Chapter 248

Yan Zhongqing, as the patriarch and old village head, even if he no longer liked Zhao Meie, he still took his son and daughter-in-law to help the sisters take care of their affairs.

But the sisters were reluctant to give up their money. They were crying for poverty and had no surplus money. Naturally, it would not be as decent as Yan Yaozong's funeral.

Finally, Yan Zongqing paid a silver coin from Gongzhong's account and simply handled Zhao Meie's affairs.

As for the location of Zhao Meie's grave? At Yan Ze's request, he was buried with Yan Yaozong.

Since they were a "loving" couple, they should stay close together after death. After going to the underworld, they can also be partners with each other, so don't disturb and harm others.

After hearing this, Qin Yiling had only one feeling: he was really a ghost!

It's estimated that they didn't expect to be buried in a grave with each other after their death. Her brother Ze is really a cow. It's really hard for the pair of slag to get entangled after their death.

It is said that after the big smoke incident broke out, Zhao Meie and Yan Yaozong had torn their faces. Yan Yaozong both slept in the same room with Yan Yuan.

Many people don't understand and are surprised at Yan Ze's decision. After all, in everyone's mind, Liu Xiaowan is Yan Yaozong's real wife. The couple should be buried together after their death.

But Yan Ze buried his mother alone. Instead, he buried Zhao Meie's woman with Yan Yaozong. Isn't this making a face for Zhao Meie?

In this regard, Qin Yiling also inquired curiously.

Yan Ze's eyes couldn't help but become far-reaching. Youyou said, "my mother hasn't enjoyed the consideration and love that a husband should have in her life. How does she care about a man she doesn't love? I'd better not let him disturb my mother."

"Yes." Qin Yiling thought she understood.

In the age when parents could decide marriage, there was no communication process of free love. The reason why some couples could have good feelings was also cultivated after marriage.

However, the cultivation of feelings can not be promoted unilaterally by one person, but by two people with their hearts.

Obviously, Yan Yaozong was very rebellious at that time and resisted the wife arranged by the old man for him. His subjective consciousness was the main. Naturally, he had no feelings for Liu Xiaowan after marriage.

The two people didn't get along well and communicate, and Yan Yaozong later made those confused things. How can Liu Xiaowan still like it?

Either Yan Yaozong is so charming that a woman can't resist it, or Liu Xiaowan has a brain problem and will like a man who ignores himself and has no heart at all.

But obviously neither of these situations exists.

Therefore, for what Yan Ze said, his mother doesn't love Yan Yaozong at all, which is easy to understand.

Yan Yaozong is really sad. I'm afraid no one has really loved him in his life, but he made it himself.


On January 15 of the new year, just three days after Zhao Meie's memorial day, the Yan Family's old house broke out a shrill cry in the early morning!

When the nearby villagers arrived, Yan Xiangxiang sat on the floor of the main room with a dull face, and there were several broken lenses on the ground.

The gate of the old courtyard is directly open. Therefore, when you arrive at the gate of the courtyard, you can directly see the situation in the house.

So when everyone saw Yan Xiangxiang's face, their eyes were stunned.

What happened?

A good white and tender face, how can it suddenly become a red pimple on the face? It looks not only disgusting, but also frightening.

This face full of red pimples reminds people of toads in the field. In short, you can't look directly at them.

They all came in a hurry because they thought something big had happened because of the scream. But now they saw that the situation did not involve the interests and human lives of the village, so they left directly and silently.

On the other hand, Qin Yiling of Yan Family's big house, even if she didn't join the fun, there was full coverage monitoring by the animal monitoring team, and the movements of the whole village were under her control.

Hearing the little monkey's report, Qin Yiling recalled a cold smile, "it seems that after this, Yan Xixi has completely blackened. Their family is really interesting. They pit each other's family."

Zhao Meie and Yan Xiangxiang ended up with Yan Xixi. Zhao Meie was finally ended by her two daughters, and the father ended up with her own son.

Now, those who are sisters will pit their own sisters in turn. It is estimated that the latter sister will fight back.

So, let's talk, is this family particularly funny? If you can be killed by your own people, why do you need others to do it?

But it's also good. She and Yan Ze don't want to dirty their hands for them. They can play themselves to death with their dead nature.

She and brother Ze silently watch the play and eat melons. Isn't it fragrant?

The next day, Qin Yiling learned that Yan Xixi went to the Zhao family in the town.

She felt that Yan Xixi's move was abnormal. The two families had clearly collapsed. How could she be willing to go to the Zhao family?

Is it difficult that she really doesn't resent the Zhao family at all?

With her angry nature, it should be impossible to forgive them easily. After all, the Zhao family is the murderer who directly led to the destruction of their family.

Thinking of Yan Xixi's series of counterattacks during this period, Qin Yiling believes that the blackened Yan Xixi should seek revenge from the Zhao family. This behavior makes more sense.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xi Xi after the blackening is more powerful than Yan Xiang Xiang, and the means of action are more awesome than Yan Xiang Xiang.

With this development, Qin Yiling is naturally happy to see its success, so they let their own people bite the dog. It's very good.

Now it is the middle of January, and the new year's day will be in a week. It is also the most important and lively traditional festival of the year.

This is Qin Yiling's first new year in this strange world, and it is also the first new year that he did not stay with his parents and family.

Although there are some regrets, there are still more expectations for this new world.

In previous years, Yan Ze was directly responsible for all the affairs of the new year to Zhang Bo and Zhang's mother-in-law. This year, he carefully bought the new year's goods and prepared the things that should be available for the new year's festival. He must let him have a rich and complete new year.

For several days in a row, Yan Ze brought back a carriage of new year goods. Qin Yiling was surprised.

It's not too much to be rich in the new year, but it's too much, isn't it? There are only a few people in their family. They send the annual goods of several carriages home one after another. I'm afraid they will have no problem in the middle of the year.