Chapter 530

However, as a result, the recognition of the Korean family to the national government has increased a bit.

A series of policies and measures stated in the letter have surprised the Korean family, but this feeling has not reached a strong degree.

But just what Han Xinyou said in his letter is enough to refresh their understanding of government departments.

Therefore, they are also willing to try for the sake of this measure of the national government.

Of course, this decision was also considered by their family for two days, and finally reached an agreement.

The elders of the Han family really love their younger generation. They are middle-aged. How many ambitions and ambitions can they have?

They can not think for themselves, but they should also think for the younger generation at home.

They are still young and have a long way to go in life. We can't let the children be depressed like them. Now that we have a good time, we should open a good way for the children.

Besides, the bait run by the national government is really attractive, and they are willing to take the bait.

The Zeling couple who received the news received the Han family in the living room in the front yard.

The two sides exchanged greetings first, and then divided into two camps of men and women.

Yan Ze greeted the men of the Han family to the conference hall on the other side. Although their national government had expressed its attitude before, and the Han family came, this does not mean that things are 100% OK.

After all, it was all remote communication before, and there was no face-to-face communication.

Therefore, whether the willingness to cooperate can be reached depends on further detailed exchanges and understanding between the two sides.

If the communication goes well, then the next step is to talk about everyone's job arrangement and future planning.

Qin Yiling is responsible for greeting the women of the Han family. Compared with the serious atmosphere of the men, their topic is much easier.

"Madam governor, my family Xinyou is really giving you trouble. We only learned yesterday that Xinyou chose the big house, which made us feel a little embarrassed. We took such a big advantage for nothing before we did anything.

Xinyou has been a child since he was a child. Sometimes he looks like a child. If there is anything unreasonable or offensive, you can criticize him directly. Don't take anything into account. "

Han's mother looked sincere. When she saw the big house yesterday, their family were stunned. Originally, they had done a good job to squeeze in a small house and make a transition for the time being.

I didn't know that the governor's wife was so considerate that she arranged such a large house for their family in advance, which was twice as large as their house in the north, which was completely the specification of high-ranking families in the past.

This can't help but make them a little frightened. They can't help asking themselves whether they can bear this attention?

After all, neither the governor nor his wife has seen them, and their family has made no contribution.

However, it is undeniable that the Han family, which has been silent for so long, felt the recognition and attention, and their hearts have been filled with an exciting fighting spirit.

I haven't had such a mood for a long time.

In order to live up to this value, the Han family must do their best.

Qin Yiling said with a smile, "aunt Han can just call my name. I feel like old friends with Xinyou at first sight. My temperament and preferences are very consistent. I think Xinyou is very good, frank and frank. Chatting with her feels a lot easier and interesting."

"The rules can't be lost. If madam doesn't dislike Xinyou and has a straight temper, let her have more time to chat with you."

Although the governor's wife was friendly and free, she couldn't really know the etiquette. She climbed up the pole and called her name directly.

The atmosphere on the women's side is very harmonious, and the men in the Council hall have reached a preliminary consensus.

The men of the Han family appreciated and admired the young governor very much. They were shocked by his ideas and plans!

They were impressed by their breadth of mind, foresight and calm momentum.

With such an excellent superior, what else can they not rest assured or dare not try?

So, the Han family's old man said, "governor, we Han family are willing to be sent."

Yan Ze smiled faintly, "the old man is simple enough. I welcome you to join on behalf of the national government."

Subsequently, Yan Ze expressed his previous plans and ideas to the Korean family in detail.

The foundation of today's national government is too shallow. We must grasp both inside and outside, and neither side can relax, otherwise it will easily collapse.

Assuming that the previous activities of infrastructure construction and agricultural economic development are regarded as building buildings, as middle and high-level cadres of the national government, it is equivalent to the foundation of this building.

If the foundation is not built firmly, no matter how fast the building is built and how high the floor is, as long as the foundation is loose, the whole building can collapse in an instant.

Yan Ze clearly recognized the disadvantages of the leadership as early as before, but he can't give up and follow his loyal ministers all the way.

The only way is to find ways to make up for their shortcomings.

Therefore, the Han literati are the assistant ministers he seeks for his brothers. On the one hand, they teach their cultural knowledge in private, and on the other hand, they assist in the civilian work of various departments, so as to form a complementary role.

After his understanding of the Han family, he assigned them according to their personal abilities.

Mr. Han is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable wise man in the Han family. He is now in his 60s, but he is still strong in body and in good mental state.

It doesn't make sense to put such a college student instead of using it?

At present, the national government has begun to build schools. Therefore, Chengdu is the provincial capital of the whole southwest province, which is naturally different from other municipal cities.

The development of Chengdu plays a very important pivotal role and is the most important symbol and economic lifeline of the Republic. Therefore, the infrastructure specification of Chengdu will naturally be higher than that of other municipal cities.

Therefore, the school under construction is a comprehensive university, including junior high school department, senior high school department and University District Department. Although it is one, it has made regional division.

To this end, he specially designated an area in the suburbs of Chengdu as the school site. This area covers a total area of more than 30000 mu. Centered on a mountain, all the land around the mountain is surrounded.

Now that he met the right person, Yan Ze naturally won't let go, so he appointed master Han as the principal of the University. Just then, the progress of the school can also be checked by the master.

Mr. Han was very surprised. Although he was ready, he didn't expect that the governor would directly give him such a large comprehensive university and the identity of the highest post.