Chapter 531

"Thank you for your trust. Han will live up to his mission."

Surprise is surprise, but the task should be undertaken.

Next, Han's father was sent to the Ministry of agriculture and Han's uncle was sent to the Ministry of social security to serve as the Secretary General of the Department and assist in the administrative work of the Department.

Han Xinyou's two brothers are inclined to physics. After some assessment, Yan Ze decided to add Han's eldest brother to the list of public study abroad, hoping that he could further study physics abroad.

The second brother of the Han family sent him to the industrial technology department, which can be regarded as giving full play to his talents. I hope he can play his value in the industrial technology department.

As for Han Xinyou's three cousins, according to their characteristics, the lobby brother loves to study knowledge, so he asked him to assist Han Laozi in his work.

The second cousin was talkative and liked writing, so he was sent to the publicity and liaison department, while the third cousin liked making hands-on. Yan Ze arranged him to the research base and asked him to be James's assistant.

If he could, he wished he could empty out James's abilities.

Everyone arranged suitable posts and made up for many vacancies, which made Yan Ze relieved.

The Han family are also very satisfied with Yan Ze's arrangement. After all, the departments they go to are the main departments of the headquarters, and their work is also very important. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the prospect.

It can be seen from this that the governor has indeed attached great importance to their Han family.

Of course, the Han family is by no means a perfidious person. With the trust and attention given to them by the governor, they will certainly redouble their gratitude for the promotion.

After today, their Han family was closely tied with the national government.

When they came, the Han family entered the national government with a worried heart, but when they stepped out of the gate of the national government, they walked firmly, their eyes were bright and divine, and their mouths were filled with a confident smile.


That night, the couple talked to each other about their impressions of the Korean family and shared their feelings.

Not surprisingly, the two gave consistent high praise to the Han family, both men and women of the Han family.

Yan Ze pondered: "what do you think of the two wives of the Han family? Are they competent for the head of a department?"

Qin Yiling was puzzled and asked, "what do you want them to do? No, do we have other departments in the national government?"

When did it happen? Why didn't she know?

Obviously, the first department in her family's zege's words is certainly not the existing Department of the national government.

Because all departments are full up to now, where is the head of any department for the two wives of the Han family?

Yan Zeyang said, "I suddenly have a new idea today, so I'm ready to open a new department."

"Oh? What department?" Qin Yiling was aroused curiosity.

Yan Ze said with a smile, "the Ministry of civil affairs."

He has to say that the Han family is worthy of a scholarly family. The style of this family is very good. The wives married by the Han brothers are very educated women.

The younger generation cultivated by the Han family are excellent. The most important thing is that their character is very correct. Even if they have excellent knowledge, they don't have any impetuous spirit. They are very modest.

The women of the Han family are not inferior to the men. Although they are not as knowledgeable as them, they are far more than many men and women in the current era.

Perhaps because they became a family, the two wives' ideas in many aspects were also influenced by Korean men, and there was no feudal thought like women at present.

Therefore, Yan Ze thinks that since it is desirable, people should make the best of their talents.

Hearing this answer, Qin Yiling was surprised, "how did you think of this department?"

Although she had popularized the major departments of the next generation before, she mainly picked important departments to say, and she didn't explain too much about some departments, just a word.

After all, for today's national government, departments should be established according to the actual situation. As for other departments, they will increase slowly in the future.

Yan Ze explained in a low voice, "I read some books and found that the Ministry of civil affairs is also very important, because it is related to the people's livelihood, so I want to set up this department as soon as possible."

To sum up, the businesses in charge of the Ministry of civil affairs are divided into: political power construction, preferential treatment, relief, land administration, household administration, nationality, administrative division, migrant worker mobilization, marriage registration, community registration, etc.

Therefore, after reading political and legal books, he clearly recognized the significance of the Ministry of civil affairs.

Economy and scientific research are important, but the life of ordinary people is also the top priority, which can not be ignored.

Otherwise, the people will be in a mess.

Qin Yiling nodded, "well, you're right."

She also ignores this point. She just wants to vigorously develop the economy and engage in industrial technology, but the foundation of a country still comes from the people.

Yan Ze suddenly smiled and said, "don't you still pull a marriage certificate when men and women over there get married? I also hope that every couple in our republic can have a nationally recognized husband and wife relationship certificate, which will be more formal and legal.

Secondly, I also want to find someone to sort out a set of marriage law. Although I have given the password before, it is not standardized and solemn enough, so I want to make everyone's positioning in the relationship between men and women more accurate and clear.

In order to save some people from being confused about the situation, they thought that living in the period of three wives and four concubines in ancient times, we must strictly abolish the Customary System of polygamy and multiple concubines and explicitly stipulate monogamy. "

Hearing this, Qin Yiling gave Yan Ze an appreciative look and thumbed up at the same time.

"I like you very much!"

Yan Zeyang said, "after the establishment of the Ministry of civil affairs, we will be the first couple to receive a marriage certificate in the Republic."

"Eh, that's a good idea ~ strongly seconded!"

Qin Yiling's eyes are bright and his eyebrows are curved with a smile. He likes this proposal very much.

"Well, that's settled. I'll arrange it tomorrow."

Yan Ze was also very satisfied with the decision, and then he put his arms around his daughter-in-law and happily went to sleep.


The next day, when the two wives of the Han family were notified by Han Xinyou to the national government, they were very confused.

Because I visited the governor and his wife only yesterday, why did I inform them to come again today?

If there is anything official, you should find some men in their family.

Then the two ladies were taken to the backyard.

The couple have agreed that Qin Yiling will connect with the two wives. Yan Ze has other affairs to do today.

Now the national government is fully launched and all aspects are in progress, so there are a lot of things.