Chapter 247

On the third day, December 18, Anju town became restless again.

Knowing that the Xiao family wanted to run away with their family and was no longer responsible for managing those who were poisoned by tobacco, all those who had smoked heavily panicked and immediately rushed to the Xiao family to stop people.

Before, the Xiao family promised to be responsible to the end. They also said that when the second batch of goods arrived, they would give priority to everyone to ensure that everyone's lives were in danger.

Therefore, we temporarily let go of the Xiao family and returned home to wait for the news.

Unexpectedly, we waited for the Xiao family to escape. How can we accept it?

If the Shaw family runs away, who will be responsible for their smoke problem? Who can guarantee their lives?

So they went crazy!

No matter 37 or 21, they made concerted efforts and directly smashed down the gate, and then rushed in in a swarm.

For a moment, the whole Xiao family was in a mess and fled everywhere. Even if the Xiao family had some guards, there were too many people rushing in. The servants and guards in the hospital couldn't resist it.

The crowd poured into the yard like the sea. The whole yard was full of people. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least hundreds of people.

The battle was astonishing.

Some people chased the Xiao family and beat them up, while others went straight to the valuable things of the Xiao family. In short, the scene was out of control and completely chaotic.

Finally, the crowd scraped away all the things worth some money from the Xiao family, and the local ruffians mixed in the crowd did even better!

Even the wardrobe and boxes in the house were not spared. They even dug three feet to find gold, silver and jewelry that might be buried.

Until no good things were found, a large group of people left.

It was like being robbed by bandits, but in half an hour, the whole house was beyond recognition and in a mess.

The Xiao family is no better, and I don't know who did it. Xiao Dafu and his son are seriously injured and can't move their hands and feet.

Other women's dependents also have various kinds of skin injuries, but no man has laid hands on women. The reason why they are injured is also because they saw someone rob their things in order to protect their property.

Chen Xinger was even more suffocating and tried his best to make Fu Xiao lower, so he thought he could finally live a rich wife's life.

As a result, it was only a few days that the Xiao family fell into such a field. She also served a piece of wool. She immediately packed up her hidden things and ran away all night.

Although the nature of such a thing is somewhat bad, the mayor and the local squires have nothing to do about it.

There were so many people at that time, who could identify who was who?

To put it bluntly, this is also a personal grudge. The Xiao family first did something to provoke public anger. Such a riot is just to get justice.

The Xiao family was really miserable. They were robbed by everyone. It's not much different from being robbed by bandits.

But the loss is only some family wealth, and many people have to lose their lives because of the smoke they sold.

But who's to blame?

The troublemakers cover up each other. Who will testify?

At this time, we are eager to fall into a well. How can we foolishly point out the accomplices.

Therefore, even if the Xiao family asked the mayor to verify this matter, there was no human and material evidence. Besides, how to arrest hundreds of people?

So the matter was so settled that the Xiao family could do nothing but take off their teeth and swallow blood.

The backbone of the family suffered a great physical crime. In order to live and recover from illness, Mrs. Xiao had to sell the big house and find a small yard for the time being.

Except for some clothes, almost all the luggage packed to take away were taken away. Now they can't go to the county to seek refuge with their distant relatives.

One is that they don't have much money, and they don't have a foothold in the county. Secondly, Xiao Dafu and Xiao Wanjin need to recover from their injuries. They shouldn't work hard, otherwise they will do harm to their health.

Therefore, their family can only temporarily eliminate the plan of the county and continue to live in a secure place.

Xiao Dafu's injury was more serious than Xiao Wanjin's. coupled with the spiritual blow, his body and mind were split, and the whole person was dead.

As for the Zhao family? That would be worse and more innocent!

Of course, this "tragic mistake" was entirely self inflicted.

The Zhao family also received the news when they were in trouble with the Xiao family. In their hearts, the Xiao family is the only one who can help them turn over. Only by keeping the Xiao family can they have a way to enter the county.

Now those people are threatening to go to the Xiao family to settle accounts. How can this work?

So Zhao Shoufu and his son rushed over and wanted to help the Xiao family appease and stop the gang.

However, they underestimated the number of people making trouble. When they rushed into the Xiao family yard, it was a dark group of people.

I don't know who shouted in the crowd: This is also the boss of the tobacco shop. He is not a good man with the Xiao family or his in laws. He is making black money without conscience!!

So Zhao Shoufu and his son watched a group of people besiege them in an instant. They caught them and beat them. They didn't even have a chance to defend.

Zhao Yuanlin was afraid of being beaten and kept hiding behind his father. When he was pushed to the ground by the crowd, he also kept going down to him and completely took his own father as a shield.

Zhao Shoufu was completely shocked by the scene and didn't react in time. When he wanted to speak up, everyone had red eyes.

Finally, Zhao Shoufu was trampled off five ribs, his internal organs were also affected, and the whole person fainted in pain.

Compared with his father, Zhao Yuanlin's injury was obviously lighter, but he was beaten so that he couldn't get out of bed for the time being. He was crying in pain every day.

For a moment, the days of the Xiao and Zhao families were full of sorrow, wind and rain.

On December 26, Zhao Lixiang got married in a hurry.

It is said that it was sold to a foreign merchant in Anju town as his aunt's wife. The Zhao family got a rich bride price.

On December 29, Xiao Baozhu stole Zhao Lixiang's selling money and eloped with the money from a former steward of the Xiao family.

The state of Zhongxia, the fourth and seventh year of the new calendar, January 1 and new year's day.

Yan Yaozong was unable to bear the physical pain due to his smoking addiction. For a moment, he lost control of his mind, hit the wall and died quietly in a remote room of the inn.

Yan Yaozong was insane in the middle of the morning. He was really unbearable. He just wanted to get rid of the pain in his body, so he hit his head against the wall.

Because it was the second half of the night, when everyone was asleep. Secondly, Yan Yaozong's room was remote. Although everyone vaguely heard a sound, when someone hit something, they fell asleep again.

Yan Yaozong fell to the ground. Due to excessive blood loss and untimely rescue, he exhausted his life bit by bit.

Hearing the news, Yan Ze was slightly stiff, and then his face was calm.

Qin Yiling reached out and took his hand. She knew he didn't need comfort, but she still wanted to tell him in her own way.

He still has himself, and she will always be with him.

Yan Ze's mouth lightly raised, "I'm fine."

Isn't such a result expected by him long ago? So, what's more surprising?

Zhao Meie they couldn't find Yan Yaozong's people, but he knew it, but he just watched silently and did nothing, leaving him to live and die.

However, when he really waited for this moment, Yan Ze couldn't tell what kind of mood he was.

It seems that there is no joy, but there is no sadness, but the mood is strangely calm.

Perhaps I feel that I can finally put an end to things and feel relieved after the completion of major tasks.

The news of Yan Yaozong's death only set off a small wave in Mingshan village.

As if there were no accidents about his fate, perhaps after the villagers knew that smoke could kill people, they had expected the result of Yan Yaozong in their hearts.

Therefore, after a burst of sigh and emotion, the villagers stopped talking about anything. After all, the deceased is dead, and no matter how much is gone with him.

Yan Ze took care of Yan Yaozong's affairs. It should be regarded as the fate of their father and son all their life. It can be regarded as his last filial piety as Yan Yaozong's son.

Yan Ze did a lot of things after the event. He did everything himself. He did everything himself. There was no lack of decent work. It was the wind, scenery and face that let Yan Yaozong go.

Yan Ze's behavior makes everyone in Mingshan village can't pick a mistake. Everyone knows the alienated relationship between their father and son, and Yan Ze's ability to do so now is the best of kindness and righteousness.

Zhao mei'e's mother and daughter, from Yan Yaozong's accident to his burial, never showed up once, and even the three incense sticks at Yan Yaozong's funeral.

It's cold-blooded!

After all, Yan Yaozong loved them for more than ten or twenty years before he died, which is much better than Yan Ze. Now, when the hatchback is compared, their mother and daughter are simply white eyed wolves.

On January 10, three days after Yan Yaozong was buried, the news suddenly broke out that Zhao mei'e died of a sudden illness.

Some people say that the sisters of Yan Xixi couldn't stand the burden of Zhao Meie and starved her to death.

It was also said that Zhao Meie had a deep love for Yan Yaozong in order to follow Yan Yaozong.

It was also said that Zhao mei'e could not stand the ghost of being immortal and killed herself.

Others say

In short, for a while, people had different opinions and guesses about Zhao Meie's sudden death.

But I'm afraid only the Yan Xixi sisters who live in a room with Zhao Meie know the specific facts.

After Zhao Meie's affairs, Yan Xixi sisters directly went to Yan Zhongqing, the patriarch, to cook, because they had no money and were two girls. They knew nothing about it.

Of course, even if they have money, it is estimated that they are reluctant to take it out.

The coolness of human nature may be inherited in blood.