Chapter 111 - Growing Suspicion

When she entered the room,he was awake. She went straight to the bed and sat beside him,her face creased with both suspicion and worry.

"President Chen,what's going on?" She asked curtly. "What do you mean?" He asked avoiding her eyes.

"What I mean is,you have to tell me how you can be suddenly allergic to your favorite dish." Yin Mian said looking him straight in the eye.

"I don't understand what you mean,you must have made some kind of mistake while preparing it. Moreover why are you interrogating me for your own mistake, are you some kind of police or something." He replied rudely and there and then,she knew something was amiss.

"You know what? Your sudden change of behaviour since the park has had me worried but now this sudden allergy and evasion of my questions have only made me suspicious. If there's a problem please speak up and don't hide it from, me. I believe we can solve it together." Yin Mian tried to reason with him.

"I said there's no problem, why can't you just understand that,I just need some rest and your annoying questions isn't helping." President Chen rebuffed.

"OK ,I'll leave as you wish." She said and got up. But on her way out,she turned to him and said. "This behavior of yours is new and if I didn't know better, I'd think you aren't my President Chen but just an imposter." She said and left.

When she had left, he got up from the bed and went to the mirror, heaved a sigh and cleaned the sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"It's a good thing, she didn't push this forward,or else I don't know what would have happened. I need to be more careful but out of all the spices in the world why did she have to use cinnamon? I'm allergic to cinnamon. I should have asked but the food looked so tasty that I completely forgot to ask. I can't ever let this happen again." He said and went back to the bed.

Yin Mian who had been standing beside the door and listening quietly gasped. She had heard everything and her suspicion grew,it was either that man wasn't her husband or there was something terribly wrong going on and she was oblivious to it.

She now more than determined to find out the truth, her family and life were dependent on finding out the truth.