Yin Mian felt so happy, she was so excited that she did not realise when she hugged and kissed President Chen. "Easy there kitten, don't forget there's two of you." President Chen reminded.

"I know but I'm just so excited. Thank you very much love, this is only possible because of you." Yin Mian was grateful.

At the same time, Lu Xianjian was boiling with anger. He couldn't bear the sight of Yin Mian and Chen Qiangu so close and happy together and so he stormed off a sore loser.

Yin Mian rushed home to see Chen Yiren and surprise her with a gift of her favorite chocolates but when they arrived, they were greeted by sad news instead. It first seemed odd that the gate was left open and when Yin Mian rushed into the house and met all the workers tied up, she needed no soothsayer to tell her that something was terribly wrong. She ran to Yiren's room immediately and saw her mother on the floor.

"Mother, mother please up,don't do this to me. Mother!" Yin Mian was already in tears. Her mother woke up and Yin Mian was relieved. "Mother where is Yiren?" She asked her mother quickly. "I'm sorry dear but they took her away. I tried to stop them but I couldn't." Yin Mian's mother said in tears. "Who took her?" Yin Mian asked sharply. "There were there men,the kidnappers." Her mother replied.

Chen Qiangu immediately came to the room. "I know it's that coward, Lu Xianjian. He lost the case and that's why he's resorted to kidnapping my daughter. He'll never change." Yin Mian cried out and suddenly her head hurt very badly and she began to feel dizzy. She staggered and Chen Qiangu caught her.

"Kitten be careful. Do I have to keep reminding you to take care of yourself,you need some rest,you're pregnant. Don't worry, I'll find her." President Chen encouraged. He hugged her and she cried on his shoulder. "President Chen why does this have to happen to us,oh poor Yiren. Only goodness knows what she might be going through right now." Yin Mian lamented.