Chapter 48 - Accusing The Suspect

Yin Mian and Chen Qiangu went to the police station to file a case of kidnapping against Lu Xianjian.

He was arrested and both gave their statements in the police station. "Officer please arrest this man and torture him till he tells you where my daughter is. He's been trying to make me divorce my husband and come to him. He's a maniac, a pervert. He even filed a custody case and when I won the case despite his antics in the court, he went ahead to kidnap my daughter. Please officer tell him to give me back my precious daughter." Yin Mian wailed.

"Madame it's OK, please calm down." The police officer encouraged. "I know you hate me and in due time you'll come to realise that this man you call a husband isn't worthy of you. I know I lost the case and I'm still cross about it but I would never go as far as kidnapping my own daughter. Besides, we were both at the hearing in court so how is it possible that I kidnapped Yiren? Although I really want you to myself, she's also my daughter. I wouldn't do that to her, not in my wildest dreams." Lu Xianjian stated

"Madame he does have a point." The officer said. "He definitely sent thugs to do it then. If he didn't do it himself it doesn't mean he's not guilty,he probably hired people to kidnap my daughter." Yin Mian was livid.

"Why do I have to I have to get the blame for your carelessness, you've always been very carefree. You lost our daughter once when she was a baby and now you've lost her again. Who knows when we'll find her,let me guess,when she's getting married. What kind of a mother are you anyway?" Lu Xianjian attacked.

"How dare you accuse me of being an irresponsible mother, weren't you the one who left I and Yiren when we needed you most." Yin Mian argued. "Enough of this blame game,we're not going to find Yiren like this, I'll make sure that an extensive investigation is carried out by the police and Yiren will be found soon. We need to settle this like reasonable a.d.u.l.ts, this is a police station not a court or a war room." President Chen intervened trying to cool the air between them. "Officer you know what to do. I don't care whatever it takes but Yiren must be found soon." President Chen instructed.