If the world is rich and strong, it will not be bad for her to prepare according to the most backward standards, because she can turn around the difficulties and change the surrounding conditions by her own ability.

But if the development of that world can't compare with their world, if she dresses prominently, it's not a typical alien.

Immediately, Qin Yiling returned to her room and began to tidy up her luggage. She didn't know whether her luggage could cross the time-space tunnel with her, so she had to be as concise as possible.

She chose one suit each year. She didn't want to be dragged down by her luggage. If she had her mother's storage space, she must have packed everything away.

Unfortunately, she didn't.

Then, she found a sharp saber as a self-defense weapon. It's enough for her to have such a weapon. It mainly depends on her fighting skills and Kung Fu.

In addition to clothes and self-defense weapons, there are also money and emergency medical items.

Coins in this world are not feasible, but gold, silver and jewelry must be universal. She wears two gold bracelets on her left and right wrists and an emerald necklace around her neck.

This was not enough. She grabbed another handful of deep-sea pearls and put them into her pocket.

These are the guarantee of her life after passing through time and space. Naturally, the more the better. What their family needs most is gold, silver and jewelry.

Then she packed another emergency medicine bag with her own pills. Although she had just turned 18, she had graduated from college.

The major she studied in the University was pharmacy. At the same time, with the blessing of her mother's system, she went through postmodernism, hired a teacher at a high price, and learned the professional knowledge related to pharmacy in the two months of summer vacation.

Originally, she was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue her further study to learn the knowledge of pharmacy, but unexpectedly, her life trajectory suddenly changed.

However, she has always been an optimist. When things happen, she always goes head-on and has a stronger temperament. She is by no means the kind of person who easily withdraws or compromises.

Since fate has given her such an arrangement, she also looks forward to what kind of surprise the future will bring to her, and she is very curious about the man in her dream!

She wanted to know what kind of man she was destined to be, and whether it was worth trusting herself sincerely?

The reason why she can believe so quickly and accept her marriage so calmly is all due to the love story of her parents.

She is just experiencing her mother's experience now. I hope the man won't let herself down.

An hour later, Qin Yiling came to the living room with a bamboo suitcase.

Seeing four leather suitcases on the ground, the corners of her mouth twitched. Did her parents think she was going to escape?

This is to let her pack all her belongings away!

"Mom and Dad, are you sure I can carry so much luggage alone?"

“....” Qin's father and mother smiled.

As parents, they are naturally reluctant to bear hardships for their daughter. Therefore, when they see useful items, they directly put them into the suitcase and unknowingly filled four suitcases.

It can't be blamed on them. The suitcase is too forbidden. There are many items they think useful that haven't been put in yet.