Yin Mian woke up with a splitting headache and pains all over her body. Only then did she realise what had happened, she started crying like a baby. "President Chen why did you do this to me? Why did you take advantage of me? I thought we were friends, you've only been acting as a gentleman in pretense one opportunity and you take advantage of me, I can't believe you." She wailed. "This is not a movie you know, stop being such a drama queen." Chen Qiangu retorted, he still felt a bit sleepy.

"Now you're calling me a drama queen. I still can't believe I trusted you so blindly, there's absolutely no difference between you and Lu Xianjian." Yin Mian wailed. "Please stop this drama and just try to remember what you told me last night. You were the one who told me to prove to you that I love you, you were literally begging me to have s.e.x with you." Chen Qiangu said.

She tried to remember but her headache increased, she was only able to remember telling president Chen to prove his love to her. He was right, he didn't force himself on her but instead she was the one who forced him. "What is wrong with me? I'm so stupid why did I even drink in the first place?" She blamed herself. "That reminds me,while we were doing you know what I mean, you mentioned Lu Xianjian's name. I tried to call you yesterday during the storm but your phone was unreachable. And more baffling is the fact that I came back home to meet you drunk. Yin Mian be honest with me, did you see Lu Xianjian yesterday and what happened ?" President Chen inquired.

Yin Mian felt a chill run down her spine. In her attempt to cover the truth, she had actually made Chen Qiangu suspicious and now she had no choice but to tell him the truth.