Chapter 64 - A Handbag,Dress, Jacket And A Ring

President Chen still refused to believe that the dead body was Yin Mian's. The police brought a handbag, a jacket and a ring that had been found close to the car, in the lagoon. They were the belongings of Yin Mian, no doubt and the ring was the same one that had stopped her from making the biggest mistake of her life three years a go. President Chen himself had given her that ring but yet,he refused to loose hope.

When the dress the victim had been wearing was brought, it was then that Chen Qiangu was sure that his Yin Mian was dead. The clothes were the same. It was the same dress that Yin Mian had worn that morning, she had even seeked for his opinion about it and he had complimented her and even flirted with her as usual. He could never forget that moment. In just one second, he felt his whole world come crashing down. His knees felt weak and he couldn't hold on anymore, he fell down.

"Yin Mian!" He screamed and the doctor and the police tried to calm him down. It took sometime before he got a grip on himself, the body was taken home for burial. As much as President Chen tried to hold back his tears as a man,he couldn't. He loved Yin Mian too much, she was the first and only woman he had ever loved. It would be impossible to forget her.

During the burial, the atmosphere was very sorrowful. Both Chen Qiangu's and Yin Mian's mothers cried. Hua Vao was also present with her husband, she was pregnant. She was not supposed to stress herself but she couldn't hold back the tears because Yin Mian was the only friend who had helped and encouraged her like a sister. While everyone was crying and mourning, neither Chen Yiren nor Chen Mengyao shed a tear. Mengyao was understandable because he was still so little but Yiren's case was different because she kept saying. "You're all lying, that's not my mummy. She can't be dead, she promised never to leave me."