Chapter 29 - Testing The President

"President Chen do you know that you're very handsome." Yin Mian said under the influence of alcohol. "Little kitten, you're drunk now. It's time to go to bed,we can talk about this tomorrow when you're feeling alright." Chen Qiangu said taking her in his arms to the bed. "No,I don't want to sleep now,I feel absolutely fine. I really thought you loved me." Yin Mian said and hiccupped.

"Little kitten you're only saying this cause you're drunk." Chen Qiangu said. In this condition, it was very easy for him to make his move on her but he didn't. He would only do that with her when she was in her right senses and fully approved of it. He had every right over her but still he didn't think it would be right. "Don't change the topic now,it doesn't matter whether I'm drunk or not. You always say you love me and call me your little kitten but you've never proved it to me that you love me. Prove it to me now,I want to know if you really love me." Yin Mian said placing both arms on his neck.

"Do you really want me to prove it?" Chen Qiangu hesitated a bit. "Yes, prove it or are you scared now?" Yin Mian asked with a smile, now that was just challenging and provoking Chen Qiangu. "OK kitten since you want me to prove it so bad,I will." Chen Qiangu said and kissed her. That night, he slept with her. In the process of their dance that was as old as history itself maybe subconsciously, she had called out Lu Xianjian's name shocking Chen Qiangu.

He stopped, he felt offended. How could she be sleeping with him but yet be thinking of Lu Xianjian, it just wasn't proper. He decided he was going to have to sit her down the next morning and get the truth from her, what exactly happened that day? He wanted to know.