Chapter 49 - Stubborn Little Girl

Chen Yiren kept struggling until the blind fold was removed from her eyes and the rope was also removed from her mouth.

"You jerk who kidnapped me,show yourself. Stop hiding under the umbrella of these men,show yourself you coward. When my daddy finds you, you'll be toast ,he isn't called President Chen for nothing." Chen Yiren kept shouting.

"Shut up little girl, the boss will cut off your tongue if she hears you." One of the kidnappers said. "You just keep quiet and bring your boss out. She's a woman right, she only kidnapped me because she can't face my mom. I'm sure even my grand mum will be able to teach her a lesson." Chen Yiren yelled.

Just then, the mastermind behind the whole kidnapping showed up. It was no other person than..... Andrea. She held Yiren's mouth tight and Yiren struggled. "I see you have a sharp tongue. I like you, you remind me of when I was young but the problem I have is your mother. You see,your mother wants to take away the love of my life from me. She's married to someone else yet,she refuses to let my Lu Xianjian be. She's charmed him so much that all he ever thinks about is her,he promised to marry me but now it feels like I no longer exist and it's all because of your mother. Your mother loves you very much and through you, I'll get what I want, what I deserve. If you don't comply,killing you might not be such a bad idea at all." Andrea said and laughed wickedly.

"Daddy Lu has been bad, I know that and that's the reason him and mum can never be together but I know one thing's for sure, he'll never love you. You'll be exposed and you'll rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life." Yiren screamed and Andrea gave her a very thunderous slap. Yiren's cheeks were so red yet,she refused to cry. "That should teach you to hold your tongue." Andrea said as she bent down close to the child.