Now that the decision has been made, Qin Mu Yi's mother is ready to pack some materials for her daughter.

However, while the mother and daughter were discussing what luggage to bring, Qin's father came in.

He just called his eldest son and the boss said that he didn't feel any bad recently, that is to say, there should be no danger in Duoduo's journey.

The boss of his family has the special ability to predict the future and can avoid risks in advance. Since he doesn't have any bad feelings, their husband and wife can be more assured.

Just now, looking at the heated discussion between mother and daughter, he couldn't help asking his doubts.

"Duoduo, what era is the world you want to cross?"

Qin Yiling stared: "...."

Can she say, she doesn't know?

Qin's father then asked, "can the space-time tunnel let you cross with your luggage and materials?"

Qin's mother choked: "...."

too bad! The system is bound to her. Every time they cross the time-space tunnel, their family doesn't need to carry extra luggage at all, because her system has its own storage space.

But if her daughter is separated from herself, can she carry luggage?

They have never experienced such a situation, so they don't know if it's OK.

Qin's father's words were like a basin of cold water, which immediately poured cold water on the mother and daughter. They ignored these problems.

In the face of his mother's slightly confused and questioning eyes, Qin Yiling innocently shook his head.

"I don't know. There's no hint in the dream. I can't see anything at all, but I'm sure that the man I dreamed of has short hair. I don't see anything else."

She has no memory of that experience when she was a child. How can she know which era the world is?

Besides, in the dream of the past few days, the man was soaked in blood and water, and there was a gloomy forest around him. She couldn't get any useful information at all.

Qin Fu pondered, "since it's short hair, it must be a new era, but I don't know which era it is."

Qin Fu was relieved to learn that it was not an old-fashioned ancient era. Although he himself was born in a poor feudal era, at least the era has been reformed and is no longer a complete feudal ancient era.

These two feudal levels are very different.

In ancient feudal times, there were no human rights. Even if his daughter had special abilities, he would be reluctant to go to such a world where personal freedom and thought were restricted.

If it is a new era of reform, even if it is as poor and backward as their world, he can rest assured.

His daughter grew up to be an unrestrained nature. As long as there is no imprisonment of human rights and identity class, with the ability of his daughter, she can get up in such a world.

Qin's mother thought slightly about the cableway, "then prepare according to the standard of the hardest and worst 1940s. There can't be more bitter days than the 1940s. She'd rather keep a low profile and be safe than cause trouble."

"Well, I see."

Qin Yiling nodded approvingly. Now she still doesn't know what kind of background environment the world is. If the things she brought are too conspicuous, it's easy to attract the suspicion of dishonest people.