Chapter 34 - Headstrong Consort

She took the food herself to Prince Yanxun. "Husband, I've brought your food." She told him. He smiled "Bring it here." He said and she brought it before him. She sat down beside him,smiling mischievously and waiting for the drama to unfold.

Prince Yanxun ate only little of the food and soon began to look for water. She gave him water but the more the water, the more the hotness increased. He couldn't bear it anymore and he began to shed tears. "Hot! Hot! My mouth is on fire." He cried.

The maids came and did everything they could but nothing helped. They finally resorted to calling the royal physician and he gave Prince Yanxun something that would ease the pain but by then, his mouth was already swollen. The king punished all the maids that cooked the food. They were all given twenty strokes of the plank. Princess Suying did not stop there. The next day, she put itching powder in Prince Yanxun's clothes and the washer man bared the brunt.

A week later, Prince Yanxun caught Princess Suying ruining the food that the maids had prepared, he then realized that she had been the one behind the recent mishaps that had been going on with him. He told the maids to throw away the food and Princess Suying had no clue that she had been caught.

Prince Yanxun secretly summoned the royal physician for a rare medicine that was capable of making someone paralysed and unable to lift a finger or move a muscle for a couple of hours after consuming the drug. He planned to get revenge on Princess Suying by consummating their marriage, she had been running away from him for the past week but not anymore.

With the medicine in his hand, he smiled. "I can finally have her to myself and do what I please with her using this. Suying you think you're the only one who can play games but sorry your game ends here and mine begins now." Prince Yanxun said to himself and the shoot for that day came to an end.