President Chen kept on calling Yin Mian's number but her phone was switched off. He was feeling really worried and he couldn't tell why. He wanted to ask her how the shoot had gone and if she was back home but since her phone was unreachable, he decided to go home and check up on her. He got home and saw she wasn't yet home, he tried calling the driver but the driver was also unreachable.

He put on the TV to watch the news so as to relieve some tension and that was when he saw the accident scene. The car had been damaged beyond repair and at a close look, he knew it was Yin Mian's car. As soon as he saw the car plate number and was totally sure, he could feel his blood turn cold. He sat transfixed to the spot when he saw the two bodies that were being taken into the ambulance to be taken to a mortuary.

Just then, little Mengyao walked up to President Chen in his two little feet and asked. "Daddy where's mummy?" That was just the wake up call President Chen needed. He immediately got up,rushed into his car and drove to the hospital. The driver was dead and his body was shown to Chen Qiangu but he wasn't interested in the driver. He only wanted to see the other body, the body of the dead female.

He wanted to be sure that his Yin Mian was still alive and that she wasn't dead,that just had to be someone else. The doctor told him that the face of the lady was badly damaged and disfigured and that even if he was shown,it would be impossible to recognise but Chen Qiangu was not deterred, he still wanted to see it. It was true, when he opened the cloth used to cover the body, the face was disfigured beyond recognition.