Chapter 35 - Sweetest Husband

Yin Mian immediately had the driver take her home. She wanted to avoid Lu Xianjian and the shooting was starting to take it's toll on her, she felt a little weak. Chen Qiangu had called and he would arrive home soon. She decided to prepare the dinner herself, the whole shooting had made her very busy and she realized it had been a while since she cooked for President Chen, it would be an opportunity to be romantic with him.

He returned home and she hugged him and pecked him on the lips, he appeared to enjoy it. She took him to the table which was full of delicious dishes, mainly his favourites, there were candles and rose petals, there was even a card on the table which said 'For my beloved, my one and only. I want you to know to know you're special to me and you're irreplaceable in my life.' "Kitten wow! When did you learn about being romantic. Wait a minute is this really for me?" He teased. She hit his arm playfully and said. "Of course it's for you silly, I've made lots of mistakes in the past and this is my way of making up. You know you're not the only expert in romance, I can be romantic too if I want to. " She said and both smiled and had their seats. They had their dinner, talked about their day and their expectations for the next day. When they were done with their food, Chen Qiangu carried Yin Mian in his arms to their bedroom. " You being here with me is the greatest gift I could receive from you." He whispered into her ears and she whispered back. "Then I'll always be with you forever, promise." and the couple enjoyed their night.

The next day,Chen Qiangu decided he wouldn't go to the office. He wanted to spend time with his wife and he planned her a fantastic surprise. He took her to a flower shop and bought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers and he took her to a popular swan lake which shimmered in the sunshine. She was so happy that she almost shed tears, this was the first time someone was doing this for her. At the lake was a beautiful boat prepared and waiting for them,on the boat was a romantically set table with mouthwatering food and a band was present playing such beautiful and soothing music. Everything seemed perfect and finally before they returned home, they watched a lovely movie. Yin Mian was so grateful and swore to never leave president Chen, he was the best husband, in fact the perfect man.