Chapter 84 - President Chen Gets The Last Laugh

"Flower this is a trap and only you can stop him. Make sure I don't get arrested." Lu Xianjian whispered to her.

"But why are you scared? You're innocent right?" Yin Mian was confused. "I'm not scared, it's just that you don't know this man the way I do,he has contacts and he's dangerous. I'm sure he'll bribe the police and even the judge to get me arrested and prosecuted under false charges." Lu Xianjian said to her in a low tune.

"So what do you want me to do,be his obedient little slave? Till when? If we don't stop this now,he'll keep blackmailing us for the rest of our lives." Yin Mian told him, anger written boldly on her face.

"I only need you to put up with him till I get evidence to prove his claims wrong. Please do that for me flower, aren't you my darling wife?" He asked her teasingly. She smiled. "OK." She agreed.

She walked up to President Chen who was standing close to his car. "I'm yours for now but you can't come close to me. I'm only doing this for my husband." She told him plainly, he smiled.

"You've always been mine and you always will be. As for the closeness issue, I'm your husband after all so it's only fair that I can touch you anyhow I like." President Chen said and like a flash, drew her close to himself and kissed her.

She wanted to resist but she felt a spark that held her to this man. When he stopped, she immediately realized herself. "What is wrong with you? Why did you do that?" She was very shy and angry and she stormed off.

She took a taxi and left. Chen Qiangu would have loved to have Lu Xianjian arrested and locked up away but he had promised Yin Mian that he wouldn't and he wanted to gain her trust.

"Although kitten said I shouldn't arrest you, doesn't mean I can't beat you up till you fall into a coma." President Chen said holding the collar of Lu Xianjian's shirt.