, so luyuanyuan simply opened up new skills.

For example, when she finished the tutorial, she asked them if they understood. They both nodded obediently. Then she went to the toilet during the break. When she came back from the crack of the door, she saw that their heads were close together.

The more beautiful the voice of the young man was, "this is not the way. Please tell me again."

His handsome face, which had been praised many times by Shu Tian, was just as sincere as when he nodded his head and said he understood.


…… At this time, luyuanyuan is blind for the time being.

Sometimes it's hard to think about it at leisure. This half year's long-distance relationship should be the worst in history. Most of the time, they are so busy that they can't even find a free time video, so they can only make a wechat call before going to bed.

One day when she was on the phone, she was so tired that she fell asleep. The next day, she found that she was still on the phone.

She was startled.

Then he thought, maybe he forgot to hang up.

He put down his heart slightly and gave a tentative feed.

Did not expect - there immediately gave a response, "well, morning."

It's dumb.

And before she heard are different, is the kind of a very tired, very tired dumb.

He should, No. It must have been all night.

Luyuanyuan's brain, which was not so clear, suddenly became energetic.

The heart's a little bit fast, and it's a little bit painful.

She can't see or touch people. She doesn't even know what to say. She feels that nothing is right and can't express what she wants to express.

She suddenly wanted to video him to see what he was like.

Words to the mouth, and quietly swallow back.

She is afraid that after watching Let's forget it.

Lu Yuanyuan got up and knelt down on the bed, took a deep breath, tried to make his voice sound normal, and asked in a low voice: "you How can you stay up all night... "

"It's a very important end of quarter report. An employee of the Department made a mistake in the initial data, and the inspector didn't check it properly," he said after clearing his voice. Today's meeting will be held in the daytime to make a report, so the whole team will change it all night. "


"Ah, then you," she bit her lip, "remember to go to sleep after the meeting."

He listened, do not know why chuckled, "well, sleep."

He may have been busy, and they didn't get in touch before the evening.

But it kept her in a bit of a trance all day.For the first time, she really felt the helplessness of distance. At such a moment, she wanted to hold him and accompany him to complain about the helplessness of the person who did wrong and implicated everyone.

That night happened to be a dinner party for the computer society.

She has been there for more than a year. When she can't read by herself, she will go to the computer room of the club to ask. She is familiar with the members who often appear. The atmosphere of the dinner party was very good, and everyone was very open. At the beginning, everyone drank, but she kept in mind that she could not drink.

Later, it may be that the mood of the day is pressing, and Su Lin's wechat just came over during the meal.

It's more than seven o'clock in the evening. He said he was busy. Good night to her.

Then he is

Luyuanyuan didn't even want to count how many hours he didn't sleep.

After sitting for a while, she couldn't help it. She said to the student sister who lived on the first floor, please take her back to the dormitory, and began to drink.

When I woke up the next day, I slept in the bed of cool guy.

…… She's completely broken, but she's in a better mood.

My eyes hurt.

I must have cried.


She carefully asked Kuge if she had done anything bad. Kuge's short hair was sleeping a little disorderly, with no expression. "Nothing else, just touching my hair, crying and holding my name Sulin."


The cool brother scratched his hair again and said, "never let go."


At the beginning of school in March, Su Lin came back to school and began to be busy with his thesis.

He has finished all the tests in winter and has applied to the school. Now he just needs to wait for the notice. So although it's busy, it's much better than before.

In early April, he received an offer.

Lu Yuanyuan thought they were going to have a good meal to celebrate such a big event. Unexpectedly, he said calmly: "just the materials I handed in, my grades, and the recommendation letters my father and two professors wrote to me. If they don't record me -" he pauses, squints, and is in a very bad mood. "- believe me, it should be that they can't read it "I've got a lot of students."

“……” Although it's not worth beating, and it's exaggerated, I think about it She couldn't argue.

In May, luyuanyuan sorted out the materials and signed up for the Baoyan summer camp.

In June, the little girl she had taught for three years finished the college entrance examination and graduated from high school.

Also in June, she talked about her boyfriend for three years and graduated from college.

Su Lin, a person, is very insipid on many days that she thinks are very important to him.

On the day of his graduation ceremony, she was full of classes. When she saw him, he had taken off his bachelor's uniform and was still very handsome and conspicuous

But luyuanyuan was still very sorry, "I see many seniors and sisters on the way are wearing bachelor's clothes..."

"I haven't seen you wear it yet," the little girl's eyebrows broke down, and her eyes complained a little, "how did you take it off, senior..."

Su Lin Leng for a moment, and then smile, "what's good in that dress?" he reached out and touched her hair, "just look at people."

He took the little girl to her dormitory.

Luyuanyuan still felt sorry about it. "I think today is your big day. I specially wore a shirt and wanted to take a picture with you."


Smell speech, Su Lin eyebrow a pick, line of sight sweep past.

The little girl's white shirt was tied with a bow on the collar with a thin black ribbon. The length of the black pleated skirt was above the knee, with a thin waist and legs.

Up again.

Maybe it's the reason why the shirt is more slim. It's obvious that she should have some places that are not small, but the arc is not exaggerated, just good-looking.

His big eyes flickered, which made his heart itch.

He suddenly stopped.

Luyuanyuan looked back in doubt, "what are you doing?"

"Look at you." He replied quickly, "look how my girlfriend looks so good."

“……” She looks serious to him, blushes a little, and her soft voice has no deterrent power Don't change the subject. Do you think I'll forget when you say that? "

Change the subject?

Oh, I remember.

His big day.

Don't want to bask in her in the sun, Su Lin pulled her under the shade of a tree, "you seem to think I'm a big day."

The day when his internship ended was the day when his graduation thesis was selected, the day when he received the offer, the day when his defense ended, and then today.

It seems that we have to think of a way to celebrate these days.

The little girl recognized the helpless meaning in his words, and she was a little unconvinced, "but those are what they are."

He looked at her pouted lips for a while and couldn't help rubbing them. "But I don't think those are."“…… "Ah?"

"For me, the big day should be," he thought seriously for a while, "first of all Your birthday. "


Looking at her stupefied appearance, he continued to count: "then And your anniversary. "

“……” The red halo slowly covered her whole face, and Su Lin continued to work hard. The last sentence was that she leaned over her ear and whispered, "finally It's the first time, the day I ate the fairy. "

After that, he slowly straightened up and looked at the results with satisfaction -

the fairy's eyes were moist and staring at him.

My face is going red.

After thinking about it, Su Lin felt that she had been in love with her little girl friend for three years and had not yet fulfilled what a college boyfriend should do -


In TV series and novels, it's not always like meeting parents. We have to invite a guest to meet with the people in the women's dormitory.

He just took advantage of graduation day to do it together.

Maybe it's because two of her roommates are very good at adjusting the atmosphere. In fact, he has been the president of Linxi for two years, and his acquaintances must forget it. When Wang Yihan dated Qin Fang, he had a very harmonious meal.

Linxi took luyuanyuan to drink. They must be drunk and unconscious. At last, luyuanyuan blushed and fell asleep on the table. Linxi still held the cup and yelled: "to tell you the truth! New year's greetings to both of you! I wish you a happy birthday, too! To make a wish, too! How - belch - how now, still single? "


Lin Xi's eyes were all blurred, and she was still trying to look at him: "Su Shuai, you can't do it!"

Su Lin

At the end of a dinner party, just one person and he said hello to him at the beginning.

A girl with the same hairstyle and temperament as a boy is taller than Qin Fang's girlfriend, estimated to be 1.75 meters.

He is not very good at taking the initiative to talk. At that time, the table was full of two drunk people. Wang Yihan went out to call his boyfriend, leaving him and the girl staring at each other.

He felt that if he had invited all the guests, he couldn't make a good impression.

Su Lin was thinking of saying something to her, but she opened her mouth first.

"You know last semester, one day luyuanyuan cried," her voice was cold, maybe not mixed with any other emotions, but it was strange to hear that she would have a cool feeling, "she got drunk at a club dinner, and ran to my bed in the middle of the night to wake me up, crying to call me Sulin, to call me a senior."

“……” He was startled for a while, and then asked, "and then?"

"Then," the girl, with thin eyelids and white skin, picked up her lips and laughed, which was cooler than many boys, "she cried and said," let's stop crying I don't know why

Su Lin

He said, "Oh."

"She has mentioned a few words, saying that what is other people's fault, why should you stay up all night..." She frowned. "It's been a little long. I remember that. I don't know, but you should know what it is."

"She cried miserably. She was really worried about you..." She looked back, "I saw her cry for the first time in three years I heard her say that you are going abroad. I told you nothing else, just... "

Maybe she wasn't used to saying these words. She stopped for a long time before she began to speak again with a bit of awkwardness on her face Stay with her. "

Su Lin was silent for a moment.

Then he laughed, didn't say too much, just answered "well", and then raised his glass to her.

Drink it up.

"Are you her upper bunk?" he asked casually

"No The girl shook her head. The black stud on her earlobe flashed by. "She's inclined to the upper bunk."


As if to see his doubts, she smiles, pointing to her head, "can recognize me as you, maybe because my hair is short."


The summer vacation of the junior year came later than usual. Luyuanyuan spent more than half a month preparing for all kinds of tests in the summer camp. It took about half a month to really participate in Baoyan summer camp. It's the end of August, and it's almost September.

Su Lin plans to fly to the United States from s city. His ticket is set two days before the start of his school, in early September, a week earlier than the start of s University.

He spent a holiday in B city. Before he left, he came to s city to get tired of her for a week.

Luyuanyuan originally thought that a week was not short, but after the week when he wanted to slow down every minute of the daily appointment, he looked at the "baby, don't come to see me off tomorrow" he sent on wechat.

She suddenly felt empty and miserable.

Still here

He's leaving.

She sucked her nose and returned slowly. 】

she knew what he was worried about.

But It's impossible not to.After thinking about it, I sent another sentence: "don't worry, I won't cry. 】


The airport the next day.

Su Lin took out a tissue, frowned and pulled out another one, half regretted and half distressed, "who promised me yesterday that he would not cry?"

As soon as the little girl choked, she wanted to take the paper towel. She was dodged by him and asked him to wipe his tears and nose with his strength I can't help it

After wiping, she pushed him. Her nasal voice was too heavy. She looked at him in a reasonable way with red eyes: "you have to go. I don't want to cry. You should cry."


This is the same as tongue twister.

But Su Lin understood it at once.

"Well, I understand." He felt as if he had been pinched and softened by something. He reached out and held the person in his arms. "Thank my girlfriend for her tears, so I don't have to cry."

The man in his arms rubbed against his chest and said nothing.

In fact, they have been bored for more than half an hour. I don't know how many times they have been kissing. International flights have to be checked in advance. Su Lin coaxes her for a while, and the little girl gradually calms down.

Luyuanyuan followed him to the security gate, waved to him, "you go," she sniffed, "I'll go back later, you don't worry."

He didn't move.

He stood and looked at her for a long time, then suddenly sighed and hugged her. The familiar breath that belonged to him surrounded her for a moment.

Luyuanyuan also held his waist and heard his voice coming from his head, "baby, you are 20 years old."

"Well." She nodded.

On his twentieth birthday, he flew over from B city to live with her.

He added, "but I'm still young."

Lu Yuanyuan didn't respond. He looked up at him "Ah?"

"Tut," he said with a faint smile, as if talking about the weather, "I'm only twenty-two in November. I've checked. A man wants to get married at the age of twenty-two. I'm not at the legal age for marriage."

“……” The heart suddenly began to beat violently and irregularly.

It's like catering to what he's going to say next.

"So --" he lowered his eyes, as he had seen her countless times, there were many tiny light spots in his dark eyes, and his eyelashes dropped down, making the whole person soft.

When he opened his mouth, his thin lips pulled out a radian. His words were very light, his voice was low, but his words were clear.

It's a question.

But he didn't take any questioning tone.

"Baby," Su Lin's hand moved to her face, fingertips and voice, there is endless love, "when I come back, marry you."