Lu Xianjian removed Chen Qiangu's hand from his shirt. "I didn't react while flower was here to have you at a disadvantage but it doesn't mean I'm a weakling." Lu Xianjian challenged.

"You should be grateful to Yin Mian because you're still alive because of her, I'll get you arrested and even if it takes me to use all my wealth, influence and contacts, I'll expose you in front of Yin Mian and everyone else." Chen Qiangu threatened.

"You should be grateful to me because I saved her a year ago ." Lu Xianjian said. "But all this can be averted if you make a deal with me. You saved Yin Mian and that's the only reason I'll let you off this time. I promise you, if you try a repetition of this, I won't just send you to jail,I'll make sure you rot in there." Chen Qiangu threatened.

"What is the offer?" Lu Xianjian asked taking the best escape lane because if he didn't accept President Chen's offer, not only would he wind up in prison, he would loose Yin Mian forever. Thinking about it, if he accepted President Chen's offer and passed this by,knowing that as long as he was alive and out of trouble, he would have his chance with Yin Mian again.

"Although I don't trust you one bit, it seems I have no other option. The doctor has said to create her past memories especially as they happened because it might just Jolt her memory. You're the only one she trusts right now and I can only get close to her with your help so that I can recreate past situations and she can regain her memory." Chen Qiangu told him.

"And what makes you think I'll help you?" Lu Xianjian asked with a smirk on his bruised face. "Well, let me see,you don't really have a choice because you don't want to go to jail and loose your false hope that some day you'll get Yin Mian to yourself." President Chen said as if reading Lu Xianjian's thoughts. President Chen told him the plan and they were ready to execute it.